Rocket League

Rocket League

99 ratings
JBL Quantum Challenge
File Size
180.924 MB
28 Jul, 2023 @ 6:13am
26 Oct, 2023 @ 3:35am
21 Change Notes ( view )

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JBL Quantum Challenge

Welcome to the JBL Quantum Challenge!
Play through 9 unique levels and get the best time!
The map should be accessible to a wide skill range, don't hesitate to share your time and rank!

Steam Players
You can't see the map in game? You might have reached the limit of maps the game can display. Unsubscribe from 1 or a few maps, restart the game and you should see it now!

Epic Games Players
You can get the map thanks to the Workshop Map Loader & Downloader!

You don't have it? Here is a video that will help you make it work in no time
You prefer following written steps? Well, ok here it is

Step 1 - Install BakkesMod
BakkesMod is a software that gives you access to a lot of plugins for Rocket League. As the Workshop Map Loader & Downloader is a plugin, you need to have BakkesMod to get it.
Follow this link > BakkesMod > Download BakkesMod
Once you've downloaded it, install it.
Then open BakkesMod and Rocket League, check that BakkesMod says "Injected"

Step 2 - Install the Workshop Map Loader & Downloader
Once you know BakkesMod has been injected in the game, press F2 in RL to open its interface.
Go to the Plugin Tab, then PluginManager > open PluginManager > Enter the ID "223" and press Install by ID.
You know have WorkshopMapLoader appearing among your plugins

Step 3 - Download and play the map
Select the WorkshopMapLoader plugin > Open Plugin Window > Search Workshop > type "JBL" > Search
You should see the map and click on Download Map
Once the map has been downloaded, go to the Map Loader tab > Refresh Maps > select the map > Solo
You can now play the map

French people on Epic Games
Si tu es sur Epic, que tu ne connais ni BakkesMod ni le WorkshopMapLoader qui te permettent de jouer à cette map et que l'anglais ce n'est pas pour toi, voici un tuto vidéo FR

Speedrun Contest Ended!
Congratulations to the winners!

🥇 Kirby! 5'49'887
🥈 defzzy1 5'52'747
🥉 ZarCo" 5'57'344
4th JRonnn 5'57'387
5th Kaokor 5'57'419

Map creators socials
Ecrase-Patate  [author] 30 Oct, 2023 @ 11:49pm 
@senileluke I know this can be tricky for KBM players though I made acceleration allowed while mid air especially to make this map accessible to any controller. If you try again with that in mind (and use drift to keep momentum) it should feel more playable and not particularly different than using a gamepad hopefully!
senileluke 30 Oct, 2023 @ 6:06pm 
dang, also not good for kbm players or rizzo because of level 9. makes the input timing nearly impossible since flipping forward requires holding accelerate (unless you change keybinds for the level i guess)
TiwMat 13 Oct, 2023 @ 7:00am 
Ecrase-Patate  [author] 21 Aug, 2023 @ 3:03am 
@Johannes this is a solo map, it's not meant to be played by 2 players, sorry
Johannes 21 Aug, 2023 @ 2:58am 
can i play this map with 2 people somehow (split screen)? The second player seems to always spawn outside the map falling down and resetting both players, and if one flies to the course they're reset back outside the map if anyone dies.
Freeg 0_0 15 Aug, 2023 @ 2:14am 
amazing map loved it. on the last level if you reset occasionally you can glitch the level letting you accelerate thought you should know so people aren't just cheating it
Igrelex 10 Aug, 2023 @ 1:13pm 
On peut "Tonneau droit" et "Tonneau gauche" au niveau 8
We can "Air roll Right" and "Air roll left" in level 8
CHAAMP0 29 Jul, 2023 @ 10:33am 
bonjour, quand je lance la map je suis bloquer mais j'entend le boost et tout, vous aussi?
imso 28 Jul, 2023 @ 8:56pm 
this was really fun to play. i feel like workshops have been getting pretty intense lately so i love this
Uber Draldop 28 Jul, 2023 @ 11:44am 
logitech better