Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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17 May, 2023 @ 7:29am
19 Nov, 2024 @ 7:59pm
4 Change Notes ( view )

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- I like to see "Prowess value" when I do people selections.
Mod "Prowess Matters" used to support this function, but the author didn't update it to support 1.14+ and it's link doesn't work now (listed below).

- I like this mod and I updated it to support 1.10+.
The copyright belong to the original auther, and my mod will be stopped updating when original mod is updated to support new game version in the future.

It would conflict with those mods which changed the file:

Such as: Character UI Overhaul
(It seems this mod WORKS FINE with Character UI Overhaul for now. (Put this mod below))

and it would work fine with Show More Traits

The load order is: The back of the queue, the better.

PS. As it's an old mod, it supports most of pages, such as search page etc. But the marriage tab don't be supported yet.

gamedreamcd  [author] 27 Jan @ 6:54am 

Yes, you are correct, the marriage tab don't be supported yet. As it's an old mod and the original author didn't revise the code of the marriage tab to support it, so I don't know how to change the code to support it because I upgraded the code base on the original author's code.

Sorry about that.
FunkyRythm 27 Jan @ 2:17am 
First of all thank you very much for your super quick answer.
I didn't express myself correctly, actually the mod is partially working but not totally like it was before.
I have created a new playset in the launcher with Ketaros Prowess Matter ONLY.
Actually, in the game I can see prowess in 2 windows:
1 - the character windows is working fine
2 - the Search for character is working fine as well I can see in those both the prowess.
but when I take any single character and when I click the Icon wedding the character, in that windows that open I can't see prowess (that's the change compared to before, I could see prowess there, and now not anymore).
From my perspective it's the most important windows to see the prowess especially when I want to marry single ladies to man that could potentially be knight.
gamedreamcd  [author] 25 Jan @ 8:58pm 

I checked the code. As the game 1.14.x don't change the file (lists.gui), so this mod should be fine by working with the new version. It would conflict with those mods, you may test it after disable other mods.

It would conflict with those mods which changed the file:

Such as: Character UI Overhaul
FunkyRythm 25 Jan @ 1:11pm 
Hi do you think you could make this mod work with the version of the game - I tried the game with this mod only and it's not working anymore.
Thank you for your work anyway.
gamedreamcd  [author] 21 Dec, 2024 @ 6:53pm 
The UI overhaul go before this mod would be better. The reason is later loaded mod would overwrite earlier loaded mod's same files.

The risk is some functions of the UI overhaul may not work, I'm not sure.
rv 21 Dec, 2024 @ 8:26am 
does character UI overhaul go before or after this mod? your description confused me
gamedreamcd  [author] 19 Nov, 2024 @ 8:07pm 
@Cap n Ball Torture
Updated for 1.14. As it's an old mod, it supports most of pages , such as search page etc.
The marriage tab don't be supported yet.
Cap n Ball Torture 19 Nov, 2024 @ 12:41am 
it still works but the marriage tab shows culture twice and it cuts off learning
Cap n Ball Torture 18 Nov, 2024 @ 3:25pm 
update please
Jake264 24 Feb, 2024 @ 1:52pm 
Thanks. was having some mild issues with the old mod and unified ui and this fixed it. Any idea why neither this nor the original mod show up by searching for prowess or even prowess-matters?