Rusty Lake Paradise

Rusty Lake Paradise

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Rusty Lake Paradise - 100% Guide
By Eren Hinger
A guide to completing every level and unlocking every achievement in Rusty Lake Paradise.
!!! SPOILER WARNING !!! (obviously ._.)
Greetings! This is a guide to completing all ten levels and unlocking all 50 achievements.

I am writing guides for every game in the Rusty Lake franchise by following the recommended playing order. If you came from my Cube Escape Collection guide, links will be provided to the previous and next games when necessary. If you're just here for Rusty Lake Paradise, feel free to ignore these.

A video walkthrough is planned in the future. Stay tuned!

With that being said, I believe it's time for a family reunion long overdue. Won't you join us?

TIP: Interacting with the characters may provide useful hints on what to do.
Items: Take the machete and the hook from the boat. Open the box to find some line and a letter.
Puzzles: Cut open the fruit and grab the worm. Cut a stick off of the plant stalks. Give the stick, the line, the hook and the worm to your brother, then take the shrimp he catches. Give the shrimp to your uncle and open the gates.
Achievement Get: Welcome to Paradise
Use the machete on the goat.
Achievement Get: Save The Goat

Take the leech from your grandmother's nose. In the house, examine yourself in the family portrait.
Achievement Get: The Eilander Family
Take the leech inside the shrimp. Unlock the cabinet and take the jug. Fill the jug at the water pump. Pour some blood into the goat's bucket and take the leech from its tongue. Fill the jug again and give it to Nicholas, then take the leech from his glass. Crush the four leeches in the totem pole and take the key. Unlock the gate. Examine the bubbling water in the lake and open the coffin. Examine the symbol to the right of the black cube.
Achievement Get: The First Symbol
Watch the memory and take the black cube. Look inside the well and interact with the water a few times.
Achievement Get: It's Me!
Place the black cube in the container and interact with the mural.

Items: Take the candle and the bowl in the house. Grab the wood outside the well house and the belt inside.
Puzzles: Unlock the cabinet in the well house and take the flute. Puzzle Solution: Solve the frog puzzle at the gate by guiding the frog over every lily pad and ending at the stone. It can move one or two spaces. (A: up, right, left, left. B: right, down, left, up, right, right, 1 down, 2 down, up, left, down. C: 1 left, left, up, left, down, right, up, up. D: left, down, 1 right, right, down, left, up, right, down, right. E: left, up, left, 1 down, down, right, up, left, up, right.)
Achievement Get: The First Frog
Give David the belt and take the frog. Give the flute to David.
Achievement Get: I only play guitar
Solve the frog egg puzzle by matching the identical piles of eggs. Take the frog and interact with the water a few times.
Achievement Get: Reflection in the Water
Give Elizabeth the frog flute and copy the sounds the frog makes by clicking her left and right arms. (From your perspective, LL, RR, LLRL, RLRLRR, LRLRLLR.) Take the frog. Refocus on Elizabeth and interact with her eye.
Achievement Get: The Second Symbol
Put the wood under the cauldron, light it and put the four frogs in. Collect the frog soup in the bowl and give it to Gerard. Give Gerard the empty bowl and take the key.
Achievement Get: A Rusty Key
Unlock the box inside the house and take the black cube. Place the cube in the well house and examine the mural.

Items: Take the flyswatter by the gate and the shovel inside the house. Grab the axe and the snail by the well house and the scissors inside.
Puzzles: Cut the log several times.
Achievement Get: The Third Symbol

Give Margaret the flyswatter and take the gnats. Give Elizabeth the scissors and cut Gerard's hair until his ear is cut off, then take it.
Achievement Get: Earcut
Solve the beehive puzzle by interacting with the holes in the correct order (from top to bottom, 6251374) and take the honey. Dig up the clay and grab both pieces of it. Using the hint in Gerard's hair, dig in the correct spot at the gate. Solve the box puzzle by moving the three tiles with holes over the eyes. Puzzle Solution: Take the bulb. Open the mussel with the axe or the shovel and take it. Put the gnats, the snail, the ear and the mussel in the venus flytrap to get a flower. Cut the marked tree down. Take the berries and cut the marked tree to get some birch sap. Refocus on the marked tree until a cocoon appears and interact with it.
Achievement Get: The Butterfly
Give the berries, the sap and the honey to David. Clear the gnats from David and take the bulb he spits out.
Achievement Get: Spitting Larva
In the house, grow both bulbs into flowers and shape the clay into vases based on the drawings on the wall. In the well house, place the orange flower on the plate in the window. Refocus and interact with Harvey.
Achievement Get: Harvey
Place the two vases and the three flowers under Caroline's portrait. Interact with the portrait and take the black cube. Put it in the well house and interact with the mural.

Items: Take the pile of wood outside the house and the candle inside. Uncover Gerard outside the well house and take the worm. Grab the twig from the well house floor. Interact with the right window.
Achievement Get: The Hungry Ghost

Puzzles: Open David's cocoon.
Achievement Get: First Flight

Solve the hermit crab puzzle by using the shells to guide the crab to the marked spot. Avoid sea urchins and use all the shells. (A: URD, B: URRDLL, C: URDRU, D: URDLURDL.) Take the crab meat from David. Place the wood under the cauldron and light it, then open it and take the carrot from Margaret. Place the carrot outside the rabbit hole and take the rabbit heart from David. Interact with the rabbit hole a few times.
Achievement Get: Watch Closely!
Outside the gates, prop the rock up with the twig and place the worm underneath. Kill the bird and take its heart from David. Crush the three pieces of meat in the totem pole to get a diamond. Unlock the secret passage with the diamond. Flip to the back cover of the book on the table and interact with the tear.
Achievement Get: The Fourth Symbol
Using clues from the book, unlock the window. Puzzle Solution: Make David attack and take the black cube.
Achievement Get: A Bloody Encounter
Put the black cube in the well house and interact with the mural.
FUN FACT: There is a shovel you can get by unlocking a box in the house in this level. It is never used.

Items: Take the lettuce from the pot outside the gate. Interact with the cow's head a few times.
Achievement Get: Holy Cow
Refocus on the area with the fork in the path until you see a boar in the trees, then interact with it.
Take the bucket outside the house and the knife on the table inside. Interact with the boar on the path to the well house.
Achievement Get: Wild Boar

Puzzles: Solve the goat puzzle by connecting lines between each bump on the goat. The number of dots tells you how many lines should connect to each bump. (Unfortunately, it is very difficult to format multiple images in Steam guides. If you are stumped, feel free to look up the solution. Sorry for the inconvenience.) Cut open the marked spot and take the goat bacon. Solve the cow puzzle by matching the dots by color and the shape of the brown spot they occupy. Cut open the marked spot and take the raw beef. Collect milk from the cow in the bucket, then curdle it in the vat on the ground. Cut a piece of cheese from the cheese wheel. Solve the vegetable puzzle by lining up the veggies to fill the requirements. Each row and column needs the indicated number of spots taken up by a vegetable. (Much like the goat puzzle, I cannot show this without formatting multiple images. Terribly sorry.) Take the tomato and the cucumber. Cut the wrap on Nicholas' face and take it, then feed him some cheese.
Achievement Get: Dutch Gouda Cheese
Have Margaret prepare the bacon, beef, tomato and cucumber. Cook the bacon and the beef in the pan. Using the recipe on the table, make the perfect Rusty Lake Burger (lettuce, burger, cheese, bacon, tomato, cucumber).
Achievement Get: Perfect Rusty Lake Burger
Have Gerard eat the burger, then give him the wrap in the outhouse. Interact with the black cube inside his feces. Descend two layers and interact with the symbol to the right.
Achievement Get: The Fifth Symbol
Take the black cube, put it in the well house and interact with the mural.

Items: Take the grass and the bottle outside the gates. Open the left window on the gate.
Achievement Get: Meet The Plague Doctor

Puzzles: Feed the grass to the skull and collect the blood in the bottle. Give the blood to the plague doctor. Go to the left and take the blood from the plague doctor. Move the pile of leaves by the plague doctor and interact with the symbol.
Achievement Get: The Sixth Symbol
Take the pepper and the knife from the drawers upstairs, along with the matches and the needle and thread from the table. Cut the mushroom from the log on the right path. Grab the onion outside the well house and the plague staff inside. Using the hint from the paper in the tower, check inside the well for a key. Unlock the cabinet in the tower and take the three bottles. Inside the house, give Margaret the blood and have her smell it.
Achievement Get: Nosebleed
Have Margaret smell the pepper, the mushroom and the onion, collecting the snot, saliva and tears as you do. Give the plague doctor his staff and take note of the direction it points when he holds each fluid. Create the medicine based on the instructions on the table by pouring the fluids in the correct order (snot, tears, saliva, snot, tears, blood). Touch Gerard's left nipple a few times.
Achievement Get: Touch the...
Solve the boils puzzle by popping the boils in the correct order. Simply follow the direction of the smaller dot until you reach a boil of the same color. Remove Gerard's heart. Hold his eyes open with the matchsticks and feed him the medicine. Align his teeth based on the matching patterns between the top and bottom teeth. Puzzle Solution: Using the marks on Gerard's teeth and the instructions on the table, set the correct time (5:40) into the clock and take the clockwork. Put the heart in its place. Replace Gerard's heart with the clockwork.
Achievement Get: Time is Ticking
Sow the opening shut and talk to Gerard. Input the code (BOAR) into the box in the clock and take the black cube. Put it in the well house and interact with the mural.

Items: Grab the scarf from the tree. Take the strawberries and the snow globe from the tower. Take both horns from the skull, the twig in the well house and the hammer in the well.
Puzzles: Smash the ice in the well with the hammer.
Achievement Get: The Hand

Smash the pot outside the house with the snow globe to get two buttons. Guide the squirrel under the icicle and drop it, then take the pistachios and the squirrel fur. Make Gerard two ice cream cones by placing a horn in the cone holder, the strawberries and the icicle in the bowl, then shaking it and rolling it out. Repeat this process with the pistachios and give both to Gerard.
Achievement Get: Two Ice Creams!
Take Gerard's hat. Break the pot at the fork in the path to get some small rocks, as well as the pot outside the gates to get a carrot. Solve the ice cube puzzle by sliding the ice cubes in the correct direction and order. You may have to slide one ice cube before you can slide another one over the now-filled slot. (Due to Steam image formatting, it's difficult to add as many images as required for this puzzle. Terribly sorry for the inconvenience.) Take the diamond. In the tower, keep dropping hail into the funnel until you get a piece of pointy wood. Put the snow globe on its podium and insert the diamond, then take it back. Break the twig off of the tree using the strengthened snow globe. Put the hat, the buttons, the carrot, the scarf, the small rocks and both twigs on the snowman. Pick the twig that the carrot points to. (I'm pretty sure it's random each time, but please correct me if I'm wrong.) Interact with both twigs and the hands to make the buttons move. Select the correct hand using the alignment of the buttons from top to bottom (also random).
Achievement Get: Let it Snow!
Use the snow globe on Margaret to get a diamond, then power up the globe again. Outside the gates, solve the skating puzzle by having Elizabeth skate over the rocks, cracking the ice around the poles. The gray rock cracks to the northwest and the yellow rock cracks to the northeast. Interact with the silhouette of the fish under the ice once it cracks.
Achievement Get: From The Deep
Interact with the cracked ice to your left. Place the piece of wood on the crack and hit it with the hammer, then repeat until David is free. Give David the squirrel fur and take the key. Use the snow globe to destroy the well house. Interact with the circled symbol on the large chunk of debris to the right.
Achievement Get: The Seventh Symbol
Unlock the box inside the well house and take the black cube. Put it in the well house and interact with the mural.

Puzzles: Solve the mandolin puzzle by interacting with Nicholas, David and Gerard in the correct order. Use the lyrics as a hint towards who to pick next. (DNGNDNDGNGDGD.) Using the pattern each man strums, unlock the box to your right. Puzzle Solution: Take the axe and break the boards blocking the gates.
Achievement Get: Here is Jakob!
Solve the locust puzzle by repeating the notes the big locust chirps. (With the locusts being 1-5 from left to right, 2, 13, 425, 5134, 32511, 21523.) Interact with the locust egg.
Achievement Get: Locust Egg
Interact with the giant locust. Take the left path and shoo the owl. Move forward and shoo the butterfly on the right. Shoo the owl again at the fork path. Interact with the goat a few times to make the locust attack, then take the goat eyes. Shoo the owl and the butterfly on the roof of the house, then take the shovel inside. Give Elizabeth the eyes. Look into the left eye (your perspective) and interact with the three dots in the iris, then the symbol that appears.
Achievement Get: The Eighth Symbol
Move the fireflies into the correct spots using the hint in the right eye. The eye on the tree corresponds to the hint, so the image in the eye will be backwards. Puzzle Solution: Talk to the corrupted soul on the way to the well house. Shoo the owl by the goat remains. Interact with the corrupted soul to the left of the fork in the path. Take the left path to find the soul on the right and the butterfly on the left. Feed the firefly to the owl and interact until it flees. Shake the branch to get a key. Shoo the butterfly above the goat remains.
Achievement Get: The Butterfly Effect (The actual achievement name is misspelled, haha.)
Using the hint in the left eye (which is also backwards due to perspective), dig in the correct spot by the goat remains. Unlock the box you find and take the mist horn. Interact with the soul in the trees by the house, and again next to the well house. Give Margaret the mist horn and have her blow it until she is taken, then take the black cube from the boat. Interact with the soul at the goat remains.
Achievement Get: Follow Me
Put the black cube in the well house and interact with the mural.

Items: Grab the pickaxe inside the house. Grab the shell by the box outside the well house and the moss in the well.
Puzzles: Mine the rock in the well house and take the blue rock. Use the hidden symbols in the drawings on the wall of the house to set the zodiac combination in the tower (Leo, Taurus, Pisces, Aquarius, Libra). Interact with the unlocked symbol.
Achievement Get: The Ninth Symbol
Make the woodpecker peck the twigs in the correct order based on how many ends they have (from top to bottom, 2314) and take the bark. Solve the moon puzzle by turning the handles to match the displayed image. The handles control the tint, rotation and phase of the moon. (Due to the task that is formatting several images in Steam guides, I cannot display every solution. Sorry for the inconvenience.) Interact with the moon until it drips.
Achievement Get: Bloody Moon
Using the symbols on each family member's clothing and the zodiac they imitate, set the zodiac combination (Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, Leo, Taurus) and take the bronze key. Grab the moon stone on the way to the house, then grind up the moss, the blue rock, the moon stone, the bark and the shell into five powders. Using the symbols on the grinder and the figure that appears upon throwing each powder into the fire, set the zodiac combination (Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio, Aries, Libra) and take the silver key. Unlock both locks on the mechanism and lower the ladder. Look through the telescope and use the dials to align the constellations. (Once again, Steam image formatting deters me from putting the solutions. I'll have to find a workaround for this, it's getting ridiculous.) Use the constellations and their associated number to enter the zodiac combination (Gemini, Sagittarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio) and take the golden key. Each family member is imitating a new animal. Move the candle upstairs to line up the silhouette of said animal and check the sign underneath the candle to get the next zodiac combination. Enter the combination (Libra, Pisces, Cancer, Sagittarius, Capricorn) and take the copper key. Unlock the door and solve the owl puzzle upstairs by guiding the owl structure using the torches. Left and right signal the structure to move in that direction, while the middle torch signals to move forward or backwards. (RRM, RRRMLL or LLLMRRRR, MLLLLMRRRM.) WARNING: ONCE YOU ENTER THE AREA OUTSIDE THE WELL HOUSE, YOU HAVE A LIMITED TIME TO GRAB THIS ACHIEVEMENT. BE READY. Click on the owl before it flies away.
Achievement Get: The Owls are not what they seem
Take the bones from the box.
Achievement Get: Your Mother's Bones

Interact with the box until you get a crow egg. Grind the bones into a magic powder. Throw the crow egg into the fire.
Achievement Get: Mr. Crow
Throw the magic powder into the fire and take the black cube. Put it in the well house and interact with the mural.

Items: Take the apple, the brush and the rope from the tower. Talk to Nicholas.
Achievement Get: Glorious Day of The Lake

Puzzles: As you go around, light any totem you see by dragging the wings up. Solve the drum puzzle by hitting the drum on the side that corresponds to the side with the most shaking bones. You can play on the left and right sides or both at once, which you do if it's an equal amount on both sides. (The pattern is random each time.) Grab the bone that drops and attach it along with the feather to the stick on the table downstairs, making an arrow. Give Gerard the arrow. You can aim the bow by interacting with it and fire by interacting with Gerard's hand. Shoot David in the arm twice and check his arm.
Achievement Get: The Tenth Symbol
Shoot David's hat off, put the apple on his head and fire again. Take the worm. Paint Elizabeth's face using the hint in the tower and take the candle from her. Feed the chicken the worm and take the egg. Crack it open in the frying pan and light the wood beneath it, then interact until you get a chick.
Achievement Get: Fried Egg
Feed the chick to the owl and sort the bones it regurgitates to form a word. Marks on the bones should overlap. Puzzle Solution: In the house, locate the six totems shown on the sketch above on the map using the chips. Use the ruler to find the distance between the ones requested on the sketch. Set the distances on the dials around the well (O=4, W=5, L=10) and use the rope to descend. Set the markers to the word you found (OWLS) and enter the room. Solve the statue puzzles. For the rabbit, the left button fills the top dot and the right button rotates every dot clockwise (LRLRLRLRLRL). Take the rabbit mask. For the pheasant, push the buttons in the correct order based on the number it represents (treating it like a number keypad, 194357286). Take the pheasant mask. For the deer, push the left or right buttons based on which side of the line the dot is on, from the line's perspective. It helps to envision yourself walking along the line. (RLRLLRRRRR.) Take the deer mask. For the pigeon, determine how far left and right you need to turn the knob through trial and error (4 right, 3 left, 3 right, 3 left, 1 right, 2 left). Take the pigeon mask. For the boar, the right button determines which box will be filled and the left button fills it (RLRRLRRRLRRRRLRRRRRLRRRRRRL). Take the boar mask and enter the cube opening. Use the painting on the wall of the house to unlock the owl statue and take the black cube. Use the paintbrush on the corners of the statue compartment. Arrange the chips based on the symbols you've found in each chapter. Puzzle Solution: Take the owl mask.
Achievement Get: The Owl Mask
Head back to the well and descend. Give David the rabbit mask, Elizabeth the pheasant mask, Margaret the pigeon mask, Gerard the boar mask, and Nicholas the deer mask. Put the black cube in the well. Put the owl mask on Caroline, the corrupted soul.
Achievement Get: Paradise Will Rise Again!
If you obtained "Paradise Will Rise Again," you may have noticed four symbols in part of the end cutscene. These will be useful in the next game.

I believe I have everything covered so far. However, in case there is anything I missed, or you have suggestions to improve on this guide, please let me know in the comments. Any criticism/help is welcome and strongly encouraged, even if it's something small like a spelling/grammar error. :)

Thank you for taking the time to read my guide. You should check out some of my other guides!
... Do it. Now.
You are ready to meet your destiny.
Chapmike 12 Oct, 2024 @ 5:13pm 
Are you still working on these guides?
dxnime 25 Apr, 2024 @ 10:32pm 
Hi! Great guides! I've been following for awhile. I wanted to mention that on the Tenth Plague, clicking on the drum didn't work for me, but clicking his arms and torso did not sure if it was just my game being weird or I wasn't clicking in the right areas, but might be good to add if anyone was confused like I was. Thanks for the help!
Eren Hinger  [author] 24 Feb, 2024 @ 8:59pm 
Also, there were a lot of situations where I couldn't add images in this one. Therefore, I am planning to make videos to accompany this guide and all my other guides from now on. I'm gonna finish up the written guides for the games first, and then I'll go back and make videos for each.
Eren Hinger  [author] 24 Feb, 2024 @ 8:57pm 
Good lord sorry for the 2 month break. I don't know why I procrastinated so hard.