Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

507 ratings
Storm Pttern Map Collection 暴雨模式地图合集
Is Summary,
Change all official maps to Storm mode.
Welcome to download and try.
"Hard rain" and "The passing" map already has Storm Rain.

Items (12)
Crash Course Storm Mode
Created by HerobrineAce
--- Periodic rainstorms will come on the way of Crash Course c9m1_alleys_storm c9m2_lots_storm ...
Dark Carnival Storm Mode
Created by HerobrineAce
--- Change the map of Dark Carnival to Rainstorm weather, and Rainstorms will occur periodically --- If you need to create a map using the console: c2m1_highway_storm c2m2_fairgrounds_storm c2m3_coaster_storm c2m4_barns_storm c2m5_concert_storm ...
Dead Center Storm Mode
Created by HerobrineAce
--- Modify the four chapters of the Dead Center to the Hardrain Ccene, and the mall began to flood... --- Support campaign, versus, survival, scavenger, mutation mode --- If you need to create a map from the console: c1m1_hotel_storm c1m2_streets_storm c1m...
No Mercy Storm Mode
Created by HerobrineAce
If you need a console to create a map: c8m1_apartment_storm c8m2_subway_storm c8m3_sewers_storm c8m4_interior_storm c8m5_rooftop_storm ...
Sacrifice Storm Mode
Created by HerobrineAce
--- The three maps of "Sacrifice" have seen periodic rainstorms --- If you want to create a map using the console: c7m1_docks_storm c7m2_barge_storm c7m3_port_storm Bill,I wish you a good journey!...
SwampFever Storm Mode
Created by HerobrineAce
--- Periodic rainstorms will come in the swamp --- If you need to build a drawing of the console c3m1_plankcountry_storm c3m2_swamp_storm c3m3_shantytown_storm c3m4_plantation_storm ...
Created by HerobrineAce
--- It took about two days to adjust the map. --- After entering the map, the rainstorm will appear periodically, just like the HARD RAIN chapter. --- Support modes: campaign, realistic, versus, survival and mutation mode. --- If you want to create a map f...
The Parish Storm Mode
Created by HerobrineAce
--- It took three days to complete the modification, the rainstorm will appear periodically, and some lights were added on the roadside for lighting. --- If necessary, create a map from the console: c5m1_waterfront_storm c5m2_park_storm c5m3_cemetery_storm...
Death Toll Storm Mode
Created by HerobrineAce
Map Code c10m1_caves_storm c10m2_drainage_storm c10m3_ranchhouse_storm c10m4_mainstreet_storm c10m5_houseboat_storm ...
Dead Air Storm Mode
Created by HerobrineAce
- If you need a console to create a map: c11m1_greenhouse_storm c11m2_offices_storm c11m3_garage_storm c11m4_terminal_storm c11m5_runway_storm ...
Blood Harvest Storm Mode
Created by HerobrineAce
If need console create the map c12m1_hilltop_storm c12m2_traintunnel_storm c12m3_bridge_storm c12m4_barn_storm c12m5_cornfield_storm ...
Cold Stream Storm Mode
Created by HerobrineAce
If need console to create map: c13m1_alpinecreek_storm c13m2_southpinestream_storm c13m3_memorialbridge_storm c13m4_cutthroatcreek_storm This series is over...