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Suicide Revolver - Револьвер самоубийц - 自杀式左轮枪 - The Easy Way Out
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23 Jul, 2022 @ 3:18am
23 Mar, 2023 @ 1:26am
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Suicide Revolver - Револьвер самоубийц - 自杀式左轮枪 - The Easy Way Out

In 1 collection by Dan Murphy
Consider these mods for any Barotrauma campaign
43 items
Adds stupid dangerous pistol with a barrel that points backwards. Almost certain instantaneous self-kill. Can you resist 1500 gunshot wound & 100 bleeding damage?

Requires revolver round to function, it doesn't come loaded. It actually fires the round but does extra damage to the shooter (I cheated this bit using a 'statuseffect'). Revolver can be bought from merchants or found in wreck security cabinet. To spawn this item with cheats, type 'spawnitem suiciderevolver inventory' into the console.

Compatible with all mods
This mod may not be compatible with anything that changes the behaviour of vanilla revolver bullets.
Havel L. Krik 7 Aug, 2024 @ 10:37am 
You get a :steamthumbsup: just for making me laugh, thank you. Now all we're missing is the Futurama Suicide Booth.
CagManOneNiner 15 Apr, 2023 @ 8:27am 
to whoever made this mod, thank you I always needed this mod whenever i encounter kids from the special education who has better education than me.
Dan Murphy  [author] 23 Mar, 2023 @ 1:33am 
now this mod has machine translation for two languages, feel free to complain to me if it doesn't make sense
Dan Murphy  [author] 22 Mar, 2023 @ 6:53pm 
@Ammonite616 Regular revolver ammo can me taken out of the suicide revolver and used in normal revolvers, I just tested this. Perhaps there is a bug or mod incompatibility for a mod that overrides revolver ammo. My mod does not change ammo at all.Time to update description.
Dan Murphy  [author] 22 Mar, 2023 @ 6:42pm 
However I adjusted vendor prices and deconstruction result materials to similar values as the regular revolver. The captain can make a regular gun out of the suicide gun.
Dan Murphy  [author] 22 Mar, 2023 @ 6:41pm 
I thought about making it craftable, but other weapons aren't craftable without job talent recipes, and I don't want to override the captain's talents because of the incompatibilities it can cause with other mods.
duckgod69lmao 12 Jan, 2023 @ 2:23am 
@Ammonite616 , I don't think taking the bullet OUT would be smart, seeing as you're going to use it anyway, to, yk, bam bam ow ow head
Kite Sergal (Ammonite616) 30 Nov, 2022 @ 9:00am 
2 suggestions: have the ability to take ammo out of the revolver to match to function of the default revolver. and maybe make the revolver craftable with 1 steel and one default revolver along with being able to craft the default with this one and a steel. basically being able to swap between them with the cost of 1 steel. I do like this, very funny!
catmanmlio 16 Sep, 2022 @ 2:52pm 
actually really useful for when you got infected with husk stuff, commit shoot, have friend throw corpse into ocean, done
Dan Murphy  [author] 8 Aug, 2022 @ 7:11am 
If you can't buy it from the outpost merchants, the item's identifier is 'suiciderevolver'.