Car Mechanic Simulator 2021

Car Mechanic Simulator 2021

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CONFIG (Merkur) Ford Sierra Cosworth RS 500 Gr.A
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CONFIG (Merkur) Ford Sierra Cosworth RS 500 Gr.A

In 1 collection by zaraki
Zaraki's workshop - CMS21 CONFIG
252 items
Ford Sierra Cosworth RS 500 Race Spec
Available in: Junkyard, Salon, Shed, Auction

Requires Car MOD "Merkur XR4TI & Ford Sierra Cosworth RS500" by deadbob777 and Nissan DLC.
This CONFIG is published with the permission of deadbob777. Thank you for permission!

Ford Sierra Cosworth RS 500 modified for racing. It is based on the Group A spec race car of the late 1980's.
The engine is a Nissan I4 DOHC SR20DET, similar in appearance and specifications to Cosworth's YBD engine. The output is increased to 540hp.
Peripheral equipment was rearranged based on images of the actual car. An ECU and power steering reservoir were added, and the intercooler was reinforced.
The tires were changed to thick racing type, and the ride height was lowered a little for high speed driving.
The driver's seat has been changed to a bucket type. Also, the "half_cage" bonus part by BrightSkie can be added.
Although the modification parts are small, but the specifications of the 80's era are faithfully reproduced as much as possible. Installing the special Livery will bring out the atmosphere of the car even more. Have fun with it!

deadbob777氏のCar MOD "Merkur XR4TI & Ford Sierra Cosworth RS500" とNissan DLCが必要です。

Ford Sierra Cosworth RS 500をレース用に改造しました。1980年代後半のグループA仕様のレースカーを参考にしています。
エンジンはNissanのI4 DOHC SR20DET。CosworthのYBDエンジンに外観や仕様が似ているので選択しました。出力は540hpにアップしています。