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Tabletop Simulator

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Erik's D&D Tools - Agent
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14 Apr, 2022 @ 1:09pm
2 Aug, 2022 @ 10:59am
4 Change Notes ( view )

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Erik's D&D Tools - Agent

What's This?
A panel that converts objects into agents, which can do things like fly, auto-scale, have conditions, and be highlighted.

How Do I Use It?
  • Copy or spawn the Agent object from this mod into your game
  • Into your game, copy or spawn any number of objects you want to use as miniatures
  • To each one's GM Notes, add (Agent PC) (as shown in the picture)
  • Click Create Agents
  • Right-click a mini to see agent-specific context menu options (at the top)
  • Some of these lead to context sub-menus (bring up the context menu again to see them)
  • You can click on the health bar and other floating UI elements above the agent

  • Latest version is 1.3
  • All the buttons besides Create Agents are for global toggling various features
  • (Agent PC) is one of several agent presets; there are four supported in total
    • (Agent PC) is for player characters, starts with two bars (red and blue)
    • (Agent NPC) is for non-player characters, starts with one bar (just red)
    • (Agent Marker) is for AoE markers, such as those in the Markers mod (linked below)
    • (Agent Simple) is for simple objects, such as doors or levers, that need only basic features (e.g., highlighting)
  • The full(ish) list of agent features is as follows:
    • Main > Auto-Scale: the agent automatically resizes when the grid is changed
    • Main > Flying: the agent won't fall on release (easiest with larger lift height)
    • Main > Measurement: measures distance (in feet) when dragging the agent
    • Main > Stabilize: the agent won't tip over (good for uneven terrain)
    • Main > Attachment Host: some other agents (e.g., AoE markers) can attach to this
    • Main > Attachment: this agent can attach to some others (e.g., characters)
    • Highlights: sets the higlight (i.e., glowing border) for the agent (or clears it)
    • Conditions: lets users apply status effects, as represented by colored icons
    • Panel: let users modify how the panel of UI elements (above the agent) appears
    • Panel > GM-Only Bars: sets whether only the Black player can see this agen't bars
    • Panel > Add / Remove Bar: adds or removes a bar (e.g., for health, mana, etc.)
    • Clear Agent: removes all agent scripting from an object (requires confirmation)
  • Click on a bar (e.g., the health bar) for more options that relate to the bar
  • While multiple agents are selected, you may apply highlights / conditions to all of them
  • Agent scripts are computationally expensive, so limit the number of agents active at once
  • Note that the Version module (linked below) won't update agents (just the control panel)
  • You may need to manually fix the panel position for minis with odd or missing colliders
  • The Health mod (linked below) modifies an agent's first bar (same as clicking the bar)
  • The objects in the Markers mod (linked below) are agents (so they can, e.g., attach)
  • If you don’t know what a button does, right-click it for help
  • Feel free to leave questions in the comments!


…for checking out the mod. If you like it, give a thumbs-up!

Other Mods
Lets minis (and other battle objects) do things like fly, auto-scale, and highlight
Stores NPC attacks as presets, rolling and applying modifiers with one click
Manages playlists that all players can hear
Manages a tablet, sizing and placing it to be a tablet, table surface, poster, etc.
A decorated play space in which you can host a game (not scripted)
A streamlined dice-roller that automatically cleans up its dice
Controls weather effects (rain, snow, fog) across the table
Saves and loads marked objects in an encounter (similar to OneWorld)
A collection of encounters for use with the Encounter mod
A collection of enemy minis and initiative standees
Controls the environment (lighting, skybox) via one-click presets
Deletes objects dropped into it (good for non-promoted players)
Modifies an agent’s health (optional, requires the Agent mod)
Runs 5E-style initiative in a player-facing way
Implements house rules for inspiration and rest
A collection of AoE markers (works with the Agent module to auto-scale)
Stores text one a piece of paper (lockable, titled, supports multiple pages)
Moves / resizes all marked objects, good for modifying a scene to fit your table
Controls a GM screen via one-click presets
Controls global settings (table size, grid on table, hidden object visibility, etc.)
A table on which to play, including dice, dice trays, and portraits (not scripted)
Controls the image on the table via one-click presets
Updates all other mods listed here when they get scripting updates
skin_don_quixote.png 18 Jul, 2023 @ 12:36am 
Hello! Thanks for this amazing tool :0 Will definetly use it in future
I have some question regards this tool:
Is this possible to add custom coditions icons?
Taco 15 Aug, 2022 @ 11:43am 
Thanks for this great tool, the DND Mini Injector is fantastic but this is much more streamlined with only the core features I needed. I was wondering if you could actually add the movement style from ColonCleaner's tool though, maybe as an alternate option (or even better if it could be used just by holding a modifier key like Shift or Ctrl), I much prefer the way you have it set up here but it presents somewhat of an issue when characters need to move around other creatures or obstacles, in which case the number displayed is still calculating the shortest possible path as if they were unobstructed. Its really not that big of a deal, but if you think adding that would be doable I'd super appreciate it!
KimJongTrill 11 Aug, 2022 @ 3:18pm 
I don't know if it is just an issue with something on my table, but figured I would bring it up here. The new update has lost the ability to toggle off and on highlights, I haven't noticed it with any of the other settings so far so it seems it is just that.
ColColonCleaner 2 Aug, 2022 @ 2:25pm 
Note to anyone using ignore fog of war on minis. Make sure you never save your game with the fog still active otherwise you risk corrupting your minis. Here's a video I made showing how that happens:
Mr. Ugly  [author] 2 Aug, 2022 @ 11:03am 
Good catch, ColColonCleaner. I've now made it so that the movement token inherits its "ignore fog of war" setting from the agent that spawned the movement token. So just make sure your player minis have it set (right click > Toggles > Ignore Fog Of War) but your hidden monsters do not.
Luna Fate 2 Aug, 2022 @ 5:49am 
Thanks so much! <3
ColColonCleaner 2 Aug, 2022 @ 5:34am 
Make sure you only make the movement Tokens ignore fog if they are player characters. Otherwise players will see movement of monsters inside fog.
Mr. Ugly  [author] 1 Aug, 2022 @ 10:14pm 
Hey there, Luna Fate! That's an easy enough change, so sure! No problem. The movement token should now ignore fog of war. Unfortunately, you'll probably have to re-make agents (after updating your Agent control panel) to get them to obey this. I never did get around to making them auto-update (which is a much harder problem). I hope this helps!
Luna Fate 30 Jul, 2022 @ 1:06pm 
Hi Mr Ugly! We used this mod in our recent D&D session along with the Health mod, it was awesome. I do wonder if you could possibly make the movement counters ignore fog of war though, as they didn't always work when the PCs were moving their characters through the dungeon.
ColColonCleaner 5 May, 2022 @ 9:24pm 
Wooo glad this got added here. Are you planning to add automatic updates for minis when the controller loads?