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Just The Four of Us
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Just The Four of Us

Four crashlanded survivors, and a doggo - almost classic crashlanded RimWorld experience.

The four of you wake up, cold and disorientated, in your crypto-sleep sarcophagi, now out of action, to the sound of blaring sirens and shrieking metal. You join the escape pods, just in time before the ship shatters into a thousand pieces. Some time later, a few minutes that seem like hours, you land on this unknown world of the Galactic rim.


A bit easier than classic Crashlanded, due to the presence of a fourth member.

Your faction will be a New Arrivals.
Start with 4 people, chosen from 10.
Arrive in drop pods.
Player starting characters have a 50% chance to start with cryptosleep sickness.

Start with:
-Silver x800
-Packaged survival meal x50
-Medicine x30
-Component x30
-Bolt-action rifle
-Plasteel knife
-Flak pants
-Flak vest
-Plasteel flak helmet
-Labrador retriever x1
-Steel x450
-Wood x300

Map is scattered with:
-Ship chunk x3
-Steel x720
-Packaged survival meal x10