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Deep Containers Redux
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Deep Containers Redux

In 1 collection by ssparky
My fellow strokers
47 items
As of the latest baro patch, which changed default stack sizes for holdable and wearable items, this mod now requires LUA for barotrauma to function.

A completely overhauled version of my old "Deep Containers"/"Deep Containers LITE" mods.
Inspired by the announcement of first the removal, then later the rework of storage containers in vanilla, I felt it was high time to revisit my old, poorly-executed storage container mod(s). This (HEAVILY WIP) mod is the result!
Currently, this adds 22 storage containers that can only store specific "types" of items. These containers can be put in special slots included in most common cabinets to act as bulk storage for excess material. If you want a more detailed rundown of the features, check the "Noteable differences" section, where I compare this mod's features to the older "Deep Containers" versions.
For the moment, this mod does not touch vanilla storage containers, though this may change in the future, depending on how vanilla ends up handling them.

Suggestions and ideas?
If you have any reasonable suggestions or ideas, feel free to comment them!
The same goes for if you find you are unable to store an item in a container it reasonable should be able to be stored in.

Mod compatibility
I plan for this mod to be compatible with as many mods as possible. A list of currently supported mods below:
-Dodo's Small Arms
-More Unique Weapons
-Enhanced Armaments (partial support)
-THG Armory - "Vanilla" Weapon Pack
-THG Armory - "Vanilla" Utility Pack
-Alien Grenades

Noteable differences:
The original mods added around 100 containers, each for one specific item. This not only massively clogged up the fabricator recipe list, but also clogged cabinets as you would need one container for e.g. each metal. With this reduxed version, both of these issues should be reduced or gone entirely: there are (currently) only 22 containers, and special slots for them are provided in most cabinets.

Containers from this mod are also the same size as the vanilla container! This is an issue I somehow missed in the original mod(s), where the containers were noteably smaller, which lead to strange collision boxes and messy looking sprites. While I won't deny the current new sprites aren't also a bit messy, they are at least better than the old ones.

Another difference is in the capacity of the containers (vanilla containers have 12 slots for reference). The original "Deep containers" had containers with 20 slots, which I cut back to 12 for the LITE version. Both versions featured an increased cost (+1 fiber and +1 silicon alongside the usual 2 steel) for the containers to compensate somewhat, but this didn't really work for either. For the default version, the increased cost really didn't make a difference, as their capacity was so much bigger than vanilla containers that they were always worth it regardless. For the LITE version, this cost made the containers worse than vanilla ones in every way but "mild convenience" from being able to see what items go where more easily. For this new version, the capacity is 16, with the cost being 1 silicon, 1 titanium alloy, and 2 steel. With this, I hope to strike some sort of balance to make these containers useful, but not overpowered. This may be adjusted if necessary.

There are other minor changes too, but these were the most important ones.

Hope you enjoy the mod!
ssparky  [author] 3 Mar, 2024 @ 1:27am 
@Target Practice
Unable to replicate this. You likely have another mod overriding containers causing this issue.
Target Practice 2 Mar, 2024 @ 12:27pm 
It seems to be possible to place normal storage containers inside eachother when using this mod.
Target Practice 22 Feb, 2024 @ 4:36pm 
ssparky  [author] 22 Feb, 2024 @ 10:52am 
@Target Practice
Target Practice 16 Feb, 2024 @ 11:21am 
Regular wrenches can't be stored inside the tools container.
Target Practice 9 Feb, 2024 @ 9:15am 
I am surprised this mod has so few users. It's very helpful in keeping things organised without being excessively overpowered.
ssparky  [author] 25 Dec, 2023 @ 1:21pm 
@Target Practice
Yep, and while there is an attribute for changing it in XML (MaxStackSizeHoldableAndWearable or something like that), setting it higher than 8 has no effect.
Target Practice 25 Dec, 2023 @ 1:18pm 
So is it normally limited to 8 in containers? I haven't played since the update that introduced the stacking changes.
ssparky  [author] 25 Dec, 2023 @ 1:15pm 
@Target Practice

Overrides the max stack size for holdable items, which unfortunately cannot be done through XML .
Target Practice 24 Dec, 2023 @ 4:28pm 
What does this mod do that makes it require lua?