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Full-Adder and 4-bit Ripple Carry Adder
By Maodaifu
This guide will show how to build a full-adder and a 4-bit ripple carry adder by modifying the half adder.
This guide will reuse the half-adder from my previous guide.
Half-adder guide:

I will modify the half adder to become a full-adder. Then duplicate the full adder to become a 4-bit ripple carry adder.

  • Modify the half-adder to full-adder
  • Logic diagram of full-adder and 1-bit full-adder
  • Ripple carry adder
  • Conclusion

*Notes: This guide requires the understanding of the half adder and K-map.

Cin = Carry in
Cout = Carry out
FA = Full-adder
HA = Half-adder
Modify the half-adder to full-adder
Firstly we need to get the truth table from previous guide. The table below shows the truth table of the half-adder. As you can see the truth table only contains 2 inputs (A and B) and 2 outputs (Sum and Carry).

But a full-adder has 3 inputs (A, B and Cin) and 2 outputs (Sum and Cout). So we need to get another truth table for the full-adder. The table below shows the truth table of a FA.

Next, we need get the boolean expression of the Sum and Cout of a FA. We can do a 3-variable (A,B and Cin) K-map to solve this.

This is an empty 3-variable Kmap. Please be careful of the red circle part while doing the 3/4 variables Kmap.

For Sum output, the boolean expression is

Here is the tricky part, we need to do more simplification by applying some laws and theorems of boolean algebra.

Step 1: We take out the A and A'

*Important rule (XOR gate): X ⊕ Y = X'Y + XY'
After taking out and A and A' variable, you can see the familiar terms again (X'Y+XY') which is the exclusive-OR (XOR). So X ⊕ Y = X'Y + XY'. We can replace B'C + BC' to B ⊕ C.

*Important rule (XNOR gate): X ⊙ Y = (X ⊕ Y)' = XY + X'Y'
Here is another interesting fact, if you take the output of the XOR gate and invert it, you get XNOR gate. So we can replace BC + B'C' to (B ⊕ C)'

So, the simplification of the Sum expression is

Sum = A ⊕ B ⊕ C

For Cout, the boolean expression is

For Kmap, you are only allow to circle 1,2,4,8 or 16 slots (assuming until 4 variables). So you can see that I circled 2 slots 3 times.

*Note: Always circle as much as possible. More slots you circle, more simplified the term is.

How I get AB, AC and BC?
In Kmap, after we circled the terms, we need to check is there any variable (A,B,C) has both 0 and 1 circled. In the picture below, you can see that, in red circle, both 0 and 1 of C are circled. So, we can ignore C and only look for A and B, so in this case, A=1, and B=1, so it is AB. Same concept applies to blue and green circle.

So Cout = AB + AC + BC
Logic diagram of Full-Adder and 1-bit Full-Adder
So the boolean expression of Sum and Carry out of the FA is
Sum = A ⊕ B ⊕ Cin
Cout = AB + AC + BC

So, the logic diagram is


We can turn the FA into a simplified 1-bit FA diagram.

Ripple Carry Adder
After that, we can duplicate it into a 4-bit FA by connecting the Cout to the Cin of the next bit FA. This is also called the ripple carry adder.


We just need to supply 4-bit A and B inputs (A3A2A1A0 and B3B2B1B0) to add those 2 numbers. The results will be 5 bits (Cout S3 S2 S1 S0).

Complete connections:
This guide might be a little bit complicated to beginner. So there are few tips for you:
  • Go to youtube and search for vids to get better explanation and demonstration
  • Leave a comment and let us help you
  • Try to look for more beginner circuit to get familiar with electronics.
I hope you will like this guide. Just let me know if you need any helps. =)

*Note: For now, there is no plan for Adder/subtractor using ripple carry adder. That requires the understanding of signed and unsigned value of binary number and 1's 2's complement. That would be a lot of explanations. If you are interested, you can try to look for materials and turn your 4-bit adder to 4-bit adder/subtractor. And it is very easy to do it. =)

kenpeter 1 Apr, 2023 @ 4:52am 
There is a more versatile way, using series prefixes to borrow instead of ripple carry.
See "Crummiest ALU ever" in the artwork section. Even better if we had 4Way MUX.
Specifically 74CBT3253 dual 4Way with 74LVC2G86 dual XOR on SSOP to DIP28.
Borrow propagates by series current through 5 ohm transmission gates (250pS ea).