Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

1,052 ratings
Quick Loadouts
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Weapon
Addon Tags: Fun, Movie, Roleplay
File Size
448.230 KB
21 Feb, 2023 @ 4:05pm
27 Feb @ 2:09am
165 Change Notes ( view )

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Quick Loadouts

In 1 collection by 22050hz amen break sample
Stuff I've done (and like)
17 items
A super simple and fast spawn loadout set-up utility that works with any normally spawnable weapon, with a good visual balance for all screen aspect ratios 5:4 and wider.
Designed with sandbox fun-times in mind. Remains untested in other non-derivative gamemodes.
Support for weapon subcategories is included.

Users can access (and close) it by pressing N by default.
The button can be changed (along with server settings including weapon limit and spawn grace-periods for changing loadout) from Spawnmenu > Options > Chen's Addons > Quick Loadout, or by binding a key to "quickloadout_menu".
Left-click a weapon to change it. Right-click a weapon to remove it from your loadout, or selection menu to cancel current selection.
You can press the icon of your playermodel to open the playermodel selector.

I recommend playing through More Gun with it!
Uses default "main menu" sound effects, so you can use replacements for such easily.
Access various user-set options by pressing the Options button while in the loadout menu.
The first image shows the up-to-date appearance. Others may be older but show much of the current functionality from customization to scaling.
The hud used is Bored Hud.
The playermodel is MW3 SAS.
And yeah, it was so inspired by the classic CoD games' menus that it's unreal.

Made by chen. Code available on GitHub page[], hit it up if you want to contribute or modify for your needs!
Popular Discussions View All (2)
22 Feb @ 11:43pm
the bug encounter log
22050hz amen break sample
22050hz amen break sample  [author] 19 Mar @ 2:25am 
you know it could just be the gamemode, as i mentioned in the description it was designed with sandbox in mind
Garry 18 Mar @ 7:18pm 
So i somehow got it working can't tell how exactly or what caused it but its working fine now. Also could this be compatible with Deathmatch Unlimited gamemode?
Garry 18 Mar @ 3:26am 
ill try that later on and i will let you know.
22050hz amen break sample  [author] 18 Mar @ 3:24am 
who knows, maybe it's a recent update in x86-64 branch of gmod, can you try switching off of it if you can replicate?
Garry 18 Mar @ 3:11am 
i even disabled everything but still nothing.
22050hz amen break sample  [author] 18 Mar @ 2:53am 
such weird issues, like something else is preventing you from receiving your loadout
Garry 18 Mar @ 2:23am 
Cool mod i've used it a lot before but its actually just not working at all right now. and im not getting error codes so i can't really help.:steamsad:
NightmarechaMillian 17 Mar @ 6:12pm 
@titler I encountered a similar issue, though oddly enough, it was limited to a specific map. Try loading up gm_flatgrass and seeing if the problem continues.
Biggest Boss [Knockout] 27 Feb @ 11:51pm 
nice update
titler 27 Feb @ 7:21pm 
also having the problem where it just doesnt give me my loadout so i have to go into the options to get it