Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

183 ratings
(DISCONTINUED) Show Me Your Personality
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482.988 KB
10 Aug, 2022 @ 12:35pm
15 Dec, 2022 @ 5:04pm
4 Change Notes ( view )

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(DISCONTINUED) Show Me Your Personality

Compatible with 1.8.1.

Bothered by the lack of information on what AI Personalities does?

This mod aims to provide an in-game feature that let you know as much as possible about AI Personalities and their Specific Effects.

🎭 Detailed Breakdown of AI Personality
The added tooltip will list all the values that make up a character's Personality.
It will also show Detailed Breakdowns of each value so that the player can better understand Why a character has these specific tendencies.

* The grey number on the right shows the sum of all breakdown values listed. If it is not the same as the colored value on the left, please let me know in the comment.

* ai_energy is rephrased as "liveliness" since it fits what it does better IMHO.
* The actual mod will display breakdown values as integers. This change was made after the screenshots were taken.

🧠 Lists of AI Behaviors related to Personality
A set of nested tooltips that show what kind of Behaviors one could expect from a character with certain tendencies.
Mouseover a specific personality tendency to see what it does.

*Note that the list is by no means exhaustive. It's intended to be a rough guideline for understanding the function of these values.
*Many typos were corrected after the screenshots were taken.

Here is an Overview of all entries:

🍏 Lite Version for Immersion
Find the Value Breakdown too distracting? You can load this Lite Patch below to hide the breakdown.

*Nested tooltip for value breakdown will not be possible without significant amount of tedious work due to technical constraints. I'm NOT going to even consider it.

Load order
-Probably doesn't matter. Put it lower in the load order if the tooltip doesn't show up.

Compatible with practically any mod except Personality Tooltips
🏆❌ This mod is not achievement compatible.

Feel free to use any part of this mod™ in your own work.

Big Uncle's other mods (1.6.1):
Social Relations Expanded
Dynamic UI Themes
Show Me Your Council
Show Me Your Court Positions
Stress Bar for All
Arthur 21 Jun, 2023 @ 4:02am 
Would it be possible to have this info ONLY for my character? I'd like to follow its personality for PR purposes but don't really wanna be able to see the breakdown for the AI.
kgptzac 16 May, 2023 @ 5:16pm 
This mod would no longer work with 1.9 as the info it offers are partially implemented by the game when hovering over the personality text. I think it fulfilled its function and I thank the author for giving us access of the info we didn't have :steamthumbsup:
Lost Nomad 22 Dec, 2022 @ 3:37am 
Thanks for the clarification, so it follows then that the more negative the Honour is the higher the chance is that they could be seduced and take could take actions in the red while less likely to take actions in the green.

But no guarantees on either positivity or negativity actions. Which is what I thought but then wasn't sure.

Honestly I wrote the dynamic request late last night but in the cold harsh winter light of the morning think it would actually be better if you just added what you said to me on this workshop page right next to the example lists. Because if I had seen that explanation then I wouldn't have posted at all.

But I see your cunning plan, by not having the text I had to talk to you, and as we have spoken I have no choice but to wish you a merry xmas and HPNY as I bid you farewell :steamhappy:
Big Uncle  [author] 22 Dec, 2022 @ 1:05am 
@Lost Nomad

Both the red and green texts are referring to AI tendencies for higher values.

So the more positive an AI's honor is, the less likely it is to be seduced (and more likely to take actions listed in green)

I'll look into ways to making the list dynamic. Though the reversed list would be misleading since having a negative value doesn't make the actions that was listed in green less likely in many cases.
Lost Nomad 21 Dec, 2022 @ 9:50pm 
I have to confess my confusion over the lists of ai behaviors.

The red and green lists never change for each personality attribute, i.e. honour, compassion, etc, regardless of whether the attribute is negative or positive.

So when do they apply?

For example the honour red list says the character is less likely to be seduced.
But when does this apply, are they less likely to be seduced when honour is positive or when it's negative?

It seems strange that they're less likely to be seduced if their honor is negative.

Honestly it would make sense of whatever the positive and negative effects are, they they are flipped when the character's honor shifts to the negative or positive sides of the range.
Mifek-ChaosLord'o 14 Nov, 2022 @ 2:36am 
Mod conflicts with some of the other mods you installed. Load order doesn't sove all the issues. Let's say you have 2 apps and decide to remove 2 files from each, will they work correctly propably not. Load order allows you to chose what files are loaded last and remain in use, that doesn't solve the issue of code lacking in some mods, because of this feature.
As to what files could be conflicting or if it is even core of the issue noone can help you with only that :P. My advice would be to either remove this mod or test with with blockss of other mods to find ones conflicting and decide which one you prefer.
eyemusician 1 Nov, 2022 @ 12:45pm 
any idea why it doesn't work? doesn't matter if it is at the bottom, the top or mid of the load-order. all your other mods (council and court) work perfectly fine
Big Uncle  [author] 8 Oct, 2022 @ 1:18pm 
It can be done, but at the cost of compatibility due to the way personality string is implemented in vanilla
Big Uncle  [author] 8 Oct, 2022 @ 1:16pm 
Found the cause, will be fixed in next update
alexis_taylor92 8 Oct, 2022 @ 11:17am 
Is there a way to show the player character's personality? I wanted to use this mod to help me with role playing, but it seems I can see everyone's personality but my own!