Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

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The Player Game - Innovative RPG co-op game
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The Player Game - Innovative RPG co-op game


This is a detective + adventure type of map that requires players to constantly going back and forth to various places to solve puzzle, gather key items and fight bosses of which will put you on a test on how well your ability to maneuver a soldier to avoid enemies attack while counterstriking. Timing, resource management, objective obedience and team collaboration are all critical if you wish to succeed in this game.

It is critical to have thorough understanding of how the inventory system work, and therefore, for first time players, it is a "MUST" to spend 5 minutes of your time to watch the "The Player Game Essential Guideline" before playing.


- make sure to watch the "The Player Game Essential Guideline" video as attached
- 2 ways to lose: 1. you have 0 stones and you die; 2. The Player or Mr. Andy die

Brief Head-ups

- wood=experience; food=energy expense; gold=money to buy things; stone=lives
- you control one character only
- you will get wood + gold (quantity depends on difficulties) on every kill
- you will re-spawn every time you die ( 1 stone reduction per death ) until you have 0 stone
- your character level depends on experience (quantity of wood)
- your character level will be preserved even after death and will be reflected upon re-spawn
- Time to complete: 4-6 hours on easy; 7-9 hours on normal or above

Lobby Setting

- 3 people max, other set to A.I.;
- difficulty set to be standard;
- reveal map set to be normal
- leave team to blank ( - )