Victoria 3

Victoria 3

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Springtime of Empires
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20 Sep, 2023 @ 10:32am
19 Jan @ 9:56am
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Springtime of Empires

Springtime of Empires is currently in Alpha. As a work in progress, it may contain bugs, incomplete features, and other issues. I’ll try to post frequent updates on the mod over on discord:

Witness a world where the flames of revolution in 1848 ignited a successful German Revolution, leading to the emergence of a powerful and united German Empire decades ahead of its historical counterpart. When Napoleon III in 1853 was defeated, a reconciled France has formed a strong alliance with Germany, altering the balance of power in Europe. Together they have achieved victory on the battlefield of the Great War, against Great Britain, Italy and Russia.
Nowadays, in 1926, Germany and France are on the verge of bankruptcy, as a result of the hydroelectric dam project in the Congo. Envisioned as a source of electricity and as new living space in the Sahara, these dams were constructed in the Congo & Chad, transforming vast regions into a giant interconnected lake system. However, the project has been plagued by failures, as now both countries will have to deal with the massive investment loss and most importantly with the humanitarian crisis at hand.
Now with both Great Powers declining in power, it will only be a matter of time when a new Empire will arise to fill the vacuum.

The Plan:
Most of the lore/events are already planned out, since I originally was developing this mod for HOI4 2-3 years ago. This means in return that content and updates should be more streamlined and focused, since there is a clear vision of what the mod is supposed to be.

Here is a ‘Roadmap’ of some planned stuff as an example:
- Italian remilitarization.
- Centralization of the Soviet Union.
- German Balance of Power, between Habsburg’s, Hohenzollern and the free Republic.
- Indian & Chinese unification.
- Additional new states and border refinements, starting in Europe.
- New Tech for the time period; 1926-2026 (after 1.5)

Jozef for his Newspapers
Eliczek 23 Feb @ 3:52am 
Having no electricity in 1920 as germany is wild. the funny german party should have public health insurance and other social thingys cause that what he did historically.
Mad Baron 20 Feb @ 12:01am 
Mod is currently unstable and not ready for 1.8. Most laws are with pre 1.8 values in mind but mechanics changed. Mobilization tab shows not even basic supplies being active and immediately leads to a crash afterwards. Values for some of the subsistence buildings seem completely wrong. Food consumption seems to be as low as before Paradox increased it a lot, leading to production of food being almost always unprofitable with prices close to -75%. And so on.

Interesting project but needs a lot of work.
Alba Morus 24 Jan @ 4:05pm 
any tips on reducing the late game culture pop lag? Haven't tried this with any of the merged culture mods but this is my fav alt history mod so far
Bon Aqua 18 Jan @ 1:43pm 
Its a joy discovering all the worlds details in your little texts. Please continue with your fascinating creation.
laoditiefen 23 Dec, 2024 @ 1:57am 
please update,and it's good mod thank you
Revan117 5 Nov, 2024 @ 9:57am 
Very fun mod! Thanks for the work!
BACKOFFENPOMES 13 Oct, 2024 @ 8:47am 
bandit 23 Sep, 2024 @ 5:42pm 
As much as I love the approach and all but seriously man, Japan? Malaya got double the Literacy and has like three times techs unlocked after 15 years of play.
Japan basically got nothing going for it by any means, really needs some love. I didn't even manage to get engines in 1940, or a proper army for that matter :)
13 Sep, 2024 @ 7:53am 
Excuse me, does this mod have Chinese?
Fruity Queen 3 Sep, 2024 @ 7:17pm