Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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wm_Castle v0.3
Game Mode: Wingman
Tags: Map
File Size
3.681 MB
1 Mar, 2023 @ 12:43pm
2 Mar, 2023 @ 4:33am
1 Change Note ( view )

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wm_Castle v0.3

After a recent Terrorist attack, the Castle was left in ruins, its walls battered and its towers crumbling.

Despite the damage, the CTs continued to use the Castle as a stronghold, determined to defend it against any further attacks.

And one day, they intercepted information that the Terrorists were planning to strike again, this time targeting the Castle's bridge entrance.

The CTs quickly mobilized, taking up positions on the Castle walls overlooking the bridge.

They knew that the Terrorists would be coming soon, and they had to be ready to defend the Castle at all costs.

v0.3 Patch Notes
Black Textures -
Misaligned Displacements -
New Breakable T Window to replace corrupted window from decompiling wm_Castle .2 -
No longer able to use the enemy teams' "Buyzone".
CT "Rain" visual and audio removed. -
CT player count changed from 1 to 2. -
Textured faces that can't be seen have been replaced with more nodraw for optimization.
Replaced Dev textures at T Bridge

Bombsite A
Breakable Inferno Stained Glass Windows
Terrain Adjustments (WIP)
CT Ladder
A Large Ringy Boi
Interior space in the Cylinder Tower

Known Bugs
Water distortion on T Bridge Rockwall
The Fish are MLG
Lighting issues

Other info:
Map Width 1696 units - Length 2285 units

Started in 2019 with the release of 0.1 as a concept and was updated to .2 in 2020 and was discontinued soon after due to HDD failure resulting in loss of project files. But its 2023 and i realized i could work on this map again by running it through a decompiler. Behold, WM_Castle v0.3!