The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

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21 Mar, 2023 @ 8:45am
9 Dec, 2023 @ 3:08am
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Hello everyone! I'm Xfulminex and this is my first mod.
It is based on a character I invented way back when I used to play a D&D-like game with my friends IRL. This mod was mainly for personal use but I decided to upload it and try to keep updating it with time, maybe with some more items related to the characters. Also, currently the items have no costume for when you pick them up, but worry not, they will be added in a later update!

The mod introduces 3 Player Characters (Of which only Xfulminex and Gurasu have a tainted version as of now), 7 Passive Items and 1 Active item.

Xfulminex: The Main Player Character of the mod, will use his electric powers to damage enemies in close quarters while also stunning them!
Starting Items: Lightning Tears, 120 Volt
HP: 2 Red Hearts
Speed: 1.3
Tear Rate: Default
Damage: Default
Range: Default
Shot Speed: Default
Luck: 1
Birthright: "Longer Stun!"
Birthright Effect: Increases stun duration of Lightning Tears by a small amount. (0.33 seconds)

Tainted Xfulminex: Xfulminex learnt how to master his electricity powers and can now summon lightnings.
Starting Items: Storm
HP: 1 Red Heart
Speed: Default
Tear Rate: Default
Damage: 1.5
Range: 8
Shot Speed: 1.5
Luck: Default
Birthright: "Power Surging!"
Birthright Effect: Storm now deals area damage, and the damage down from Storm is removed.

Gurasu: The second Player Character. Fragile, but extremely strong. Can't shoot normally, and will require utilizing Glass Cannon and/or "Forever Alone" to damage enemies.
Starting Items: Unbreakable Glass Cannon, "Forever Alone", "No" Trinket.
HP: 6 Red Hearts
Speed: Default
Tear Rate: Default
Damage: Default
Range: Default
Shot Speed: Default
Luck: 3
Birthright: "Faster Cannonading!"
Birthright Effect: Increases recharge speed of Glass Cannon, effectively halving the recharge time.

Tainted Gurasu: The Glass Cannon broke beyond repairability, touching the fragment though will let you tap into it's power once more for a little bit.
Starting Items: Glass Cannon Fragment
HP: 3 Red Hearts
Speed: Default
Tear Rate: 1.25
Damage: 5.50
Range: 8
Shot Speed: Default
Luck: 5
Birthright: "Remember your past self"
Birthright Effect: Damage gained from Glass Cannon Fragment is increased to 30

Klee: This little kid somehow is able to create bombs using anything, and likes to blow up the fish in the lake with it! Enemies beware, as the almighty Klee is coming!
Starting Items: None
HP: 3 Red Hearts
Speed: Default
Tear Rate: Default
Damage: Default
Range: 8
Shot Speed: Default
Luck: 1
Birthright: "Tons of Boom-Bang-Fun!"
Birthright Effect: Pyromaniac effect. Enemies now explode on death.

Lightning Tears: Hitting an enemy with a projectile or laser will stun them for a very short duration and has no cooldown on normal enemies.
Item Stun duration is as follows:
Base stun duration: 0.66 seconds.
Stun reduced to 0.33 seconds when you have any of the following items (for balancing purpose): Brimstone, Soy Milk, Almond Milk, Technology, Technology 2, Trisagion.
Stun is increased to 1.66 seconds when you have Polyphemus.

Electro-Charged Heart: Xfulminex's Heart. A passive item that allows you to tap into the energy contained into this heart to shoot faster and deal more damage.

Storm: When hitting enemies with tears, a lightning will hit them dealing your damage a second time. Decreases damage by 1 when picked up, but will instead increase damage by 1 if you are holding any item that changes your tears to lasers. (To make up for the fact that it doesn't work with lasers... else it would be pretty broken if it did.)

Glass Skin: Removes 1 Red Heart container on Pickup, while granting 1 Soul Heart. Increases Damage by a little amount, while also granting less tear delay and more luck.

Gurasu's Soul: Grants 2 soul hearts and increases damage and luck greatly.

[REDACTED]: Increases stats depending on the amount held. Won't disappear from the item pools until at least 5 are taken. 1st time you pick it up will increase Speed and ShotSpeed only, 2nd time will increase Tears, 3rd time will increase damage. 4th time onwards will increase all stats, including TearDelay. Grants 1 Soul Heart on pickup and will deal damage based on amount possessed when moving to a new floor (minimum of 1 heart, increases by half a heart based on the item count)

Glassblowing Pipe: Increases range, will also add a burning effect that deals low damage to enemies hit. Burning effect has no cooldown on normal enemies.

Glass Cannon Fragment: Using it will increase your damage by 20 for 5 seconds.

Lightning Tears will appear in the following item pools as a Quality 4 item:
Treasure Room Pool, Secret Room Pool, Boss Pool, Curse Room Pool, Golden Chests Pool, Ultra Secret Room Pool, Greed Mode Treasure Room Pool, Greed Mode Curse Room Pool, Greed Mode Secret Room Pool.

Electro-Charged Heart will appear in the following item pools as a Quality 3 item:
Treasure Room Pool, Boss Pool, Golden Chests Pool, Ultra Secret Room Pool, Greed Mode Treasure Room Pool.

Storm will appear in the following item pools as a Quality 3 item:
Treasure Room Pool, Secret Room Pool, Boss Pool, Greed Mode Treasure Room Pool, Greed Mode Secret Room Pool.

Glass Skin will appear in the following item pools as a Quality 2 item:
Treasure Room Pool, Curse Room Pool, Greed Mode Treasure Room Pool, Greed Mode Curse Room Pool.

Gurasu's Soul will appear in the following item pools as a Quality 3 item:
Curse Room Pool, Angel Room Pool, Devil Room Pool, Greed Mode Curse Room Pool, Greed Angel Room Pool, Greed Devil Room Pool.

[REDACTED] will appear in the following item pools as a Quality 3 item:
Treasure Room Pool, Golden Chests Pool, Greed Mode Treasure Room Pool, Greed Mode Golden Chests Pool.

Glassblowing Pipe will appear in the following item pools as a Quality 2 item:
Treasure Room Pool, Boss Pool, Greed Mode Treasure Room Pool.

Glass Cannon Fragment will appear in the following item pools as a Quality 4 item:
Secret Room Pool, Boss Pool, Ultra Secret Room Pool, Greed Mode Secret Room.

If you encounter any bug or problem related to the mod, please let me know, I will try my best to fix it!
Dreddie  [author] 9 Dec, 2023 @ 3:14am 
Update took quite a while i know, unfortunately i found myself pretty busy with stuff IRL. I released the content that I was able to make, but after all this time I still wasn't able to make the new item work as I intended it to, so I decided to just release the character without her item. If in the future I will be able to create Klee's signature item, then I will go back to work on it, but for now enjoy her explosive gameplay as it is currently. Also, I think everyone will enjoy her birthright a lot, have fun :D
Dreddie  [author] 22 Apr, 2023 @ 7:54pm 
Next update's being delayed a bit while i try to figure out how to make a new item work. Spoilers below (Don't hover on them if you don't want spoilers :D)
New character coming in next update along with her Unique item. Character is based on a PC from another game. Her item allows her to throw a big bouncing bomb (most of you probably figured out who the character is just from the item function).
Dreddie  [author] 17 Apr, 2023 @ 4:13pm 
@Surpos There's no plans to make unlocks a thing currently, as it's still my first mod and I don't know how to do those as of now. Will probably make them a thing later on though!
Surpos 17 Apr, 2023 @ 2:20pm 
is he having unlocks?