Library Of Ruina

Library Of Ruina

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Belle, Grade 3 Shi Fixer
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18 Mar, 2022 @ 7:37am
16 Apr, 2022 @ 6:14pm
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Belle, Grade 3 Shi Fixer

A survivor from the Shi Association's South Section 3 enters the Library. A traitor, a survivor, a member of the Church of Gears' Flock, she has come to retrieve the books of Tenma and Valentin for Eileen. In exchange, she will gain membership into the Reverberation Ensemble. Or so she hopes.

An Urban Nightmare reception of 1 Librarian vs Belle, summoned with the books of Valentin and Tenma.

Includes 1 Objet D'Art Key Page and 9 Combat Pages, all of which are obtainable. Combat Pages focus on Smoke and HP percentage, allowing for use with both the Shi and Smiling Faces/Church of Gears/Leaflet Workshop key and combat pages.

Mostly just a proof of concept and making a reception for an OC of mine. Feedback is appreciated.

Inspired by Wrew’s workshop mods, which I highly recommend checking out. Also suggest trying this mod alongside SoloCross' Slightly Less Tired Yujin Shi Association rework.

Sprite by AutumnLeaf, with thanks to Invidia for assembly and slight editing/addition.
Also special thanks to Heetagan, Electric Violin/dolores meat restaurant eater, SmuglandBoy, and the Project Moon Community Hub's modding group as a whole for help with balance and ideas.

Special thanks to ccyb for drawing the artwork for Taste of Blood's new combat page art. Thanks to Yarrrr as well for helping with Trailing Slash's artwork for its combat page art.
Sleekie 12 Oct, 2022 @ 5:59am 
I have to disagree with Kim here. Yujin herself proves there's no such thing as a 'typical grade X fixer' because she's way stronger baseline than the SotC grade 1's, and the schticks of the Shi reception aren't the schticks of the Shi themselves, it's largely the circumstances they're in. Plus Belle doesn't even work there anymore.

Fun reception, anyway.
Kim Harley 16 Apr, 2022 @ 12:16am 
Glad to help <3
GhostlyReader  [author] 12 Apr, 2022 @ 7:29am 
I'll take your ideas into consideration and should any of them be added to future changes, will credit you within the description of the mod.
Kim Harley 12 Apr, 2022 @ 12:21am 

Another thing that i want to point out, is the passive that gives Bell +1 Power for free. Shi Association is all about Kiss-Curse mechanics, Yujin herself has +1 Power to all her dice, but in exchange, she starts the battle with 1 unusable speed die. You could change said passive to something like:
"If this character has 4 or less smoke, all ofensive dice lose 1 power. At 4-5 Smoke, all ofensive dice have normal power. At 6 or higher, all ofensive dice gain 1 power", so, this way, you would need to maintain the smoke-income high to make the deck work properly, and, again, you would be following the logic of the two original playstyles. I see potential here <3
Kim Harley 12 Apr, 2022 @ 12:21am 
Ok, here we go.
Part 1/2

Ok, it was fun! My opinions are the following:
Yujin is a Grade-1 Fixer, and as such, she has a max.HP of 300 more or less (Even when she starts the batle with only 25% of that), so, if Bell is really a Grade-3 fixer, i feel that she should have way less max-HP (Even if she doesnt use it), just to kind of respect the power levels in the canon of the story.

Also, using your max-HP handicap to trigger certain Smoke effects is fun, but i feel that with a little more coding, said effects could be even funnier to play, for example, adding a passive that said something like:
"For each 20% missing health, gain 1 smoke at the start of the scene.", This way, Bell would deal more and more damage through Smoke the less HP she had, which, follows the line of logic of both The Shi and The Church.
Kim Harley 11 Apr, 2022 @ 2:37pm 
Gonna install and play this one today, i will give you feedback later <3