

728 ratings
[HRK] Vanilla Expanded Extra Embrasures
Mod, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
7.188 MB
24 Feb, 2022 @ 6:13am
20 Apr, 2024 @ 4:41am
14 Change Notes ( view )

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[HRK] Vanilla Expanded Extra Embrasures

In 1 collection by Harkon
15 items




As a CE player that likes Vanilla Expanded mods, I was missing embrasure variants of some of the defensive walls from Vanilla Expanded.

With some small effort I put together the Combat Extended embrasures and some of the walls from Vanilla Expanded and RimEffect so I can have it in my current playthrough and decided to share it with the community.

Embrasures share a lot of structural similarities with their wall counterpart from vanilla / VE / Rimeffect they cost the same amount of materials to make, they have around 20% less HP and cost around 25% more work to make.

The main difference, for those of you who don't know, is that the wall offers full cover and protects closed rooms from light and temperature while the embrasure is more similar to an impassable sandbag.

Embrasures will be enabled depending on your modlist, the basic embrasures will be added if you are playing vanilla since CE has embrasures by default. The next 3 are added depending on the VE mods you have.

Includes support for Alpha Memes scavenger, steampunk and kemetic styles.

Q: Can the mod be added to existing saves?
A: Yes.

Q: Can the mod be removed from existing saves?
A: Is never a good practice to remove mods from ongoing saves. That said, this mod is quite simple and you should be able to fully remove it if you do it properly.

Q: Where can I contact you for commissions, suggestions, etc?
A: If you want to commission some rimworld art or a mod I'm taking commissions, join my discord[discord.gg] for more info on how this works and send me a DM if you are interested to Harkon#9372. Do not add me on steam I won't accept friend requests from people I don't know.

Art and xml done by me, Harkon.

I do not claim any ownership of the sound files included in this mod.

Rimworld is owned by Tynan Sylvester.
CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 [creativecommons.org]

You may create patches or translation for this mod, as long as you do not re-upload artwork or code.

Do NOT upload this mod on other websites.


Archangel1313 15 hours ago 
Any plans for Castle wall embrasure from medieval 2?
Skakk 7 Mar @ 5:58pm 
You do not need CE for this mod, it is stated this mod is compatible with CE.

/s If this mod was 'Always compatible with CE, which came 1st??'
"Does this mean that CE requires this mod to function properly?"

;p /s
Vistritium 14 Jan @ 1:14pm 
Are the embrasures supposed to split rooms? Because right now it seems like it breaks rooms.
InvaderJoshua 2 Jan @ 12:33pm 
BTW I'm not trying to be annoying, I understand it dose not list CE as a requirement. But CE is mentioned like 10 times on the page and I just wanna be sure it adds all the walls and is fully functional without it. Sorry for the extra post there is no edit button for my last one.
InvaderJoshua 31 Dec, 2024 @ 4:01pm 
I'm confused do you need CE for this or can it be used without it?
Haraise no Tenshi 7 Oct, 2024 @ 2:14pm 
Would be really awesome if the textures from ReBuild could be supported (yeah I know it works fine with it it just looks bad ^^)
dabeek 24 Jul, 2024 @ 5:24am 
Please integrate this with Vanilla Factions Expanded - Tribals (Embrasures should have the research requirement of Construction, as do walls)
turkler 7 Jul, 2024 @ 11:16pm 
thank you for the update
Astro 7 Jul, 2024 @ 1:33pm 
No armored stone block embrasures?
Wilhelm 10 Jun, 2024 @ 11:01am 
@TheLtRogers where does it state it is or is not yayo combat compatible?