Songs of Syx

Songs of Syx

130 ratings
Vargen Race (V68)
Military: Equipments
Technology: Animal Science
Tweaks and Balance: Race
File Size
2.165 MB
31 Jan, 2023 @ 3:33pm
19 Jan @ 4:29am
33 Change Notes ( view )

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Vargen Race (V68)

In 1 collection by Aly
Aly's Songs of Syx Modlist
6 items

Vargen are the sons of Kóryos. They are resilient, sharp minded and fight-ready creatures capable of surviving and thriving in the northern parts of the world. Although smart and proficient, the Vargen prefer the life of isolation, taking care of their pastures and cubs. Their fur is thick, protecting them from the cold, their legs and paws are elongated, shaped perfectly for sprinting. Their long claws, sharp teeth and deep-rooted spirit of community, make them very fearsome in battle. Vargen prefer a carnivorous diet, not being proficient at cultivating fruits and vegetables. They are not picky to the origins of their food, but tend to distrust any outsider race that tries to live among them. Thanks to their traditionalist culture, Wargen are very disciplined individuals who are not only intelligent but also strong warriors, a terrible combination for those who wish to enslave them.

Portraits and Units

Vargen come with fully customized portraits, with several available combinations to be generated by the game:

Accompanying the portraits, they also have their own custom units:

Technology Tree

To go in line with the theme of the race, the technology tree brings the opportunity to improve on the professions Vargen are already good with, like husbandry, hunting and fighting. The new technology tree also unlocks the custom rooms and resources that get added with the mod.

Religion and Monuments

Vargen follow their own deity and come with a new Shrine and Temple, ready to accept human sacrifices to please their ancient progenitor. Their religion is not very kind to infidels. Vargen monuments provicing Awe are also included.

Wolfram Warriors

The mod also includes a new material called Wolfram, used to create Greatswords and Plate Armour that, althought more costly, are stronger than the base game gear.

Race stats

  • Strong cold resistance
  • Strong battle stats
  • Preference and proficiency for herding and hunting
  • Slighly above average scientists and administrators
  • Terrible farmers
  • Low submission
  • Hates most other races


Please join the mod's topic in the official Songs of Syx Discord:

I will always keep changelogs updated in the Discord topic. Again, any help testing is appreciated.

Things I know that need some work:
  • There are no children sprites (defaults to adult)
  • Temple decoration needs some work


Vargen should be compatible with any other mod. If you like Garthimi gameplay, try out my other mod, Garthimi Expanded:

Thank you!

Some assets and ideas were worked on top of existing content in the base game. Thank you @ThosomTom, @Twiggy, @Dalizon and everyone who has contributed with feedback.

Wolf von Isles 25 Jan @ 7:09am 
Is it possible for you to tweak the desire for certain services for the Vargen? I feel as if Restaurants, Massage Parlours and Stages don't really suit there simplistic and preferred lifestyles. Also great mod I have literally only played these guys so thanks for making this
Aly  [author] 19 Jan @ 4:30am 
@Joey, thanks! It's a lot clearer now. Just updated it with Innovation costs, just unsubscribe and subscribe again to the mod to force Steam to update it.
Joey 19 Jan @ 4:07am 
Aly, Innovation is the replacement for the standard tech. Knowledge is the new, more advanced tech from Libraries.
Aly  [author] 19 Jan @ 3:45am 
@Joey Is Innovation the new expandable resource for tech?
Joey 19 Jan @ 2:12am 
Aly, as you're not actively playing 68, you should know that Jake has split research into two: Innovation and Knowledge (libraries). He's removed the species specific research. Currently, the Vargen research is using Knowledge from libraries - which is very expensive for the boosts it provides.
Aly  [author] 18 Jan @ 3:18am 
@Joey I am no longer playing the game, I'm keeping the mod updated a bit blind. If you come to the understanding that this is a vargen exclusive issue I'll look into a fix.
Joey 18 Jan @ 3:16am 
Melee soldiers seem to train very-very quickly? Is that this mod or v68 perhaps.
Blazu 13 Sep, 2024 @ 7:59am 
Had to verify integrity but after doing so can confirmed works fine now. Thanks for the great work.
Aly  [author] 13 Sep, 2024 @ 4:13am 
@Blazu thanks for letting me know. it should be fixed.
Blazu 12 Sep, 2024 @ 5:49pm 
In version 67 the Vargen's fishing and warrior researches have no images and seem to have no effects? Apologies if this isn't the place to mention that.