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Root's Anomalies - Zeus Module
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30 Oct, 2022 @ 7:56pm
9 Mar @ 11:58pm
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Root's Anomalies - Zeus Module

In 1 collection by xMidnightSnowx
Root's Workshop Collection
5 items
Heavily Reworked Zeus Module for Alias's Anomalies for use in mission without needing Eden Editor.

Found under tabs "Root's Anomalies" in the "Modules" section.

Project is now open sourced with APL-SA Licence! Check out the GitHub page here![]

Current version - 4.0.1



Signed and tested for dedicated servers.
Works out-of-the-box with both Vanilla Medical and ACE Medical systems.

Requires EVERYONE (Client, Server, and all connected Machines/Players) to have this addon installed and loaded due to custom textures and sounds.

Useful for Stalker, SCP, Halloween, F.E.A.R, Horror, Sci-Fi, Alien, Anomalies, Prototype, Monster or any other themed Missions.

++++ CREDITS ++++

Major credits to ALIASCARTOONS for his original idea and work.
Check out more of his cool stuff here.

++++ ANOMALIES ++++

All of the anomalies are made with customization in mind. It is highly recommended to read through each option to tweak it as per your requirement.
Health is calculated by number of 'hits' received from other units. 10 Health = Hits from projectile required to 'neutralize' the anomaly. Some anomalies have special property for termination. Please read them carefully.

Available Anomalies:

Burper Anomaly

  • Instantly kills all objects within the configured radius.
  • Can be made visible/detectable only for units with 'Detection Device' configured. (Default: Vanilla Mine Detector)
  • Can be made evaded by units wearing the 'Protection Device'. (Default: Kitbag (MTP))
  • Can be killed/destroyed via the configured "Killswitch" vehicle within the 'Kill-Range'. (Default: CSAT Typhoon Device Truck)

Farmer Anomaly

  • Travels underground to a random target within its territory and causes massive shockwave for 25 meters.
  • Targets ground based infantry and vehicles.

Flamer Anomaly

  • Uses fire to burn and kill units within its territory.
  • Targets ground and air units.
  • Does not like water.

Screamer Anomaly

  • Uses high-pitch sound to pushback things.
  • Can be customized to use custom models (including live AI).
  • Depending on the chosen Model - Requires use of Heavy Explosives to neutralize the anomaly.

Smuggler Anomaly

  • 'Teleports' / 'Smuggles' objects, and units to and from various random places.
  • Can be customized to spawn random/specific objects including AI.
  • Spawned AI are always hostile to players regardless of side.
  • Can be made visible/detectable only for units with 'Detection Device' configured. (Default: Vanilla Mine Detector)
  • Can be made evaded by units wearing the 'Protection Device'. (Default: Kitbag (MTP))
  • Customizable to turn off 'Flashing Lights' in the settings to help players with epilepsy or other conditions.
  • [NOTE] - Highly recommended NOT to manually delete the entity after being placed.

Steamer Anomaly

  • Uses underground gas pipes move to a random target within its territory and burst out.
  • Can only be neutalized by use of explosives around its location.
  • Can be customized to provide 'visible' pathing to its position for short period to aid in locating its position.

Strigoi Anomaly

  • Uses electric current to disorient, confuse, drain stamina, and kill units within its territory.
  • Can be customized to only be active during night time.
  • Customizable to turn off 'Flashing Lights' in the settings to help players with epilepsy or other conditions.

Swarmer Anomaly

  • Deadly files that leeches off of nearby units until the unit is either dead or away from its territory.
  • Can be neutralized by throwing the configured 'Pesticide' object.
  • Can be manually killed by executing ["", true] remoteExec ["Root_fnc_SwarmerKill", 2]; locally.

Twins Anomaly

  • Anoamly that plays with the mind and vision of its target - slowly killing them.
  • Can be killed by shooting its "Heart".
  • Customizable to turn off 'Flashing Lights' in the settings to help players with epilepsy or other conditions.

Worm Anomaly

  • A gaseous entity in the shape of worm attacking its target by slamming to the ground.
  • Can confuse the anomaly in selecting its target by having more than one unit near it and by running in different directions.
  • Can be neutralized by throwing the configured 'Worm Diffuser' object.
  • Can be manually killed by executing ["", true] remoteExec ["Root_fnc_WormKill", 2]; locally.

++++ LICENSE ++++

Project is now open sourced with APL-SA Licence! Check out the GitHub page here![]

Devil_Creator 15 Mar @ 7:42am 
we're getting an error for a missing ; in burper_ai_avoid.sqf at line 12. When looking at the code, at "_fct = selectRandom [30, -30]" it seems to be missing this ;
Corporal Ray Person 7 Mar @ 9:14pm 
We are so fucking back B)
xMidnightSnowx  [author] 7 Mar @ 3:38pm 
After almost 3 years, (and dozens of disappointments from 'coders') I've pushed a new update. Life and things got in the way. Good news is that the project is now open source - feel free to contribute/redistribute (under the same license) or raise pull requests as needed.
Donny Trump! 1 Dec, 2024 @ 12:58pm 
doesn't even work for me wont load on any menu zeus or editor
⛧Marty-TR⛧ 25 Nov, 2024 @ 10:13pm 
are you alime @xmidnightsnowx
Mr. J Soda 28 Aug, 2024 @ 7:53pm 
Any news on that update?
xMidnightSnowx  [author] 11 Jun, 2024 @ 4:30am 
@everyone - I've got professional coders to fix both of my zeus modules. It should alleviate performance and other issues (such as not spawning, not working etc.). ETA: A month hopefully.
BossyTony 11 Jun, 2024 @ 3:41am 
Hi there, ive noticed the flamer anomaly doesnt spawn and the steamer anomaly cannot be added to the zeus items editor which means once I spawn the steamer im unable to delete it from the mission
Black Hole 4 Mar, 2024 @ 10:53am 
Is this mod still updating? Problem that shown in comments below still actual
Mattman 27 Jan, 2024 @ 11:55am 
I don't understand why this was made a mod instead of a composition, see HAM for how to make it drag and drop into mission files