Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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DMI_Dropship Para-Howitzer (prototype)
Type: Blueprint
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3.823 MB
9 Oct, 2022 @ 2:16pm
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DMI_Dropship Para-Howitzer (prototype)

This dropship prototype trades out the standard recovery bay feature for Two remote controlled mobile Howitzers drones with parachutes. Bearing the Dark Matter Industries color palette, it also packs more punch than its predecessors, with updated weaponry.

Due to the quick adaptation to support the drones and turret, the ship is heavily strained and overweight in atmosphere while carrying the drones, after dropping them, it recovers quickly. Searchlights with IFF targeting have been added on the drones to mitigate friendly fire.

More automation is needed to disable the drone weapons before deployment, so please refrain from firing before releasing them. As i plan to update the design soon, comments and feedback would be greatly appreciated.

The drones can safely be dropped from high orbit on any planet with atmosphere, but Pertham requires a low altitude drop with high forward velocity, resulting in a longer diagonal fall profile that helps parachute deployment.

Each of the mobile artilery pieces is equipped with 2 gatlings guns, 2 autocannons, 2 missile pods, one assault cannon and 3 warheads for disposing of evidence and inflicting more damage once you run out of ammo. Small cargo containers magazines are accesible trough the armored cage.

The dropship itself is armed with 8 salvo missile pods, 4 gatling guns, 2 assault canons and an autocannon turret on its belly.