Rusty Lake: Roots

Rusty Lake: Roots

38 ratings
Rusty Lake: Roots - 100% Guide
By Eren Hinger
A guide to completing every level and unlocking every achievement in Rusty Lake: Roots.
!!! SPOILER WARNING !!! (obviously ._.)
Greetings! This is a guide to completing all 34 levels and unlocking all 16 achievements.

I am writing guides for every game in the Rusty Lake franchise by following the recommended playing order. If you came from my Cube Escape Collection guide, links will be provided to the previous and next games when necessary. If you're just here for Rusty Lake: Roots, feel free to ignore these.

A video walkthrough is planned in the future. Stay tuned!

Alrighty. Without further ado, let's introduce ourselves to the Vanderbooms. I've heard they're a lovely family.
Most of them, anyways.

TIP: Clicking on characters will show what they're thinking, and may provide helpful hints as to how to proceed.
Items: Grab the watering can by the dog.
Puzzles: Open the letter in James' pocket to get a code. Use the code (572) to unlock the briefcase. Take the bone, then unlock the small box and take the seed. Lower the watering can into the well to fill it. Give the dog the bone, then plant the seed in the spot he digs up.
Achievement Get: Plant a Tree
Water the seed, then interact with James.

Items: Snap a twig off of the tree. Grab the worm next to the pots and the diamond inside the left one. Take another diamond from the other side of the window.
Puzzles: Drag the stool over to James and let him climb on top. Give him the twig to knock the nest down. Feed the crow in the nest the worm and grab the diamond once it flies away. Place the three diamonds in the slots on the door and open it.

Items: Tear the portrait and grab the key underneath. Check the drawers for some matches.
Puzzles: Unlock the bottom drawer and take the hatchet. Cut the log into firewood, place the wood in the fireplace and light it. Take the key from the hook inside the fireplace and unlock the window. Unlock the puzzle cabinet by pushing the buttons that correspond to the handprints on the window. Interact with the timepiece. Input the time (8:25) on the grandfather clock. Once William falls out of the clock, enter his nipple.
Achievement Get: The Nipple
Take the heart from inside and place it in the jar.

Items: Take the handkerchief from James' pocket. Grab the rose from the pot and take a feather from the crow.
Puzzles: Give Mary the rose and wipe the blood from her nose with the handkerchief. Put the blood on the paper in James' hand and give him the feather to write with. Give the love note to Mary and grab the worm when she moves closer to James. Feed the crow the worm and grab the key it was guarding. Unlock the cabinet and take the ring. Give the ring to Mary.

Items: Take the tap inside the middle crib. Grab scissors from the drawers and take the pestle and the spoon on top.
Puzzles Put the tap in the barrel and cut the plant with the scissors. Put the plant in the mortar and grind it with the pestle. Scoop up the birth potion with the spoon and feed it to Mary. Cut the umbilical cords of the triplets and place them in their cribs.
Achievement Get: Triplets
Take the placenta and feed it to the dog. Take the key from his neck and unlock the cupboard. Give Mary one of the bottles, fill another with rainwater from the window, and put the last under the tap, filling it with wine. Use the cards by the mortar to give the triplets the correct bottles (from left to right, milk, water, wine).

Puzzles: Using the piece of paper on the table, the drawing in James' book and the drawing behind the portrait of James and Mary, solve the puzzle on the bottom of the bookshelf to receive some binoculars. Puzzle Solution: Solve the two book puzzles by rearranging their order. Puzzle Solutions: Look at Rusty Lake Hotel through the binoculars and zoom in on the flickering windows. Match the busts on the bookshelf with the order of the guests at the hotel (from left to right, rabbit, pigeon, boar, crow, deer, pheasant) and enter the secret passage.

Puzzles: Using the scales and the sketch above it, find the right substances to create the elixir (~ + x + x + o).
Achievement Get: The Elixir
Attempt to give James the elixir, then give it to the dog. Give it to James and interact with his corpse.

Items: Grab the coin behind the jar.
Puzzles: Open the cabinet by lining up the deer image and take the second coin. Place the coins over James' eyes and take the eyeball inside his mouth. Move the rings on his fingers to the correct spots. (This would be require too many images. If you are stuck, please look up the solution. Sorry. ;-;) Grab the eye from his coat. Rebuild the bust. Puzzle Solution: Put the eyes in the statue and take the knife from the secret compartment. Cut off James' tongue and put it in the jar.

Items: Take the pot cover behind the pots and the marbles inside the left one. Take some of Emma's ribbon. Grab the honey from the beehive and a twig from the tree.
Puzzles: Put the honey in Emma's jar. Give Samuel the twig, the ribbon and the marbles. Make him shoot at the butterfly. Get the butterfly into the jar and use the pot cover to shut it. Make Emma knock Albert over, then shoot the beehive. Interact with Albert and talk to Mr. Crow when he appears.

Items: Grab the garden weasel by the tree.
Puzzles: Solve the flower puzzle. Create the four flowers in the yellow pot by taking pollen from the stems and colored flowers and applying it to the white flower. Use the garden weasel to reset if you mess up. (Flower I: stem 2, yellow, red, red. Flower II: stem 1, blue, red, red. Flower III: stem 2, stem 3, red, blue, blue. Flower IV: stem 4, yellow, blue, blue.) Place the flowers in the pot next to Emma.

Items: Take the blue mask from the stand. Grab the watering can on the cabinet.
Puzzles: Put the blue mask on Albert. Open the window and fill the watering can with rainwater. Pour the water in the funnel above the cabinets and take the key that comes out of the pipe. Unlock the top glass cabinets and put the white mask on Albert. Take the icicle from the window and poke inside the second pipe with it to get another key. Unlock the bottom glass cabinet and take the binoculars. Look out the window using the binoculars to find two halves of the code for the cabinet. One is in the snow using the white mask and the other is in the rain using the blue mask. Puzzle Solution: Take the moon mask.
Achievement Get: The Moon Mask
Give Albert the moon mask. Look at the moon and focus on the window. Enter the code given by the corrupted soul (5231) into the box and take the butterfly. Place the butterfly under Albert's knife and interact to make him stab it.

Items: Grab the glue on the workbench, the gear behind it and the saw in front of it. Grab another gear behind Ida the Fortune Teller's flyer. Take the matches from Samuel's apron pocket. Take the gear outside the window.
Puzzles: Give the saw to Samuel. Interact with the saw and grab the gear on the workbench. Create several wood pieces by cutting the boards at the correct angle, lining them up on the paper and gluing them together. Click the new board that appears after cutting if you mess up. Once the paper says "READY," focus on the clock. Repair the inside of the clock, place the four gears in the correct spots and attach the three parts on the right. Puzzle Solutions:

Set the time on Ida's flyer (3:30) on the clock. Focus on the window and take the pipe from Ida. Give it to Samuel and light it.

Puzzles: Using the five voodoo dolls and the drawing on the cabinet, arrange the tarot cards in the correct order (from left to right and top to bottom, THE STAR, DEATH, THE DEVIL, THE HERMIT, THE HANGED MAN, THE EMPRESS). Take the key Ida gives you. Unlock the cabinet and take the crystal ball. Give it to Ida. Using the clues inside the crystal ball, rearrange the tarot cards (THE EMPRESS, THE DEVIL, DEATH, THE HANGED MAN, THE HERMIT, THE STAR). Look into the crystal ball, then interact with Ida once she puts it away.

Items: Take the knife from Albert's pocket. Grab the teddy arm behind the cabinet.
Puzzles: Carve a mask in the pumpkin and give it to Albert. Take the key he gives you and unlock the cabinet. Take the teddy bear head and fix the teddy bear. Give Frank the teddy bear and pull the swing back far. Take the teddy bear and give it to Frank, then have Albert turn the crank until Frank falls down the well.

Items: Grab the ink from the shrine(?) and the piece of paper behind it. Grab another piece of paper behind the locked cabinet. Grab a piece of paper behind the sketch of Emma and Frank.
Puzzles: Place the three pieces of paper on the table and assemble a picture. Set the telescope's coordinates to the number on the paper (62). Align the telescope coordinates with the crosshairs on the other three drawings to get their numbers (C=35, D=33, A=04). Use the hint on the locked cabinet to solve the equation (62+35+33-4=126) and take the stamp. Pour the ink into the pot, dip the stamp in the ink, stamp the letter, then roll it up and place it in the tube. Give the tube to Harvey.

Items: Take the hat, cap and veil from the hat rack.
Puzzles: Open the box on the right by lining up the cube image, taking the hat inside. Push the white and black buttons for the two boxes on the left based on the clues given (Box 1: WWWWBBBWWWWWBBBWWWW, Box 2: WWBWWBBBWWBWW), taking the hat and mask inside. Give the hats to the correct people (green hat to Mary, brown cap to Leonard, top hat to Samuel, veil to Ida, black hat to Emma, mask to Albert) and take a photo.

Items: Take the turmeric in the leftmost flowerpot and the shell behind it. Grab the key behind the rightmost flowerpot. Grab the pestle from the table. Grab the berries from the plant by the tree. Take the paintbrush resting against the cabinet.
Puzzles: Unlock the cabinet and take the bottle. Collect some oil from the tree. Place the turmeric, the shell and the berries in the mortar, grind each with the pestle and add oil to create paints. Place the three paints on the palette. Paint the picture according to the colors of the flowers in the pots below. Puzzle Solution: Collect Emma's tears.

Puzzles: Read the rules on the table and play the lying game. We'll solve this logically. (Albert: "I don't love Ida" is proven a LIE by checking his thought bubble. "My brother is not married" is obviously a LIE. "A card is hidden right of the painting" is proven a LIE by checking. Albert must be THE DEVIL. Ida: "A key is hidden under the newspaper" is proven a LIE by checking. "The devil has my photo in his pocket" is proven a TRUTH by checking. Mary: "A card is hidden behind the top left corner of the photo" is proven a TRUTH by checking. "It is summer" is obviously a LIE. Samuel: "My sister died" is proven a TRUTH by checking the newspaper if you haven't played "The Painting" yet. "A key is hidden behind the bottom right corner of the painting" is proven a TRUTH by checking. "The locker code starts with 37" must be a TRUTH, because the other two statements about the locker code have been about the end. Samuel must be THE HIGH PRIESTESS. "The locker code ends with 94" is proven a TRUTH and "The locker code ends with 46" is proven a LIE by checking, making Mary THE CHARIOT and Ida THE EMPRESS.) Unlock the window and grab the last card. Place the three cards on the table and assign them to the correct people (Samuel is The High Priestess, Albert is The Devil, Mary is The Chariot and Ida is The Empress). Look outside and take the deer skull. Give it to Albert.

Items: Take the pieces of paper from Leonard and Albert's pockets. Take a third piece of paper from behind the table.
Puzzles: Place the pieces of paper in the frame. Make everyone play the correct melody based on the sheet music (Samuel=EGEG, Albert=AEAE, Leonard=CBCB, Ida=TLTL). Once Albert, Samuel and Ida disappear, take Mary's teeth and put them in the jar.

Items: Take Samuel's pipe.
Puzzles: Light the candle with the pipe and take it. Light the Samuel doll on fire and move the right arm (from the doll's perspective) up. Open the container and grab the key inside. Unlock the box and take the needle, then stab the Ida doll with it. Using the hints on the grey box, position Ida's arms to get three reactions and input them into the box. Puzzle Solution: Take the scissors and cut the button eyes off both dolls. Take Samuel and Ida's eyes.
Achievement Get: The Eye
Put both eyes in the jars.

Items: Take the pot on the table. Grab the potato behind the box and the egg inside.
Puzzles: Give Albert the pot and collect his semen. Give Frank the potato and take the flints. Twist the pipes to set up the experiment. Puzzle Solution: (In setting it up like this, you only have to rotate two pieces for the last step.) Drop the egg and the semen into the funnel, light the candle and rotate the pipes to pour some water in.

Puzzles: Using the map, send the carrier pigeons to retrieve the missing bike parts. Ring the bell to send them away and call them back. (From left to right and top to bottom, numbered 1-6, Trip 1: B2 R3 W5 G6. Trip 2: R1 B2 W3 G4. Trip 3: B1 R2 W4 G5.) Pick up the four bike parts and rebuild the bike using the illustration as a guide. Puzzle Solution: Interact with Leonard.

Items: Grab the cup on the table and take the table leg. Take the key from Leonard's left breast pocket. Take the scissors from the drawers.
Puzzles: Unlock the bottom drawer and take the pincers. Cut his sleeve and pull the bullet out. Cut his pant leg and align the bandages so every bloody spot is covered. Puzzle Solution: Place the wooden cup and table leg over Leonard's missing leg. Cut the bandages around his head and enter his eye. Pull the grenade pin and align the pieces of the silhouette. Repeat this process three times, then talk to Mr. Crow and take the key from him. Reenter Leonard's eye, unlock the crate, give Leonard the gas mask and pull the pin. Align the silhouettes of the symbols and input the code into the box. Puzzle Solution:
Take Leonard's foot and put it in the jar.

Puzzles: Answer Rose's questions on the spirit board. (Answer "YES" to "Can you hear me?" Interacting with the bottom painting as a hint, answer "WILLIAM" to "What is your first name?" Answer "VANDERBOOM" to "What is your last name?" Answer "YES" to "Do you want my key?") Unlock the mirror and take the key inside, then interact with the mirror again. Unlock the crate and look at the papers inside. (Answer "LIVE" to "What do you want?" Answer "SACRIFICES" to "What do you need to live again?" Answer "TIMEPIECES" to "What do you need to open the gate?"

Items: Take the sharp rock next to the teddy and the wire inside.
Puzzles: Stab the hand in the grate with the sharp rock and take the berries. Give the berries to Frank and take the twig once he's finished. Quickly interact with the airplane to send it up. Using the hint on the wall and the items on hand, ask for a drink (forked twig on the left, straight twig on the right). Take the drink that comes down and give it to Frank. Rearrange the items in the bucket (wire on the left, forked twig on the right) and take the grilled fish that comes down. Give it to Frank and take the fish bone. Rearrange the items in the bucket (fish bone on the left, both twigs on the right). Take the wooden stick that comes down, give it to Frank and interact to help him escape.

Items: Take the hatchet by the fire pit. Take the wooden stick from Rose. Grab the worm next to the pots, the cup behind them and the matches inside the left pot.
Puzzles: Interact with the well to receive a paper airplane with instructions. Lower and raise the bucket. Collect the dog's pee in the cup.
Achievement Get: The Cup
Put the cup in the bucket, then lower and raise it to receive new instructions. Put the worm in the bear trap and refocus to get a fish. Use the hatchet on part of the tree for some firewood. Put the wood in the fire pit, place the wooden stick and the fish over it and light it. Refocus and take the grilled fish, place it in the bucket, then lower and raise it. Take the wooden stick from the fire pit, place it in the bucket, then lower and raise it.

Items: Take the knife on top of the picture frame.
Puzzles: Use the lines on the cabinet to push the buttons in the correct sequence (DUDDUUDDUDU) and take the chess piece. Carve another chess piece out of Frank's potato and place them both on the board. Take out the white king without touching a marked square. The knight can only move in an L shape. (Using a range of a-f for the columns and 1-6 for the rows, with the leftmost square being a1 and the northernmost square being f1, c5 b3 a5 c4 a3 c2 e3 f1.) Play another game by spelling out the word "CEREBRUM" in your moves based on the hint in the picture frame (c5 e6 f4 d5 c3 e4 d2 f1). Make Frank strangle Albert. Take Albert's brain and put it in the jar.

Items: Interact with the mirror and take the key behind the glass. Take the matches from the drawers. Grab the bucket on top of the furnace.
Puzzles: Close the left window and move the boards on the right window to cover the holes. Puzzle Solution: Unlock the middle drawer and take the coal. Fill the bucket at the sink, place it on top of the furnace, put the coal in the bottom, light them, flip the three switches at the top, take the bucket and fill the bathtub. Take the key from Frank and unlock the bottom drawer. Take the scissors and cut Frank's hair, then put the hair in the jar.

Items: Grab the shovel resting against the fence and the insect inside the tree.
Puzzles: Get the grasshoppers on the table to the other side. Grasshoppers can jump one space forward, or they can advance two spaces by jumping over another grasshopper. (From left to right the grasshoppers will be referred to from 1-6, even if they switch places. For example, if grasshopper 3 jumps over grasshopper 4, 3 is now 4 and vice versa. 345421246642244.) Take the grasshopper. Place the insect and the grasshopper on the ground with the frog. Use the piece of paper Leonard has to find the timepiece. (Move the frog on the rock and move three spaces. Move the insect to where the frog is and move three spaces. Move the grasshopper to the insect and move three spaces. Move the insect to the grasshopper and move two spaces. Move the frog to the insect and move two spaces. Move the insect to the frog and move one space. Move the grasshopper to the insect and move three spaces. Move the marker to the grasshopper and dig.) Take the timepiece and give it to Leonard.

Items: Take the bird food and the card next to the box. Take the card behind the sketch of Emma and Frank. Take the card behind the painting of Aldous.
Puzzles: Open the right window and put the bird food inside the feeder, then refocus. Take Emma's letter from Harvey and give it to Frank. Interact with Harvey until he leaves, then click on the date on the window.
Achievement Get: The Date
Take down the painting of Aldous and solve the puzzle by creating a line going from the bottom to the center. Puzzle Solution: Look through the telescope and place the three cards to the left. Form the four constellations on the cards by connecting the stars. (From left to right, the constellations are the tree, the cube, the deer and the crow. The deer constellation is rotated about 90 degrees clockwise compared to the card. I can't be of much more help without spending more than an hour formatting images.) Find and create Emma's constellation using the pattern on her sketch. (It's smack dab in the middle.) Find and create Aldous' constellation using the pattern on his painting. (It's also directly in the middle.) Take the lens and put it on the letter. Line the lens up in the correct spot, then input the code (LOVE) into the box. Take the timepiece and give it to Frank.

Puzzles: Solve the puzzle box by sliding the tiles into the designated spots. Use the red button to reset if you mess up. (Due to the nightmare that is Steam guide image formatting, I can't display the solutions to this. If you are stuck, please look it up. Terribly sorry for the inconvenience.) Take the record, put it on the gramophone and play the music. Make Frank and Rose dance by clicking Frank to move left and Rose to move right. Dance to the pattern on the puzzle box (RRLLRRRLLLRR) and take the key from Rose. Unlock the cabinet and take the dress and the record. Give Rose the dress.
Achievement Get: The Dress
Play the new record and make Frank and Rose dance to the pattern on the cabinet (RRRLRLRLLRRR). Take the needle from the gramophone and stab Rose's finger with it. Collect Rose's blood.
NOTE: This level is only unlocked after completing "The Last Dance," forcing it out of chronological order. This isn't a mistake in the guide.
Items: Take the shovel inside the open grave and take the bone from the dog.
Puzzles: Dig up the graves of Emma, Mary, Ida, Samuel and James, collecting four bones and finding a box. Use the hint on the box and the graves to solve the equation. (Some countries use different date formats than the standard, so be sure to read the tombstones as dd/mm/yyyy.) (10+12=22, 33+3=33, so the code is 2233.) Take the piercer and break open Albert's grave, revealing another bone. Place the six bones in the open grave and assemble the skeleton. Puzzle Solution: Take the timepiece from the skeleton's mouth and give it to Rose.

Items: Take the three timepieces from Rose, Leonard and Frank.
Puzzles: Place the timepieces in the slots in the next room, opening them as you do. Input the time on all the timepieces (2:45) into the grandfather clock. Lock Rose inside the clock. Find the code to the box by balancing the sacrifices of six Vanderbooms. (Based on the sketches, we can conclude that F=3 and J=1. However, these two can only be brought to the same height if the weight of the item and the podium together are equal. Since the podiums are labeled with the numbers 1-5, we can infer that each podium and item combo must weigh a total of 6. We can balance the sacrifices and then subtract the number on the podium from 6 to get the item weights. Once balanced out, we end up with the following: J=1, M=3, E=2, A=3, S=5, I=5, L=4, R=4, F=3. Therefore, SMIEAR=535234.) Take the jar with William's heart inside and place it on the remaining podium. Collect all ten sacrifices and climb up the roots. Give William's corrupted soul the ten sacrifices. Play through the end scene.
Achievement Get: Rebirth

The goal here is to find an emblem in each of the portrait levels. Clicking on "More Roots" after completing "Roots" provides you with the first hint.
James: Using the hint on the More Roots page, enter the code (666) into the briefcase. Peel back the inner lining to reveal the emblem, along with many tarot cards that serve as hints for the rest of the emblems.
Samuel: Using the hint on the WHEEL OF FORTUNE card, input the time (10:35) into the clock to reveal the emblem.
Emma: Using the hint on the QUEEN OF PENTACLES card, interact with flowers I-IV in the correct sequence (34241) to reveal the emblem.
Albert: Using the hint on THE DEVIL card, input the code into the box to reveal the emblem and another tarot card. Puzzle Solution:
Ida: Using the hints on DEATH, THE HERMIT, THE DEVIL, THE STAR, THE HANGED MAN and THE EMPRESS card found in Albert's portrait, rearrange the tarot cards according to the symbol on each card (THE STAR, THE EMPRESS, THE DEVIL, THE HANGED MAN, THE HERMIT, DEATH) to reveal the emblem.
Frank: Using the hint on THE HERMIT card, click the correct letters in the instructions on the wall (the C in stick, the R in water, any O, any W) and remove the piece of wall that breaks to reveal the emblem and another tarot card.
Mary: Using the hint on THE LOVERS card found in Frank's portrait, pull the fingers of the severed hand in the correct order (ring, pinky, middle, index, pinky) to reveal the emblem.
Rose: Using the hint on THE EMPRESS card found in Albert's portrait, input the correct phrase into the spirit board. (The hint on the back of THE EMPRESS card refers to a specific letter in a family member's name. R1 S4 J5 A6 M4 L1 I3 F5 E1=ROSE SAMUEL JAMES ALBERT MARY LEONARD IDA FRANK EMMA=RUSTY LAKE.) The emblem will be revealed. Input "CUBE ESCAPE" into the spirit board and listen to Rose's response.
Achievement get: Laura
Using the hint on the DEATH card, send the carrier pigeons to the correct destinations (B1 R2 W3 G4) and call them back to reveal the emblem.
Achievement Get: The Last Emblem
??? - THE SEED

Puzzles: Using the hint on the banner, create the elixir, along with the other items. Click here to go to my alchemy guide, where I list all the combinations and what I believe to be the most efficient way of obtaining the three alchemy achievements. Follow the instructions there and return once you've finished.
Achievement Get: Rusty Lake Cocktail
Achievement Get: White Cube
Achievement Get: Black Cube

Give the elixir to Aldous and drink from the cup. Take the seed and talk to Mr. Crow.
Achievement Get: The Crow
Give Mr. Crow the seed and finish his dialogue.
I believe I have everything covered so far. However, in case there is anything I missed, or you have suggestions to improve on this guide, please let me know in the comments. Any criticism/help is welcome and strongly encouraged, even if it's something small like a spelling/grammar error. :)

Thank you for taking the time to read my guide. I think we've all learned a valuable lesson from this.

Don't f*ck with Albert.
Blackbeard 13 Jan @ 12:53pm 
Great job but too many unnecessary hidings.
Reikoo 5 Jul, 2024 @ 8:32pm 
SpecialNasty 16 Apr, 2024 @ 8:48pm 
Scratch that, i figured it out! I had to move 3 pipes not 2 to get it solved. Maybe add in a second picture showing the second solution?
SpecialNasty 16 Apr, 2024 @ 8:39pm 
for Summer 1909 - The Brood, i set up the pipes exactly as said and moved 2 pipes to have just the water go to what was in the jar, but my game never did anything. did i miss something?
Funny_Graveyard 31 Dec, 2023 @ 2:40am 
Excellent guide and easy 100% thanks
Eren Hinger  [author] 21 Nov, 2023 @ 6:12pm 
I thought that too at first. For some reason they didn't change the hour hand accordingly based on the minute, so it is 2:45, with the hour hand resting exactly on 2 when it should be almost at 3.
WaxWorm 21 Nov, 2023 @ 6:19am 
In SPRING 1935 - ROOTS, the time on the timepieces is 1:45 .