Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

33 ratings
Warzone Peak Pack
File Size
1.047 GB
22 Jul, 2023 @ 10:18pm
13 Mar, 2024 @ 8:41pm
11 Change Notes ( view )

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Warzone Peak Pack

After killing a team of Vanguard operators and Roze skins for the win, our four characters got on the car thingy to leave. Little did they realize, they had angered the Construct, who made the Vanguard characters Archons after that one map nobody talks about. As punishment, they were teleported back in time to fight zombies in the old multiverse, including some weird custom map universes...

Activision won't port our skins from the superior Warzone 1 to Warzone 2, so I decided I'd port over some of my favorites because autism.

USMC Raider I Mil-Sim (Replaces Dempsey)
Russian FGF I Mil-Sim (Replaces Nikolai)
Desert Surge Hunter (Replaces Takeo)
Classic Ghost (Replaces Richtofen)

-Fully voiced characters for every map except Shadows of Evil and Moon. (I don't want /ourguys/ sacrificing people, and I was too lazy to make new models for Moon)

-Custom player icons, including overriding all the different variants for hats. (It annoys me when there's somebody else in the corner.)

-I feel like I should have at least 3 bullet points, so I'll just add that they have custom viewlegs or something.

Known issues:
-Ghost's head comes off a smidge when he performs certain actions, and it comes off a lot when he holds one of the Der Eisendrache bows. I have no idea how to fix that.

-The Russian dude's eyes don't move. I wanted them to, but they'd clip through his eyelids constantly no matter what I did. The same thing applies to Ghost, but you can barely see his eyes underneath the sunglasses, so whatever.

-Hunter's neck and chest are a slightly different shade. Just don't look too hard and it's not noticeable.

-Not exactly an "issue," but the voice lines are a bit weird given that most of the characters don't have many lines that would actually pertain to Zombies. They make you feel like you're using someone other than the original crew, and that's really it.

-The viewmodels get swapped for the normal ones when you go though a sewer or fall down like you do in Origins and Revelations. It's only for the duration of the animation, but I couldn't find those particular models for the life of me.

-Certain maps have way less voice lines, particularly Chronicles maps. Not sure why, their aliases are complete. Map-specific lines always work, though.

-This is moreso an issue with mods in general, but if you want to use classic GobbleGums outside of the first five, you have to go offline, select the gumballs you want, and then go back online. It's a pain, but it's the only way I know of to do it.

If you find any more issues, particularly issues where a character uses a voice line belonging to the original characters, tell me and I might be able to fix it. Especially the voice line thing, I'll probably need to do it on Der Eisendrache. And tell me where you were/what you were doing when you triggered the wrong line, that makes narrowing it down a lot easier.

I might also release the voice aliases one of these days in case somebody wants to do the same thing with a different mil-sim or Ghost/Hunter skin.

Kingslayer Kyle- Skeleton conversion rig thingamabob, technical support.
Glitch- Helping me "requisition" a copy of Maya 2018 for the mod. (Luhmao, I ended up using a legit copy of 2020 for almost everything in the end, but thanks regardless.)
M5_Prodigy- Helping out with the aliases, I had an aneurysm trying to figure them out.
Logical and WetEgg- Cold War model pack, used for Hunter.
Infinity Ward/Treyarch/Probably Raven- Actually making the character models.
ninjaman829- Fixing the blocky hair.
If I forgot you, I'm just a bad person. Tell me in the comments and I'll add you.
Brother of Bones- Best emotional support ever(I ain't gay.)
AMAZING PAPERBOY DELIVERS!  [author] 5 Feb @ 8:07pm 
Half-tempted to make another one of these. Literally the exact same thing, but with the Rangers III skin from MWII replacing Hunter or something. Probably the only thing I like about Warzone 2, not even joking.
AMAZING PAPERBOY DELIVERS!  [author] 2 Feb @ 2:15pm 
Thanks, baby girl.
Mainxenter 2 Feb @ 1:09am 
Hi i give this mod a 10/10 :steamhappy:
AMAZING PAPERBOY DELIVERS!  [author] 23 Jul, 2024 @ 11:11am 
Happy 1-year anniversary, I guess.
AMAZING PAPERBOY DELIVERS!  [author] 26 Jun, 2024 @ 11:06pm 
Just had a heart attack when I played a custom map and the view legs were all sorts of jacked up, reloaded it without the mod and I'm 95% sure it's a custom weapon pack issue.
AMAZING PAPERBOY DELIVERS!  [author] 13 Mar, 2024 @ 8:07am 
Fixing the view legs soon, your stomach won't hit your face if you shoot/reload while sliding no more. The USMC Raider is already fixed, just need to finish the other 2.
AMAZING PAPERBOY DELIVERS!  [author] 20 Nov, 2023 @ 12:51pm 
No Zombies lines for Ghost in MWIII, we stay winning.
AMAZING PAPERBOY DELIVERS!  [author] 27 Sep, 2023 @ 12:14pm 
Luhmao, I done goofed something up. I'll reupload it semi-soonish.
AMAZING PAPERBOY DELIVERS!  [author] 27 Sep, 2023 @ 11:37am 
Finna fix the beard hair on the MARSOC Raider and the eyelashes on everyone who needs it soon. It'll look a solid 12 times nicer, I just have some stuff to do first.
AMAZING PAPERBOY DELIVERS!  [author] 12 Sep, 2023 @ 10:55am 
Looks like the MW model link has been removed. If anyone wants a link to the archive, DM me and I'll float it your way.