Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Lunar Siege Vehicule- Armadillo - [LSV]
Type: Blueprint
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4.330 MB
12 Feb, 2023 @ 8:35pm
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Lunar Siege Vehicule- Armadillo - [LSV]

With a total of 6243 blocks and 23654 PCU, the Armadillo is one hell of a small grid rover designed primarily for raiding on moons as it features vertical thrusters capable of 0.57g unladen acceleration at 685 tons. It is capable of flying on moons for a few minutes at a time and also features 8 parachutes for planetary landings.

With a staggering 30 turrets, this rover will make short work of most medium-sized threats using its 10 autocannons, 8 assault cannons, 8 gatling, and 4 missile turrets. Should enemy personnel manage to pass this lead curtain and approach within 50m, an alarm shall sound.

A secondary alarm and combat automations have also been installed to trigger when the rover is being locked on by enemy grids. Multiple labelled ammo magazines are spread trough the rover and sorters are located close to most of the non-gatling turrets to ensure they are appropriately fed even with severe battle damage. a similar approach was used for the directional thrusters using a reserve hydrogen tank group with 45% of the total fuel capacity. Each parachute also features it's own backup canvas storage container directly attached.

Equipped with 3 survival kits, 8 internal and 4 external benches, plus 2 helms, this rover can accomodate a multi-faction raiding party of up to 14 engineers. Multiple weapons racks are installed inside and outside along with cargo access for quickly outfitting soldiers. For lighting, a total of 36 fixtures have been installed.

The top connector permits quick restocking, refueling and recharging of fighters with a bank of 6 hydrogen generators and 18 small tanks plus a 45.5MW powerplant featuring 4 batteries and 2 large reactors. Along with an impressive bank of 44 thrusters, the rover has 24 gyroscopes and a switchable ballast of 16 artificial mass to help it manoeuver both in midair and on low gravity soil.

It's only shortcomings are that it is not the best at off-roading on planets due nor designed with jumping in mind, but rather for optimal protection from all angles, maximum firepower and redundancy of it's systems.