Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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Snake's Mod Pack
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300.673 MB
14 Jan, 2022 @ 1:18pm
16 Dec, 2024 @ 2:40pm
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Snake's Mod Pack

This is a modpack that I'm developing for the build 41, for the moment it contains the next updated and in constant development mods:

  • Alice Backpack: A new military backpack that can be upgraded with the proper objects, a new military canteen and a new military knife.
  • Ammo Maker Reloaded: A new skill: Artillery, build the recharge bank and progress on this skill to craft bullets of all calibers, dismantle and assemble firearms. Get the magazines, obtain the materials, improve your skill and prepare your arsenal in a realistic way and following the hardcore essence of vanilla.
  • Barco Abandonado: Find the abandoned ship and get all its treasures. But it won't be easy, big amounts of loot are always defended by big amounts of zombies. Will you be able to obtain it?.
  • Bates metálicos revived: The Baseball bats are cool, but, they can be cooler. This mod adds metallic bats with greater durability, in addition, you can upgrade them adding specific accessories to improve their damage.
  • Custom Map Bridge: Support mod with over 1000 tiles for other mods of the pack.
  • Factory: Are you planning to build your base but you are missing materials? This is the perfect place, on the outskirts of Muldraugh you can find the factory, secure the area and keep its items.
  • Fuel Tanks mod: Build your own fuel tank in your base and use it to fill gasoline cans or refuel your vehicle.
  • Le Gourmet Revolution: Expand the base game mechanics: Farming, Fishing, Foraging, Trapping, Cooking and Building with lot of new objects and craftings. Also adds a new skill: Hunting, hunt small and large preys, use their meat as food and their leathers as decorations. Will you obtain all the throphies?.
  • Loot Zeta Enhanced Edition: Now looting the zombie's corpse has sense. At dying the zombies can have a wide variety of items (A lot of them, finite objects). The loot is themed, so each zombie can have specific loot, but don't expect to get a lot with a little effort.
  • Military Complex: A military complex with a lot of rewards, but also very dangerous. Enter it only when you are ready, otherwise prepare for the worst. Can you find the secrets in each building?.
  • Refill Propane tanks: Your propane tanks will no longer disappear when empty, now you will be able to recharge them and continue using them. (The custom maps are required to find places to recharge them).
  • Riverside Gunstore: An armery at the south of Riverside, go and get weapons and ammunition. But be careful with the zombies that surround the place.
  • Skills mag: Find magazines of the different skills that will help you to level up each one. Use them properly to take advantage of them.
  • Snake Utils Pack: Support mod for other mods of the pack.
  • Snake Clothing Mod: This mod adds variated apparel that is used throughout the other mods.
  • Snake Mansion: A mansion on the outskirts of Muldraugh, a perfect place to loot but also a perfect luxurious base.
  • Table Saw: Improve your production building the table saw, this table requires electric power to work but your production will be twice. Obtain the required items, level up your skills and learn how to build it reading its recipe.
  • Taller mecánico: New locations in some of the main cities where you will obtain vehicle pieces and specific machines to use. It will also allow you to repair each vehicle piece being able to have a vehicle at 100%, dismantle the unused pieces and obtain useful materials and experience points.
  • WPA: Adds a lot of new weapon accessories; scopes, silencers and others. Personalize your firearms by adding the accesories you like and prepare to shoot.
  • Pack overview: You will also find a variety of new traits to choose and improved professions. New annotated maps with unique loot and... easter eggs.

Important note:
Every update new 3D models will be added as time permits.

Special thanks to:

And thanks to all those people that support my work contributing their grain of sand with donations. You can Support me by donating here !
Donations can also be made through CVU in Mercado Pago. In this case, contact me privately.
For more information visit my blog[]

Q: Does this Mod works with the latest update 41.78?
A: Yes, it is fully compatible with the latest update, both singleplayer and multiplayer.

Q: Does this Mod works with previous updates?
A: No, it is only compatible with the latest version.

Q: Does this works in existing games?
A: Partially. The modpack includes maps which are not going to load in the world. All the other mods should be safe to add but it is always recommended a new save.

Q: It is required to enable all the mods?
A: Some mods requires others to have all their features enabled, so the recommendation is to have all of them enabled.

Q: Incompatibilities?
A: This mod pack add/modify too many things that may cause many mods to be incompatible. Also as this mod pack was thought to be an extension to vanilla it is recommended to only play with selected mods.
However the next modlist was tested with these mods and is compatible:

Workshop ID: 2719327441

Workshop ID: 2719327441
Mod ID: AliceSPack
Mod ID: AmmoMaker
Mod ID: Barco Abandonado
Mod ID: BatesMetalicosRevived
Mod ID: BeerCapsRewardMachine
Mod ID: CustomMapBridge
Mod ID: Factory
Mod ID: FuelTanksMod
Mod ID: LeGourmetRevolution
Mod ID: LootZetaEnhancedEdition
Mod ID: MilitaryComplex
Mod ID: NumarkComplex
Mod ID: RPropaneTank
Mod ID: Riverside Gunstore
Mod ID: SkillsMag
Mod ID: SnakeUtilsPack
Mod ID: SnakeClothingMod
Mod ID: SnakeMansion
Mod ID: TableSaw
Mod ID: TallerMecanico
Mod ID: ZombiesAtWorkEvo41
Map Folder: BarcoAbandonado
Map Folder: Factory
Map Folder: MilitaryComplex
Map Folder: NumarkComplex
Map Folder: Riverside Gunstore
Map Folder: Mansion
Map Folder: mechanicsplaces
Map Folder: tluisville
Map Folder: tmarch
Map Folder: tvalley
Popular Discussions View All (205)
15 Mar @ 10:37am
PINNED: Bug reporting
20 Mar @ 1:21pm
Can't figure out how to do something, or where something spawns? Ask here!
13 Oct, 2024 @ 12:20am
PINNED: About mod compatibilities
TheWhiteDeath404 11 hours ago 
buenaas no se si es solo a mi q no me sirve el modpack en multi no se activan o no se q pasa
RyumaShogun 20 Mar @ 1:20pm 
el mod es god, pero tengo problemas con los manuales de gourmet y ammo maker me sale error en la parte inferior derecha.
RAXCAL 19 Mar @ 8:39am 
Que buen mod
Blazee 18 Mar @ 9:40pm 
Un crack
Snake  [author] 18 Mar @ 4:47am 
Gente estoy porteando todo para la Build 42, pasen por mi perfil, pueden ver el avance en Twitch!
Galofrito_ 17 Mar @ 9:37pm 
buelent0075 16 Mar @ 5:55pm 
"Does the Sneak mod include an animation when using the binoculars to look around, or is it just a zoom effect?"
BushidoWAY 15 Mar @ 5:13pm 
snake me puedes dar una pista de donde puede estar la llave de la armería de riverside, por favor, y muchas gracias por este gran mod
oddmistery350 15 Mar @ 2:50pm 
yo creo que snake tiene su merecido descanso hasta que terminen de forma estable la B42, no creo que sea facil trabajar con algo que ni siquiera los devs arreglaron o estan intentando arreglar
BrayDSA 15 Mar @ 1:50pm 
aun no esta para la build 42?