

1,088 ratings
Mid-saver Saver
Mod, 1.4
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68.909 KB
21 Jan, 2023 @ 1:35pm
2 Apr, 2023 @ 5:43am
8 Change Notes ( view )

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Mid-saver Saver

In 1 collection by Owlchemist
Owlchemist's Mods
42 items
"Don't add or remove mods mid-save". This is often the advice passed around within the RimWorld modding community. But what fun is that? These problems can be fixed with time and effort, and this utility mod's goal is to find those solutions.

Current list of fixes
⚠️Note! fixes are not enabled by default. Enable them in the mod options as needed.
Related to adding mods...
  • Hash collisions: This silent killer won't produce any errors but you'll notice problems such as stone cliffs and chunks having just disappeared, or deep drills mining up nonsense items. This patch fixes this by temporarily disabling lossy map compression.

  • Retroactive mineables: If a mod added new mineables (like metal ore), this patch can retroactively add them to existing maps.

  • Remap body parts: If a mod adds new body parts or prosthetic augments, this could scramble the save data, causing limbs and injuries to show up on the wrong body parts. This fix will record the before and after and remap the body parts accordingly.
Related to removing mods...
  • Faction removal: Removing factions can corrupt the faction data of world objects. This fix will prune the object registry of any such cases, such as broken faction settlements.

  • Corrupt areas or sectors: If you get the "grey screen of death" on loading your save, your areas or sections may be missing. This fix will regenerate them.

  • Corrupt weather: Removing a mod that added custom weather may also cause the "grey screen of death". This fix will reset the weather manager.

  • Corrupt ideologies: If you view your ideologies screen and get bombarded by UI errors, you may have a corrupt precept. This fix will remove them from ideologies across all factions.

  • Missing stuff material: If you remove a mod that added materials (metals, stones, etc), and things were made out of those materials, this fix will handle their fallback.

Q. I got a ton of red errors after removing a mod, but I had this installed. Is it not working?
A. Yes, you'll get errors, that's perfectly normal. The point of this mod is only to address the fatal errors that would prevent you from doing anything. The remaining errors are just pointing out that it can't find removed content, which is fine. Save your game, and then reload that save, and they should clear up (you may have to do this 2 times sometimes).

Q. I read the above but I'm still getting serious errors.
A. You either:
  1. Found an issue this mod has not addressed yet. Give me the details and I'll try to find the cure.
  2. Forgot to actually enable the fixes in the mod options.
  3. The errors are unrelated to mid-save complications, and would have happened even for a fresh save in a new colony, and it's just the regular mod problem you'll need to troubleshoot.

Q. Any risks I should know about?
A. Due to the chaotic nature of errors, there may be unknown unknowns. By ripping out mods mid-save, it is technically plausible there could be hidden problems that do not reveal themselves through red errors. These sleeper-bugs, if they exist, will need to be worked out as they're reported upon.

Q. Can I remove <insert mod> with this?
A. Two things to say here: One, it's not practical for me to know the answer to this for all the thousands of mods out there. And two, the goal here is to be able to remove any mod (I have, for instance, removed over 500 mods all at the same time when testing). The reason this works is because when mods are removed, you are left with predictable and finite vanilla components that just need some special attention to make sure they're still okay, so removal is not a mod-specific process.

The only mods that are not removable are mods that involve a framework, and you leave the framework installed. This is because frameworks are not often designed with this sort of data sanity process in mind. If you remove the framework along with the mod, it'll work fine, though.

Why I made this
As a mod author myself, I dislike that people may feel discouraged from subscribing to a mod out of fear that they won't be able to remove it, or that adding it mid-save could cause issues. If I had it my way, we would be able to add or remove anything, anytime. In theory, these errors can be fixed, someone just needs to step up and do something about it.

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LZIM 3 Sep, 2024 @ 7:02pm 
game stopped loading with this mod installed on 1.5, was working fine up until today just chilling in the mod list.
Cantaloupe The Clown 15 Jun, 2024 @ 10:55am 
oh, scratch all that, Ferris has adapted most of Owlchemist's mods for 1.5! lifesaver
Cantaloupe The Clown 15 Jun, 2024 @ 10:52am 
it works if you just move "assemblies" (in "1.4") to the main folder and delete the empty 1.4 folder. it'll still give you a harmless error if you don't edit About.xml to include the 1.5 tag, but it works fine in 1.5.
there may be some things that aren't optimized or that were broken by 1.5 that we're not aware of, so I'm still waiting for an update, but it's good that we can still use this since it's saved so many of my games.
AstillaPower 26 May, 2024 @ 4:42pm 
@Lord Zero Could you share your 1.5 version?
Toughest Gun in The West 23 May, 2024 @ 2:58am 
Hey I added you so I can describe my specific issue.
I tried using this to fix the removal of Army of Fetid Corpses, because when I remove the mod from my game, it deletes my UI, locks me in maximum zoom, removes one of my colonist's model, and makes me unable to even open the escape menu.
Lord Zero 19 May, 2024 @ 1:28pm 
still works, I just moved it to local and slapped 1.5 to where it needed.
Bread'N 2 May, 2024 @ 6:57pm 
This mod fixed my grey screen bug after I removed an outdated mod I missed before starting a new colony in 1.5. Thanks!
Drex 30 Apr, 2024 @ 4:37pm 
update 1.5 please?
tommy731 24 Apr, 2024 @ 8:45pm 
gray screen doesn;t work i guess...
voidst 20 Apr, 2024 @ 8:46am 