Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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VTI- Hydrogen miner
Type: Blueprint
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1 Oct, 2022 @ 4:41pm
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VTI- Hydrogen miner

Valtech Industries presents this miner that was designed to overcome challenges on the high gravity planet Nemesis:

Light but rugged, with ample lighting and guard rails for safe transportation of workers to the jobsite, with the newly added jumpseats on the top platform. Provides a survival kit to reconstruct engineers disabled during mining accidents.
A direct acess to the gas generator is provided on the bottom to allow workers to refill their cylinders.

3 programing blocks onboard provide a thrust limiter script useful for space operation and there is also a lift calculator that displays live updates to your cockpit, which is helpful in determining how much you can safely carry. The remaining free program is to be set by the end user.

A configurable disposal system has been integrated to allow for disposal of unwanted materials during collection or unloading in a collector system at the dropsite.

Magnetic pads on the bottom aid in keeping a slimmer profile for tunelling and can be used to carry explosive charges and other payloads to the worksite. They are also useful for landing, but the preferred docking method is with the connector on top, as the hydrogen thrusters might cause wear to the landing pad.

Cameras for docking, landing, reversing and targeting with the 4 gatling guns included for self defense. Currently only the docking camera is setup on the main toolbar.