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Handheld railgun
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26 Sep, 2023 @ 2:43pm
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Handheld railgun

Adds a handheld portable railgun type weapon to the game without you needing to download a large weapon pack or having a gun that can somehow fire entire ship mounted railgun shells

The gun can only be found in shipwrecks along with its generic ammo, railgun sabots
Sabots can be bought from military and city outposts though with a difficulty of atleast 30

I tried to balance the gun so that the sabot wont instantly kill a person to a body shot because some crew members love to run infront of people when shooting. Youll have atleast a few seconds before they slowly bleed out though to give them copious amounts of morphine :)
Except for SAPHEI ammo, that will instantly kill a person as demonstated in the video and has a larger blast radius (about the same as a 40mm grenade) thatll shred almost anything around it. Its a good idea to wear something prefferably with burn resistance like a PUCS and you can put your drugs in it so that you can be doped up as you conemplate what went wrong!
Technically the normal sabot has a very tiny explosion radius so that itll actually do damage to creatures whose limbs get in the way of clear shots (cough cough, husks, cough). This means that you can kill yourself if you shoot an enemy in kissing distance but by then you hopefully switched to a different weapon lol

Despite the thumbnails I did spend a lot of time tuning its balance and Ill probably make changes if need be
Enjoy your murder :)
Popular Discussions View All (1)
26 Sep, 2023 @ 3:31pm
PINNED: Weapon IDs
Presumptuous Spacemans
VelxraTV 27 Oct, 2023 @ 1:05pm 
Could we have a pistol and long range variant?
Mavrika 20 Oct, 2023 @ 12:39pm 
well it deos kill instantly with a headshot witch is funny
Presumptuous Spacemans  [author] 19 Oct, 2023 @ 1:51pm 
The new update made it so the weapon doesnt do structure damage, Ill try to fix it but Im not sure how lol
With that said the update made it so the recoil for being underskilled can damage you which is super funny
blazrandom 15 Oct, 2023 @ 7:12pm 
Presumptuous Spacemans  [author] 15 Oct, 2023 @ 10:28am 
The weapon itself is as rare as other rare weapons like the boom stick or the eruopan handshake, the ammo can spawn in any container though. Ill take a look but if its really not working then what I did to make sure it spawns is I made a submarine in the editor and made a bunch of cabinets with the wreckarmcab and abandonedarmcab to see if its capable of spawning in them
白银之天王 15 Oct, 2023 @ 7:25am 
Your weapon is actually quite good, I don't know if it's a game problem, I can't find this weapon and ammunition in the wreck, I used various methods, but the weapons and ammunition still can't be found, please deal with it, or improve the weapons and ammunition refresh, or the ammunition that the workbench can make.
For Whom The Cock Balls 7 Oct, 2023 @ 2:16am 
nice spritework
Mavrika 3 Oct, 2023 @ 11:34am 
Mavrika 3 Oct, 2023 @ 9:38am 
That Just pirces Like the while SUB crafting Rezeptbis one Deleted fuel and three rion and one Titanium alloy.:securityofficer2:
Mavrika 3 Oct, 2023 @ 8:42am 
Could you add a Deleted fuel Rail ammo