

2,317 ratings
Research Reinvented
Mod, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
1.939 MB
27 Sep, 2022 @ 8:25am
20 Nov, 2024 @ 12:39pm
65 Change Notes ( view )

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Research Reinvented

Consider inventing the humble mini-turret.

In vanilla Rimworld, the process is:
  • A colonist sits in front of a research table and stares at it for five weeks.

With Research Reinvented, the process can include any of the following:
  • Reverse engineer existing commandeered turrets.
  • See what you can learn from that ancient broken down security turret.
  • Analyse raw materials for their durability as turret armor.
  • Experiment with steel to figure out efficient barrel replacements.
  • Test out what modifications to the standard machine pistol or autopistol design might make for the best turret weapon.
  • Construct a prototype turret, even if it takes longer and the end product might need some fixing up right away.
  • Ask allies to provide some of their expertise, or demand that information from your prisoners.
  • Brainstorm solutions during social encounters between your colonists.

Taking advantage of such research opportunities can significantly accelerate your research progress. However, if none are available, the fallback Theory research functions like vanilla research, with only a small speed reduction (which can be configured in the settings).

Known issues
None so far. New version on an unstable branch, so something ought to come up pretty quick.

Frequently asked questions
  • Can this be added to an existing save?
  • Can this be removed from an existing save?
    Other than the usual one-time errors, probably yes.
  • Does this work with mod X?
    Research opportunities are generated dynamically, based on the unlocks of the research projects in your game.
    Most mods are supported right away, out of the box.
    There may be some exceptions for mods that introduce custom research systems. This does not include mods that simply add or remove research projects or alter how the research tree is displayed.
  • Does this work with CE, ResearchPal, Semi Random Research, Dubs' Mint Menus, etc.
    Yes. See above.
  • Does this work with Multiplayer?
    Have not tried myself, but WIbigdog reports it works with no issues.

Consider also using the companion mod, Research Reinvented: Stepping Stones

Non-steam version and old releases can be found here.

If you want to express gratitude, support me or attempt to convert money into motivation, you can do so here: ko-fi.com/petetimessix

I've set up a Discord server[discord.gg], which is the preferred medium for discussion and bug reports.
Popular Discussions View All (23)
31 Oct, 2024 @ 2:45am
PINNED: Rimworld 1.4 Bug reports
24 Dec, 2022 @ 10:17am
PINNED: Rimworld 1.3 Bug reports
11 Jan @ 4:25pm
Either incompatible with something, or broken
The Viral Divinity
Elgate 19 Mar @ 11:55am 
Would it be possible to add compatibility with vehicles? Making vehicles doesn't provide research xp and you cannot reverse engineer them either.
TeH_Dav 15 Mar @ 5:42pm 
TeH_Dav 15 Mar @ 5:42pm 
I'm getting a conflict between this, Dub's Mint Menus, and a few other mods, and on testing it appears removing this mod resolves the issue so I wanted to pass it on here. In essence, having this mod alongside Dub's Mint Menus makes it so you cannot use certain production tables, like the Primitve Workbenches mod's primitive crafting table. Not all tables are effected though; the sushi table from VCE works fine, but the campfire from base game - of all things doesn't.
Here are two logs, one with my normal mod list and another after I removed dub's rimatomics and reinforced mechanoids (which were also being flagged):

Here are the two hugslogs:
Frank The Duck 14 Mar @ 2:54pm 
@Haddam_Sussein that's a feature in the mod, it attempts to delete prototype/affected blueprints but it gets very confused so a bit of a broken feature. You can however turn it off in the mod options.
Haddam_Sussein 5 Mar @ 1:42pm 
I've been having a weird bug and i think its connected to this mod, whenever im making a prototype, if i change research proj while its being done the unfinished product gets destroyed automatically, also im using vanilla expanded books and for some reason i cant change or start a new project while theres an unfinished book on the map cause it also gets destroyed immediately
Dwang Zhongson 27 Feb @ 6:01pm 
Yes, @Vulkandrache, I appreciate that too. However, my point that it should be explained in-game still stands, the game DLCs are a good example how to introduce a player to new mechanics.
Gorbachof 27 Feb @ 4:47pm 
Thanks Vulkandrache! I can't express how much I appreciate it
Vulkandrache 26 Feb @ 8:21pm 
You need to reset the research with the button that appears in devmode
if you want to update an already started tech after changing the sliders.

@ Dwang Zhongson
By multiple analyzers you mean the wearable things?
I thought their description is very clear.
They do not work though, any pawn can do field analysis but that
might be due to me running 320 mods.

I have turned of interrogation so i cant talk about that.

The protyping heavily depends on the length of the project
aswell as the research speed of the builder.
I spend a few hours tweaking the setting for my modpack
and i eventualy put prototyping to 400% "speed".
Normaly i only need 2 finished for that items bar.

By cryptic to you mean things like "Geology"?
The names hardly matter. Its just a category for different items.

Im also still on an old 1.4 run so things might have changed inbetween.
Gorbachof 26 Feb @ 7:52pm 
How do I get setting changes to actually apply? I'm shifting the importance sliders up and down for different categories but the point allocation doesn't change. I even tried disabling all but the prototype category just to test and the points didn't update to allow me to finish the research with just prototypes.
Black_moons 26 Feb @ 2:27am 
Any chance of fixing the thousands of errors that occur whenever a pawn reads a schmatic who is incapable of research?

`RR: Pawn White tried to do research tick despite being incapable of research
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)`