Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Items (43)
Chuck's Weaponry 2.0
Created by sрy
Check out 'Intravenous', a stealth/action game that I'm working on! Click here to open the base documentation. Features: - Dynamic recoil and accuracy - Custom viewmodel movement - Surface ricochet and penetration - Firemodes - Weapon holstering on weapon ...
Extra Chuck's Weaponry 2.0
Created by sрy
Wishlist my new game and buy it when it comes out if you're into stealth/action games. REQUIRES CUSTOMIZABLE WEAPONRY 2.0. Currently it includes: - FN SCAR-H - M14 EBR - H&K UMP .45 - M3 Super 90 - M4 Super 90 - Saiga-12K - H&K G36C - M1911 - Walther P99 -...
INS2 SWEPs Contents 1 of 5
Created by Othereum
Insurgency weapons contents for KK INS2/DOI SWEPs (WIP) You need to subscribe all of 5 contents...
INS2 SWEPs Contents 2 of 5
Created by Othereum
Insurgency weapons contents for KK INS2/DOI SWEPs (WIP) You need to subscribe all of 5 contents...
INS2 SWEPs Contents 3 of 5
Created by Othereum
Insurgency weapons contents for KK INS2/DOI SWEPs (WIP) You need to subscribe all of 5 contents...
INS2 SWEPs Contents 4 of 5
Created by Othereum
Insurgency weapons contents for KK INS2/DOI SWEPs (WIP) You need to subscribe all of 5 contents...
INS2 SWEPs Contents 5 of 5
Created by Othereum
Insurgency weapons contents for KK INS2/DOI SWEPs (WIP) You need to subscribe all of 5 contents...
Unofficial Extra Customizable Weaponry 2.0
Created by Қatka ♥ THIS REQUIRES THE Customizable Weaponry 2.0 by Spy, get it HERE. Unofficial Extra Customizable Weaponry 2.0 - revival of old weapons. UECW 2.0 is a pack...
White Snow's Attachment Pack
Created by Kindred Flame
So this is what I have been working on for 2 months, my very own CW2.0 attachment pack, hope you like it. ===Attachments in this pack=== Sights: - Trijicon ACOG - Schmidt & Bender PM II - Barska Electro Sight - C-More Tactical Reflex Sight (has 5 Skinfamil...
White Snow's Bodygroup Attachments
Created by Kindred Flame
Bodygroup attachments whitch will allow you to add mags, stock and barrels for CW2.0 weapons. Documentation will come soon ===Attachments in this pack=== Mags: - Beta C-Mag - EMAG - PMAG M2 WINDOW (has 3 Skinfamilies: black, tan and green) - Quad Mag (MODE...
[CW 2.0] Extra Colors
Created by Kindred Flame This tiny addon adds 18 more colors to all scopes and lasers on the cw2 base, asuming they are made correctly. No ajustments are needed, it works on all scopes and lasers, even on extra scopes and l...
[CW 2.0] M203 Sights
Created by Kindred Flame
Not mutch to say, these are sights that can be used with the M203. So far this addon includes M40GL and Leaf sights. If I find more i'll add them to the pack. ===Usage and Permission=== You are allowed to use this pack for any sweps as long as the swep req...
[CW 2.0] RPG-7
Created by Khris
rockit.... lawn chair... Credit: NWI - model, texture, sounds & animation, Elliot Wilde - RPG skin, Spy - rocket entity from RPG7 addon...
[CW 2.0] Extra Rails
Created by Kindred Flame
More rails opens up more possibilities, but I truly made this so people can stop putting ACOGs on pistol sliders. These are ment to be used by CW2 weapon makers who wish to use them in order to put scopes on there weapons. However it is still an effect so ...
[CW2] KK INS2/DOI SWEPs (2018)
Created by Knife Kitty
"This is not a trick" - INS2 SWEPS REQUIRE INS2 OR INS2 DEDICATED SERVER CONTENT>>>>>>>>> CLICK HERE FOR FULL INSTALL GUIDE <<<<<<<<< Feature creeps: - 176 WEAPONS (that's right: INS2, DOI, DOI-BTK, selects from INS2 workshop and INS2-AOF) - animated stenc...