Goat Simulator

Goat Simulator

974 ratings
Ninja Goat
File Size
53.495 KB
22 Jun, 2014 @ 5:17am
7 Jun, 2016 @ 2:15am
13 Change Notes ( view )

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Ninja Goat

In 1 collection by Geneosis
Geneosis' Goats
73 items
Because you're a Ninja!

And as every ninja worthy of being one you have advanced movement skills, incredibly fast reflexes and you recover a lot better. You also know the ancestral shadow clone jutsu!

Any question or problem to use this mod? Click here to read the FAQ.

- NINJA GOAT: You are a Ninja.

- [RagdollKey]: Unragdoll in air.
- [DirectionKey]: Double press to Dash in this direction.
- [X]: Toggle on/off ninja reflexes.
- [E]: Hold while dashing to create a Shadow Clone.
- [RightClick] + [X]: Swap position with a Shadow Clone.

- [B]: Unragdoll in air.
- [LeftStickDirection]: Double press to Dash in this direction.
- [LB]: Toggle on/off ninja reflexes.
- [X]: Hold while dashing to create a Shadow Clone.
- [LT] + [LB]: Swap position with a Shadow Clone.

- You can hit surfaces with a very high speed without ragdolling.
- You can do infinite wallrun horizontally.
- After a vertical wallrun you will not fall, you will keep your position on the wall as long as you run.
- When ninja reflexes are active, you are 4 times faster.
- You can produce up to 3 Shadow Clones at once.
- Shadow Clones only reproduce the main shape of your goat, not the accessories.
- Shadow Clones will dissapear if forced to ragdoll.
- You swap position in the order of creation of the Shadow Clones (last created first).

- Dash into objects and people to knock them hard.
- Using ninja reflexes in slowmotion gives you normal speed when everything else is slow.
- When you wallrun vertically, you can walljump and dash forward to go higher.
- In slowmotion, you can use dash in chain to travel really far away without losing height.
- This mutator combines really well with Uncle Goat and/or Angel Goat.
- Ragdolling during a dash can produce insane results (even more insane with ninja reflexes).
- There is a secret key to remove the Shadow Clone limit.

- You can't stick to a wall when falling.
- Ninja reflexes are not effective if you go ragdoll.
- Shadow Clones can sometimes fall through the ground.
- Shadow Clones can sometimes be stuck in the air.

Originally posted by Update 1 (23/06/2014):
- Fixed bad double keypress detection on 32bit versions.
Originally posted by Update 2 (23/07/2014):
- Added gamepad support.
- Added multiplayer support.
- Changed Ninja Reflexes key to [X] to fix potential keyboard issues.
Originally posted by Update 3 (21/11/2014):
- Fixed 1.2 compatibility problems.
Originally posted by Update 4 (09/01/2015):
- Fixed broken gamepad commands.
Originally posted by Update 5 (10/05/2015):
- Fixed compatibility with GoatZ.
Originally posted by Update 6 (13/06/2015):
- Fixed compatibility with v1.3.3.
Originally posted by Update 7 (06/09/2015):
- Added Shadow Clones.
Originally posted by Update 8 (14/11/2015):
- Fixed compatibility with GoatBread.
Originally posted by Update 9 (01/02/2016):
- Fixed compatibility with Payday.
- Fixed rotation speed when using ninja reflexes.
Originally posted by Update 10 (07/06/2016):
- Fixed compatibility with Waste of Space.
Originally posted by About this mod:
As some people may notice, what I tried to reproduce here are the ninja abilities given by the ninja equipments in Terraria ^^
Nothing too hard to code this time: the dash simply makes you really fast for a split second. The air-unragdoll is a custom StandUp() function without some checks that forced the player to be on the floor to unragdoll. The infinite wallrun is made by making your vertical movement only positive or null when you wallrun.
The only thing that I was not able to implement is the ability to stick to walls, for some reasons you can't start to wallrun when falling and that makes things a bit complicated...
freddi 22 Sep, 2024 @ 1:48am 
Geneosis  [author] 31 Mar, 2024 @ 3:42am 
@SHADOW_AdrenalinaRP: Please see my previous message :)
Shadowek__ 31 Mar, 2024 @ 3:17am 
Geneosis  [author] 22 Sep, 2023 @ 3:56am 
@Fmon25: All my mods should be up to date, if you see the outdated mod message anyway please try the solutions listed in the FAQ to fix it ;)
Fmon25 21 Sep, 2023 @ 9:47am 
I think the mod is out-dated. Any chance it'll be updated?
Geneosis  [author] 16 Jan, 2023 @ 1:38pm 
@wifi337: Did you hold down the correct key the whole time when you were doing the dash? Also did you rebind some of your keyboard keys, then you want to hold the key you usually use to lick things.
wifi337 16 Jan, 2023 @ 12:21pm 
i can't clone
Geneosis  [author] 25 Sep, 2022 @ 12:23am 
@aydenmoody81: You double press (double tap) the key of the direction you want to dash into (eg: double press D to dash to the right)
Monkey0781 24 Sep, 2022 @ 6:29pm 
Geneosis  [author] 26 Nov, 2021 @ 11:19am 
@FNAFman201: Did you try to make clones in slowmo?