

110 ratings
LootBoxes - Rimworld Surprise Mechanics
Mod, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
998.343 KB
7 Sep, 2023 @ 12:04pm
4 May, 2024 @ 1:01pm
7 Change Notes ( view )

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LootBoxes - Rimworld Surprise Mechanics

The intent of this mod is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different items throughout the gameplay.

Lootboxes can be bought for at traders and opened to provide a rich and surprising rimworld experience.

There isn't specific odds for each individual items, rather the items shown are the loottable from which your rewards are sampled based on the value formula:

y = 200x^2 + 400x^10 + 1200x^50 + 3000x^500 ; 0 < x < 1
y = 400x^2 + 800x^10 + 2400x^50 + 6000x^500 ; 0 < x < 1
y = 2000x^2 + 4000x^10 + 12000x^50 + 30000x^500 ; 0 < x < 1

So the RimLootbox will:
50% of the time it will contain 50$ or more
25% of the time it will contain 135$ or more
10% of the time it will contain 307$ or more
5% of the time it will contain 512$ or more
1% of the time it will contain 1303$ or more
0.1% of the time it will contain 3556$ or more
0.01% of the time it will contain 4647$ or more
Max reward: 4800$

- 1.5 Support

- Added big boxes
- fixed bugs where the last 2 boxes opened as one

- Added randyboxes
- Rimlootbox contains medicine & armor,
- Lootboxes are no longer concidered medicine

- Made cases changeable via defs. Allows you to make your own custom case, currently the loottables only support thingCategories
- made cases storable
- Made cases return more volative. You'll get more good and bad stuff.
- removed redundant .dlls
[TSF] Mason 1290 8 Sep, 2024 @ 1:30pm 
i move to unbox. window pops up. nothing there.
Vragerr 4 May, 2024 @ 1:08pm 
i gues s 1 idea for Autor, make that lootbox in reward for missions in good chance, and remove from traders, often rewards from missions are sad.
Грязный шиноби 26 Apr, 2024 @ 4:04am 
очень надеюсь автор обновит
Hoopers Live Forever 21 Apr, 2024 @ 7:52am 
Does this need an update
RoboSpongie 14 Apr, 2024 @ 4:24am 
Would love to see a 1.5 update!
RoboSpongie 10 Jan, 2024 @ 10:46am 
Getting the same bug as Farmer and Culain, the multiple box opening bug still persists
nukestar 2 Nov, 2023 @ 11:34am 
The RandyBox should produce a random event rather than an item.
Erythion 23 Oct, 2023 @ 11:40pm 
Hi, can you make the spinner display a name label on what gets rolled? I've gotten a few items that are almost indistinguishable (like eggs and such) and I want to know what they were before opening more cases and closing the dialog box
Dzonny 27 Sep, 2023 @ 4:19pm 
Sure! Thanks!
OniJechto  [author] 27 Sep, 2023 @ 3:36pm 
@Frog & @Culain, i should've fixed the bug, report back if it persists