Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

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LF - Immortality
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6 Jan, 2022 @ 2:14pm
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LF - Immortality

A small mod adding a decision that allows your character to kickstart the Matters of Life and Death event chain in exchange for 5000 gold, 5000 piety, or 5000 prestige. No bonuses or help is given during your event chain journey. It is much more balanced than other mods that outright give you immortality.

This mod requires The Reaper's Due.

Kekvit Irae  [author] 19 Jan, 2022 @ 3:13pm 
It will work for any game that does not overwrite/remove the Matters of Life and Death event. This was made specifically with vanilla in mind.
Wotan von Edelsburg 19 Jan, 2022 @ 2:11pm 
OK. I have another question: does this also work for the vanilla game? If not, can you make one for the vanilla game?
Kekvit Irae  [author] 15 Jan, 2022 @ 2:08pm 
No, only the player. Otherwise you'd see a bunch of famous/wealth rulers dying for no good reason.
Wotan von Edelsburg 15 Jan, 2022 @ 11:38am 
Will the AI use that too?