Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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Puffin's CSGO10 Collection!
A mini collection of CSGO10 Stickers by Puffin, Medic and Rigman.
Items (6)
Marked Incompatible ]  CSGO10 | Highroller
Created by Puffin (•⌔• )
Ever get on a good streak and rack up those bounties? Share the wealth with your teammates or embrace full greed with this fine sticker. Check out the rest of the collection below and thank you for your support! Gloss: Holo:...
Marked Incompatible ]  CSGO10 | Juan Deag
Created by Puffin (•⌔• )
The Juan Deag sticker reissue! A man that never misses, he's a confident dude with an itchy trigger finger. Roll the dice, you might get lucky this time. Thanks for checking this out and see the rest of the collection below! Gloss:
Marked Incompatible ]  CSGO10 | Knife Round
Created by Puffin (•⌔• )
Every once in a while, you gotta bust out the knives and go at it. A sticker dedicated to the knife round heads out there! You know who you are. ;) Thank you for checking this out and check out the rest of the collection below! Cheers everyone and happy CS...
Marked Incompatible ]  CSGO10 | Neon Rider
Created by Puffin (•⌔• )
A sticker for Neon Rider fans, who first showed up in CSGO in 2015! The Neon Rider lives on in sticker form. Thank you guys for the support and check out the rest of the collection below! Cheers. Gloss: Holo: https://i.imgur...
Marked Incompatible ]  CSGO10 | No Chicken Zone (NCZ)
Created by Puffin (•⌔• )
This sticker is dedicated to all players committed to keeping maps free of those pesky chickens. Represent your anti chicken pride with this fine sticker! Bawk! This is available in gloss and holo variants. Check out the rest of the collection below! Thank...
Marked Incompatible ]  CSGO10 | Riot Shield Memorial
Created by Puffin (•⌔• )
A little sticker tribute to the ever elusive Riot Shield making it into competitive. ;) This is available in gloss and holo variants. Check out the rest of the collection below! Thanks for your support! Gloss Holo https://i....