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3 Aug, 2023 @ 11:49am
15 Apr, 2024 @ 7:23pm
6 Change Notes ( view )

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April 15 2024
  • 56 new crafting recipes have been added.

  • Stairs and Ascent/Descent tiles can now be built and utilized.

  • Every built tile, that has been placed down, can now have its crafting ingredients directly reclaimed by removing it with a harvester tool (such as a scythe).

  • Metallic tiles have been re-designed (and re-colored) to blend much better into the world of Soulash.

  • Crafting cost changes to most mod recipes, mostly lowered costs.

  • Baseline hit points of all built tiles raised. Resistances added.

  • Background opacity removed on some tiles.

  • Fixed a serious bug that caused crashes and save corruption when striking the placeholder frames with less damage than expected.

  • Credits (special thanks) updated.

  • README files added to the mod :
    INSTALLATION instructions.rtf
    STAIRCASES How to approach assembly.rtf
    DEBLOATING your recipe list.rtf
    Major Update 1.2 complete changelog.rtf

* As always; Please remember to relocate the subscribed workshop folder of this mod directly to the install location of your copy of Soulash. Exact instructions for this procedure are also on the workshop page (and inside the INSTALLATION readme file).

Full details of the complete changelog is available inside the README file but can also be read at

Construct your own lair with a collection of over 200 recipes that are provided to you at character creation. Each tile constructed from LAIRS comes with modified resistances so that the Lich's Death Aura does not impact your construction.

You can craft the following tile categories : crafting stations, miscellaneous (light sources, decorations, carpets, tents, spike, etc), wooden, stone, sandstone, marble, graveyard and terraforming tiles as well as some custom metallic tiles as an extra incentive for mining ore. You can even craft and utilize stairs and ascent/descent tiles.

Once you have crafted a recipe from LAIRS. Stand directly on top of the location that you want the tile to be placed. Then select it within the inventory and drop it. Move out of the frame and then bump into it to create your tile.

Every tile in this mod is destructible so you can destroy your build as well as correct any mistakes in tile placement by harvesting a fully built tile with a harvester tool (such as a Scythe). Be warned that a tile returns only 1 drop if you opt to destroy it instead.

In order to alleviate the crowded and large volume of recipes added to your crafting repertoire. LAIRS is designed with a custom icon set for its own recipes as well as a bottom left notch to help the user identify which recipe is from the base game and which is from LAIRS.

LAIRS uses id range 999000 - 999999 for its custom entities. Character.json only adds the recipes to character creation. Assets.json references a custom icon set and a modified carbon-copy of the glyph32 tileset asset. None of these custom modifications affect the base game because there is no overwrite.

Credits (special thanks)
Special thanks to Vitokin for his building mod located at this workshop page and his modding tips video without which this would not be possible.
Oragepoilu credited for performing some crucial testing.
Commisar Jon ♥♥♥♥♥♥ credited for performing some crucial testing.
Artur Smiarowski for his amazing game.

This is a workaround procedure for the famous "Black Box Bug".

The pathing instructions inside of assets.json for this mod remains the same and does not change to reflect the new folder location that subscribing places this mod into. This causes the mod to display black boxes where all the glyphs and items should be drawn from the missing tilesheets. To alleviate this problem, please follow the instructions below to ensure that the mod functions properly.

1. Subscribe to this workshop item to download my mod file.
2. Find the drive that you installed steam on and then navigate to Steam -> Steamapps -> Workshop -> Content -> 1623210 -> then search for "3014410750".
3. Copy that entire folder.
4. Navigate back to Steam -> Steamapps -> Common -> Soulash -> Data -> Mods
5. Paste the entire folder and rename it to "sparil_lairs"
6. Launch the game and click on Mods
7. Uncheck "[W] Lairs" and check "Lairs". The correct one has a custom icon.
8. Create a new character to pre-load all the recipes into your new adventure.

STAIRCASES : How to approach assembly
This guide was included in the new update as a README file within the mod folder. You can also view it at this pastebin address :

DEBLOATING your recipe list
This guide was included in the new update as a README file within the mod folder. You can also view it at this pastebin address :

Pastebin Repository
Major Update 1.2
Commisar Jon Fuklaw 15 Apr, 2024 @ 3:28pm 
Oh, neat. Seems like you figured out a stairs-related idea. I'll need to take a gander after merging everything on my end.
Sparil  [author] 15 Apr, 2024 @ 2:42pm 
This will be my final update, bar some bug fixes if anyone finds anything again. Beyond that, I am done, i've crunched for nearly 10 days on this.
Sparil  [author] 15 Apr, 2024 @ 2:39pm 
I am not pleased that steam decided it was necessary to limit my mod description. Anyways there's a new major update for the mod.
Commisar Jon Fuklaw 6 Apr, 2024 @ 6:43pm 
Fair. I'd have said something much earlier, but it slipped my mind between projects and downtime.
Sparil  [author] 6 Apr, 2024 @ 6:04pm 
I appreciate the gesture, but please, you don't need to do anything. I have been working on it all day and already did this and some more.
Commisar Jon Fuklaw 6 Apr, 2024 @ 5:50pm 
By the way, I implemented the necessary corrections (as discussed) this morning. If you want to save your break/backspace/delete key(s) for more important things, I can just throw you all the "frame" entity definitions.
Commisar Jon Fuklaw 6 Apr, 2024 @ 9:50am 
Probably tried to hook into the params for those tags and came back null, thus the nullref. Regardless, there's an additional workaround in the meantime.
Sparil  [author] 6 Apr, 2024 @ 9:48am 
Specifically the crashes for when you damage the frame entities with less damage than the hit points. I think it was just trying to react with those parameters but could not do so properly.
Sparil  [author] 6 Apr, 2024 @ 9:46am 
The crashes seemed to be caused by the excess tags : FIGHTER and HUMANOID. When I removed these, i was able to damage the placeholder (the frame entities) without any trouble.
Commisar Jon Fuklaw 6 Apr, 2024 @ 9:44am 
Also, more good news. Setting negative resistances for your placeholder entities can bypass the crash issue entirely.