Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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Advanced Character Search
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Advanced Character Search



This is a continuation of the Advanced Character Search created by Vaso Peras-Likodric. He did not have the time for it anymore and I voluntered to take over. If you like to help out in keeping it up to date let me know and I can add you to this mod as a creator and together we can keep this amazing mod alive and updated because it is a mod that can't be missed in your game and Vaso Peras-Likodric did an amazing job with it.

A second mod to use next to this one is The Headhunter mod which you can find here and which will eventually be integrated into this Advanced Character Search Mod

02/08-2025 - Added updates made by @victoruno who has been added as a contributor to the mod. He will be helping out keeping this mod updated.

In this, he has added in the Accolades Traits options to the filter, pulling out specific needs of the different traits of being an Acclaimed Knight.

As well as working on the "Invite to Court" opinion for the filter to be more accurate. This incorporates what the Headhunter mod was doing into the Advanced Character Search.

With these things in the filter, there is much more meaningful results of Characters to find.

This are additions to normal search:​
  • Sort by willingness to join your court
  • Undo feature with up to 100 times
  • Search window do not close automatically.
  • Check if someone do not have a particular trait. (Especially useful when search who will become next witch)
  • Check for characters with any sinful, virtuous, commander, lifestyle trait. Or with any good or bad genetic trait. Or with any disease or any infamous (crime) trait.
  • Extensive heritage search
  • Search in near by realms
  • Check if someone is not ruler and not a heir
  • Younger Adults and Older Adults
  • Not Betrothed, Betrothed characters
  • Having secret of someone, or not having secret or hook
  • Filter by your house, not your house, filter not lowborn but not in your family.
  • Magic sauce sort which take all stats health and age in account.
  • Sort by gold
  • Sort by gold monthly balance
  • Sort by income
  • Sort by expenses
  • Sort by prestige
  • Sort by piety
  • Sort by military strength
  • Sort by dread
  • Sort by progeny (number of descendants)
  • Sort by claims
  • Heritage tooltip where you can see all titles this character is in line of succession.
  • More information for every character visible.
  • Fine tuning which religion to select and which not to select.

Translation Projects:

Some Translations need to be updated, let me know if you are willing to help with the Translations!!

Forum link:
Code for this mode can be find here:
Tnx to MacAwesome for allowing the use of his asset for character boarder.
Tnx to Lucas182 for designing icons.
Discusiones populares Ver todo (1)
10 FEB a las 4:39 a. m.
Bug in latest update 8th february 2025
Lost Nomad
115 comentarios
Fleezy 17 MAR a las 9:57 a. m. 
Should this be compatible with most mods? Also, where would it normally go in a load order? I'm new to CK3 in general so still finding my footing with the modding aspect lol! It seems like there are a some localization and GUI issues I thought I'd let you know about:

[pdx_localize.cpp:279]: Duplicate localization key. Key 'acs_filter_accolade_contender' is defined in both 'localization/english/acs_filter_trait_l_english.yml' and 'localization/english/acs_filter_trait_l_english.yml'.

[pdx_localize.cpp:279]: Duplicate localization key. Key 'acs_filter_accolade_valiant' is defined in both 'localization/english/acs_filter_trait_l_english.yml' and 'localization/english/acs_filter_trait_l_english.yml'.

[pdx_gui_datatypes_reader.cpp:504]: gui/acs_filter_checkboxes.gui:363 - Unknown alignment 'vbottom|center'

I don't think these are causing issues with anything, but those were some errors I saw with just this mod enabled when going through and trying to figure out the rest of my modlist.
Fleezy 17 MAR a las 9:03 a. m. 
@Jet Yeah it depends how many characters the search is parsing through though, if I set the scope to just "Top Realm" or "Top Realm and Close" it's usually much faster. If I leave it on All, in my current save, it's searching through over 30,000 people so I think that is why it freezes up a bit.
Jet 16 MAR a las 3:04 p. m. 
does the search lag heavily for anyone else
Ventulus 15 MAR a las 11:26 p. m. 
[14:11:17][E][jomini_script_system.cpp:284]: Script system error!
Error: Invalid left side during comparison 'var'
Script location: file: common/scripted_effects/acs_se_main.txt line: 158 (create_searched_character_list)
file: common/scripted_guis/acs_sg_main_scripted_gui.txt line: 80 (acs_window:effect)

[14:11:17][E][jomini_script_system.cpp:284]: Script system error!
Error: Failed to fetch variable for 'acs_gv_main_filters' due to not being set
Script location: file: common/scripted_effects/acs_se_main.txt line: 159 (create_searched_character_list)
file: common/scripted_guis/acs_sg_main_scripted_gui.txt line: 80 (acs_window:effect)

[14:11:17][E][jomini_script_system.cpp:284]: Script system error!
Error: Event target link 'global_var' returned an unset scope
Script location: file: common/scripted_effects/acs_se_main.txt line: 159 (create_searched_character_list)
file: common/scripted_guis/acs_sg_main_scripted_gui.txt line: 80 (acs_window:effect)
Vasoli 15 MAR a las 6:53 p. m. 
@Tyrannasapien Only place where something can be saved is in save file of current game. New game will have clear preset.

You can save in debug mode and open save file in text editor.

All save objects are inside of story cycles defined here:
Tyrannasapien 15 MAR a las 11:41 a. m. 
My presets are corrupted. I can only Load #3 - the other #s don't even display in the control, nor can I select the blank line where the other #s should appear. Saving a new preset to #s other than 3 doesn't have any effect. I'm hoping there is maybe a file or folder holding presets that I can clear to fix this?
FunGaming44  [autor] 14 MAR a las 4:17 a. m. 
@noman thanks for pointing that out going to update that right now
Lost Nomad 14 MAR a las 3:49 a. m. 
You are still using ordered_heir_to_title which should be ordered_heir_title in common/scripted_effects/acs_se_claims.txt
Jet 8 MAR a las 8:34 p. m. 
agot use ok?
CryptoSpartan 3 MAR a las 2:55 a. m. 
am i stupid or does this not include an age filter?