Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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DMI_ Sabre Heavy Assault Ship (Gen2)
Type: Blueprint
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10 Oct, 2022 @ 6:18pm
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DMI_ Sabre Heavy Assault Ship (Gen2)

Gen3 version to be released soon.

Featuring a sturdier hull designed for enhanced survival odds and heavier weapon package than most craft of similar size, while retaining good acceleration thanks to a hybrid hydrogen-ion drive, this fighter is a beast intended to harass Corvettes and snipe out defence turrets, while retaining agility to deal with small fighters.

Dual railguns cripples critical systems rapidly with high accuracy on larger targets while staying out of range and obliterates most hostile fighters in a single shot. A centered assault cannon, 4 external auto-cannons and 4 internal Gatlings have faster firing rates for engaging more nimble threats.

On top of the previously mentioned arsenal, we were also able to fit 10 rocket launchers and a reloadable launcher with an internal magazine that can hold 56 additional shots for an initial high volume barrage followed by a slower long duration volley. Two autocannon turrets on the wing tips provide some degree of point defence.

Small cargo containers spread out in the hull and the connector have been labeled to act as distributed magazines for the various weapons to ensure you can keep firing even when severely damaged, while minimizing damage to acceptable levels away from critical components, should these get racked during combat. A similar approach was taken for the hydrogen supply, with 8 small tanks close to their respective thrusters.

The intricate openings in the wings provides clearance and protection for the embedded weapons allowing more directional thrusters to be fitted, increasing maneuverability of the ship. Specially designed secondary exterior canopy, spoilers, cowlings and armored plates were also fitted to enhance resistance to rockets and shells, sometimes even deflecting them alongside the angular main hull, with minimal visibility impact.

The systems were also found to have enough redundancy to sometimes remain acceptably flight worthy during testing of railgun impacts to the main hull. An average of 6 spread out assault shells is required to breach the frontal section if they spare the cockpit, which is rated itself for up to one shell or a several missiles at most, but will often only be disabled and not completely destroyed.