Car Mechanic Simulator 2021

Car Mechanic Simulator 2021

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CONFIG Morena Bizzarini Fulmine SV
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CONFIG Morena Bizzarini Fulmine SV

In 1 collection by zaraki
Zaraki's workshop - CMS21 CONFIG
252 items
Morena Bizzarini with V12M158 turbocharged engine
Available in: Junkyard, Salon, Shed, Auction
Requires Pagani Remastered DLC and Jaguar DLC

The Morena Bizzarini is equipped with a V12M158 engine.
The engine is the V12M158 made by AMG, which is also used in the Pagani Huayra. The output has increased to 727hp due to the powerful turbo engine. The large engine protrudes into the driver's seat, but 8BITJAKE's bonus part "Center Console_Blank Section" is mounted to cover it.
The cooling system is enhanced to match the engine. The exhaust is renewed and connected a little more forcibly.
The vehicle height is lowered and the tires are changed to a slightly thicker racing type. Driving stability and cornering performance are improved.
Bonus aero parts can be added around the body. Jackyl's "Frontspoiler" is attached to the front, Spoiler 2B to the sides, and Spoiler 4 under the muffler. Note it moves to an unusual position when the trunk is opened.
An additional air intake can be added at the rear of the roof, combining Jackyl's "Air scoops slim" and 8BUTJAKE's "Random Metal Plate".
In addition, "suv/hatch spoiler" by Cabbit on the rear and "half_cage" inside the driver's cab can be installed as you like. Please refer to the pictures for the mounting position.
A special Livery based on the Lamborghini Diablo SV is now available. It is strongly recommended to install together.
This is a upper version of the Bizzarini with a high performance V12 engine, bearing the name "Super Veloce". Have fun with it!

Morena BizzariniにV12M158エンジンを搭載しました。
エンジンはPagani Huayraにも搭載されたAMG製のV12M158。強力なターボエンジンにより出力は727hpに向上しました。大きなエンジンが運転席内にはみ出しますが、8BITJAKE氏のボーナスパーツ"Center Console_Blank Section"を取り付けカバーしています。
車体周辺にボーナスパーツでエアロパーツを追加できます。前部にJackyl氏の"Frontspoiler"、側面にSpoiler 2B、マフラー下にSpoiler 4を取付可能。トランクを開けると異常な位置に移動するので注意してください。
ルーフ後方にはエアインテークを増設可能。Jackyl氏の"Air scoops slim"と8BUTJAKE氏の"Random Metal Plate"を組み合わせます。
その他、後部にCabbit氏の"suv/hatch spoiler"、運転席内に"half_cage"をお好みで取付可能です。取り付け位置は画像を参照してください。
Lamborghini Diablo SVを参考にした専用のLiveryを同時公開しました。一緒にインストールすることを強く推奨します。
"Super Veloce"の名を冠した、高性能V12エンジンを搭載したBizzariniの上位バージョンです。楽しんでください。