Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

304 ratings
The Headhunter
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649.085 KB
27 Nov, 2023 @ 8:04pm
12 Mar @ 7:38pm
9 Change Notes ( view )

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The Headhunter



This mod was made by @x4077 from the Paradox Forums, I updated it and uploaded it to steam and will be keeping it up to date and eventually integrate this into the Advanced Character Search mod which can be found here

Are you looking to recruit a new Caravan Master but want to get the best combination of speed and safety? Need to find a successor to your Vanguard/Mentor accolade that has just become infirm? Look no further. Install The Headhunter, then hit Ctrl+Y by default or whatever key you have re-bound the 'redo' command to and start saving time and frustration!

The Headhunter is a specialized character filter style widget for specific tasks such as Court Positions, Accolades, or Inspirations. Originally created as individual widgets based on The Forbes List mod, today all these widgets are bound together with a toolbar UI to select between them as well as basic filtering dependent on the widget. All of the widgets feature Pin/Unpin buttons for the characters themselves, along with an Invite button if the character could be invited to your court without hooks or payment. Most of the widgets even allow you to filter based on this Invitation status.

The current widgets available are:

Knight Recruiting - used to find knights with the highest prowess but lowest age. Can also filter by Accolade requirements, allowing you to fill your accolade slots or find successors.

Court Positions - Shows characters that would qualify for the excellent aptitude level of each profession.

Inspirations - find characters by inspiration type, inspiration quality, and/or whether or not they have been sponsored already or not.

Gold - Want to find characters you can just invite to your court and then banish tyranny free for their gold? Or looking to find someone with coin reserves that is about to die and has no heirs so you can land them and inherit? Maybe you just want to find the person with the biggest stash so you can abduct them. This the the tool for you then.

Fertility - widget designed to ease the finding of high fertility marriable characters without having to look for 3 different traits in the character finder ( fecund/beautiful/lustful ).

Organizers - Not all commanders with the organizer trait are created equally. Yes they all get the base 25% speed bonus, but cultural traditions and perks can boost that even further. This widget allows you to see the overall speed bonus a character would get, as well as letting you sort by that field to get the fastest armies possible. Also allows the finding of organizers with other valuable specialty traits such as Military Engineer, Reaver, Winter Soldier, and/or Logistician.

Unlanded Dynasty - specialty widget for finding unlanded dynasty members, with filtering for inside/outside your court or realm, single or betrothed/married, and whether you have them hooked or not.

Planned additions for the future include an artifact finder, an education display, and a new secrets/hooks interface.

Also of note, this mod changes NONE of the existing Paradox script code. Not even the hud is modified in order to get the invisible button entry points in place. So conflicts with other mods should be non-existent unless they are changing base UI elements such as those used by the character finder. It was also originally designed to be invoked by separate keyboard shortcuts for each widget, and that functionality is still in place should the player want to add their own key choices to the existing shortcut commands.

For German translation you can use made by @Kincaid just make sure you load the localization mod below the Head Hunter mod
Lily 15 Mar @ 11:22am 
Thanks for the update!
Cooleatack 15 Mar @ 12:11am 
So, are the issues mentioned below fixed?
rv 21 Jan @ 11:28am 
fyi this mod is broken, can cause you crashes

do not use, bloats your error log, MA needs to fix this before its safe to use, save yourself a headache
rv 16 Jan @ 6:34am 
this mod works, but causes errors
henk 17 Dec, 2024 @ 12:15pm 
@dibelabbes checkout they have old versions archived
󠀡Dibelabbes 9 Nov, 2024 @ 2:13pm 
Could you mirror the mod on Paradox or Nexus as well? Steam Workshop sucks cause you can't choose older versions (I need something comp. with 1.13 for example).
James Keenan 29 Oct, 2024 @ 3:25pm 
This mod is great but can it be updated with the new councilor positions like chronicler? Also for the accolade search option, besieger should be with the "normal" accolades, not specialized by itself, since you can run besieger with any of the regular men-at-arms accolades.
12EVO 19 Oct, 2024 @ 1:13am 
The mod worked fine for me early-mid game but for some reason trying to open it past mid game causes the game to instantly crash to desktop.
Desperadov 13 Oct, 2024 @ 10:28am 
@Kincaid : I fixed these error logs by replacing two lines of the file steamapps\workshop\content\1158310\3098269064\common\script_values\yyz_values.txt

From :

yyz_sort_key = { value = 0 add ?= { value = global_var:yyz_sort_key } }
yyz_sort_desc = { value = 0 add ?= { value = global_var:yyz_sort_desc } }

To :

yyz_sort_key = { value = 0 if = { limit = { exists = global_var:yyz_sort_key } add = global_var:yyz_sort_key } }
yyz_sort_desc = { value = 0 if = { limit = { exists = global_var:yyz_sort_desc } add = global_var:yyz_sort_desc } }

I don't know if this is correct, but I don't have those error logs anymore.
Star 25 Sep, 2024 @ 1:24pm 
Thank Update : )
Wishing you a joyful life!