Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Hananisomu ハナニソム
Type: Game
Complexity: Low Complexity
Number of Players: 2
Play Time: 10 minutes, 30 minutes
Language: English, Japanese
File Size
59.408 KB
24 Sep, 2023 @ 9:50am
22 Aug, 2024 @ 5:12pm
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Hananisomu ハナニソム

"A 2 player game from Japan where players compete to enjoy the cherry blossom viewing. In Japan, since the 8th century, it is custom to pass a pleasant afternoon in the spring, sitting under the cherry and plum trees, enjoying the blossoms while eating and drinking with your friends. This is known as Hanami, and is seen all across Japan as the blossoms open.

In this game, the two players are trying to create the best flower viewing experience for their friends. By laying out ground sheets under the trees, and providing food and drink, players score points. The most points wins the game.

Players take turns laying tiles in three colours, and putting markers for people on them. By controlling the largest areas connected to trees, and having the right type of people connected to the foods they like, a player can maximise their score.
user summary

This is a two-player game where players line up leisure sheets in a park full of cherry blossoms and the winner is the one who gets the best basho (spot under the trees) for the visitors. The player who gets the best basho for the visitors wins the game." - From Developer

Designer: Kurio Kurio (くりお), Matsu (まつ)
Artist: Matsu (まつ)
Publisher: Minamimuki (ミナミムキ)
Manggoose  [author] 22 Aug, 2024 @ 5:13pm 
Made the tiles a bit nicer. The People tiles are still blurry as I don't have good scans of them.