208 ratings
This is a comprehensive guide detailing a way of getting for all achievements in the game. If you have never played this game or are just hunting for achievements, this guide will show you how to get them all.

The search function of a browser may be used to find a specific achievement faster (Ctrl+F).
I wish you success in getting all the in-game achievements

Work in progress: work on this guide is still ongoing. Maybe now it looks like just a list of achievements, but it will not be so for long. Very soon, I will update each achievement with a detailed description and a screenshot or video explaining how to unlock it.

Thank you for you patience!
Achievement Info
Get ready for the next battle! The new part of the great fighting game series is here. Plunge into the world of dizzying battles, original and unforgettable characters who are ready to show their best fighting skills in a duel.

Crush your enemies, test your skills and let your fist meet with fate in the continuation of the TEKKEN series in order to get 100% achievements.

Complete Story Mode
A small portion of achievements are unlocked by progressing in the story campaign, which is called The Dark Awakens. Just like Tekken 7, the story is short and sweet, featuring 15 chapters.

You are not required to do anything difficult other than completing specific chapters, with the exception of the last chapter where there is a plot choice. For both choices you can get an achievement, so you will either need to complete the story campaign twice or replay the last chapter.

Play Different Game Modes
A significant portion of the achievements are unlocked through your progress in various game modes not related to the story mode. The game is full of replayable content, so if you are eager to get all the achievements, then do not hesitate to explore all the game modes that the game offers you.

Use Different Battle Techniques
Another major part of the achievements can be unlocked by the originality of your fighting style. The game is full of various characters with different fighting styles and patterns. Many original and devastating techniques are available to fall on the heads of your opponents. Using them will not only help you end battles with your victory, but they are also a good way to unlock achievements.

Play Online
Many achievements include a special disclaimer in their description stating that they cannot be completed in single-player offline modes.
Such achievements can be unlocked in these modes:
  • Story Mode (The Dark Awakens)
  • Character Episodes Mode
  • Arcade Quest Mode
  • Super Ghost Battle Mode
You can't unlock these achievement in these modes:
  • Offline VS Mode
  • Practice Mode
  • Replay Mode
Just like in a real fight, the more you train and hone your fighting style, the easier it will be to meet the conditions required to unlock achievements.

Spoiler Free Zone.
The description of the achievements does not reveal any spoilers for the game, so you can browse through this guide without fear of spoiling your impression of the game's plot. The ways to get achievements that I will describe in this guide will not spoil your walkthrough, so you can use it along with how you progress through the game. Have a good play!

Achievement Info
  • Difficulty level of achievements: Easy.
  • Total achievements: 47.
  • Offline achievements: 5.
  • Online Achievements: 42.
  • Estimated time to complete all achievements: 10-15 hours .
  • Minimum number of passes for 100%: 1-2.
  • Glitchy achievements: None.
  • Missable Achievements: None.
  • Achievements with difficulty levels: None.
  • Required DLCs for 100% achievements: None.
Come, humanity! Unleash the dogs of war!

Unmissable and story related. Go to StoryThe Dark Awakens and start to play.

Finish Chapter 1 to unlock this achievement.

You aren't alone anymore.

Unmissable and story related. Complete Chapter 7: Despair to unlock this achievement.

I would do well to follow your example.

This can be done during Chapter 10: All-Out Assault. In this chapter you play as various characters on a battlefield full of enemies. You must get a 30+ hit chain combo by attacking these enemies.

This is a fairly long Chapter and during it there will be several characters you will have to fight against numerous enemies, so even if you did not succeed with Lars, who is the first character you play, then do not worry and just try for another character.

The most difficult thing here is that the time without hits after which the counter resets is quite short, so a good option would be to use strong combos or splash attacks that will damage several enemies at once. You still can always replay the Chapter by entering Main MenuThe Dark AwakensChapter Select if you failed to unlock this achievement during the Chapter.

I'll live on, together with my sins.

Unmissable and story related. Complete Chapter 12: A Heart Bound in Chains to unlock this achievement.


In Chapter 15, in the fight between Jin vs. Kazuya, you must WIN the final round as Jin, the character you play to unlock Hope achievement. To unlock Despair achievement in this chapter you must let Kazuya (your opponent) defeat you in the last round.

So you have to fight with Kazuya right until the moment you reach the "I will not deny my existence" QTE scene. After that Kazuya will release its fury — this is the sign that you reached the final fight.
It doesn't matter whether you succeeded or not with QTE sequences, the only thing that matters to these achievements is whether you win or lose the last round.

In any case, after the end of the battle, regardless of the outcome, Jin and Kazuya will deal each other the final blow.

If you win the fight, Kazuya will fall to the ground. (Hope achievement)

If you lose the fight, this will happen to Jin and then Kazuya will throw him off the cliff. (Despair achievement)

Remember that chapters can be replayed by entering Main MenuThe Dark AwakensChapter Select. So after you got one achievement you can just replay the chapter to unlock the second one.

By the way Despair ending also shows you hidden cinematic with Reina.

What A Rush

Watch the blue bar below your health. It's Heat bar which is automatically filled at the start of each round. Press RB button to enable your Heat Burst, this makes your character glow. Do it 5 times total to unlock an achievement.

That was too easy!

Perfect Victory is the same thing as Flawless Victory from MK series, which means you have to win a Round (not an entire match) without taking any damage. When you finish round like that you will see a Perfect sign and the achievement should pop up.


For this achievement you have to win the match when you have only 1% health remaining.

Unfortunately, I don't know any tricky ways to guarantee getting the achievement, so you'll have to let your opponent beat you up until your health drops to 1%. Your HP should be barely visible on the HP bar, after this you need to finish off the enemy in any way possible.

When you finish round like that you will see Great sign on your screen and the achievement should pop up.

Behold, the fruits of my labors.

You can easly unlock it during the The Dark Awakens Chapter 1.

Play this chapter until both Jin and Kazuya grow wings and shoot lasers at each other during a cutscene (The last fight in this chapter). After this they are both buffed with more health and a new moveset that deals more damage.

Now playing as Jin make sure you are in Special Style, activate Heat by pressing RB and start spamming with an air combo (Y button).

This can deal more then 70 damage. Because both characters have more health and deal more damage in this fight you can easily get it here.

(That's how a true champion fights!)

To activate Rage Art you need to enter Rage mode (so get your health down to the very last cell).
At this point, your character will begin to glow bright red.

When it's done you can press RT to perform Rage Art — a powerful combo technique that will cause significant damage to your opponent. Do this a total of 20 times to unlock the achievement.

Your fate is already decided.

Heat Engagers are special moves that require a Heat Burst to use. Every character has these moves, so you can go to the Move List and look for moves with a purple light and a white figure inside. Perform any of these moves 5 times in single round to unlock the achievement.

Fear my wrath.

Heat Smashes is another move that requires a full Heat bar to activate. So press RB to activated Heat Burst and press RB again when burst is active to perform a Heat Smash.

Let me remind you that Heat bar is filled from the very beginning of each round, so to achieve this, make it a habit to start the fight with it.

You think you can stop me?

Simply activate Heat Burst (push RB) and then press Dash button (double press direction button) to make a heat dash, perform it 10 times total to unlock the achievement.

Under the divine protection of Sirius.

One of the innovations in Tekken 8 is the ability to recover your HP during the fight. After taking damage a part of your health segment is sometimes silver, this segment of health will recover when you attack the opponent. You regain a little bit of health naturally just by playing the game.

This achievement's progress is cumulative, so just keep playing and it will automatically unlock as you earn other achievements.

My moves are way faster than yours.

Go to Tekken BallPlayer vs CPU. Choose any character you like, set anybody as your opponent and start to play.

In this mode, you need to use the ball damage the enemy. Hit the ball so that it crashes into the enemy character. The easiest way to perform Devilish Hits is to press RB while next to the ball. This will enable Heat Burst mode so you can use Heat Smashes to hit the ball. It is important that the ball hits the opponent after this strike. Repeat this 20 times to unlock the achievement.

Some character combos like Tornado can add Devilish Hits effects so this counts for the achievement too. So watch for them in Move List menu.

(You never learn.)

This achievement can be unlocked on the only map — Into The Stratosphere. You can see that it has Floor Blast tag when you choose it.

Now pick any character with move that can smash your enemy on the floor. For example I got this with Jin. Press LB for special style and then press Move Back + B to make Jin grab the enemy and throw him on the floor.

Repeat this several times. If you smash your enemy enough times, at the beginning of the next round you will see a short intro showing that your arena is starting to collapse. This is what you need. Repeat this combo until the achievement is unlocked. Just 1-2 more times was enough for me to do this.

Come on, just try and kill me.

This achievement can be only unlocked on these two arenas: Sanctum (starting floor, right side) and Elegant Palace (starting floor, golden windows next to the balcony). You can see Hard Wall Break tag when choose these arenas.

Pick any Character and perform a powerful combo that smash the enemy to the wall. Repeat a few times until the wall breaks and the opponent falls through it.

Sorry for getting rough back there.

This achievement can be unlocked on these 3 arenas: Arena (Underground) – starting floor left/right wall, Ortiz Farm – bottom floor, any wall, Elegant Palace – bottom floor on left/right wall.

Pick any Character and perform a powerful combo that smash the enemy to the wall. Repeat a few times until the wall breaks and the opponent falls through it.

Resuming mission.

This achievement can be only unlocked on these two arenas: Midnight Siege (starting floor, from where you start the wall above you) and Rebel Hangar (bottom floor, left/right wall after breaking through balcony).

Pick any Character and perform a powerful combo that smash the enemy to the wall. Repeat a few times until the wall breaks and the opponent falls through it.


This achievement can be only unlocked on Descent Into Subconscious arena.

You can pick any character you like with floor smashing combo. The easiest way is to pick Lili as playable character and perform her Heat Smash (Press RB to activate Heat and the second time to Heat Smash the enemy). This will grab the enemy and smash him on the floor, which will break the floor.

Now it's time to destroy you.

Rage mode is activated when your character has very low HP left. When the HP bar starts to glow bright red, it means you are in Rage Mode.

In order to unlock this achievement, you need to deal damage to the enemy while in the Rage mode. This does not need to be done at once, the achievement is cumulative.

It is also worth considering that in the The Dark Awakens story campaign there are separate fights during which you are already in Rage Mode with a full HP bar. This can also be counted towards achievement progress.

Let the blistering sands consume you.

Play any character you like and open Move Lise. When you see any red square icon combos with a white man is spinning, this is the Tornado. Perform these moves 10 times total and the achievement will be yours.


To unlock this you have to play (win or lose) any online mode matches: Ranked, Quick or Player Matches.

I'll give you a rematch anytime, guv.

Go to Online — Player Match — Search Session.

Find any room and start match or you can also choose Create Session and for other players to join your room. Anyway you have to win 3 rounds to win match and unlock the achievement.

Just relax. You can do it.

Go to Online — Ranked Match.

As soon as you enter the mode for the first time, you will be offered a duel with the CPU in order to determine your initial rank and choose the right opponents based on your playing skills.

When you find your opponent, you need to win three rounds in order to win the battle.

Please don't tell my father.

Go to Online > Tekken Fight Lounge.

Enter the purple hall and sit down at the purple arcade machine where it says “Group Battle”.

Select your character and stay there until it finds a match and won it to unlock the achievement.

All is vanity.

Go to Online — Tekken Fight Lounge.

You will see other players walking around there. Interact with them, click the yellow “Ghost Match”.

Choose the Ghost and win a match against it. If your opponent's ghost is too strong you can always find players with weak ghost which is much easier to defeat.

This should be fun./Power isn't everything.

Go to StoryCharacter Episodes. Choose any character you like and finish his/her story. Do this as 5 and 10 characters to unlock both achievements.

I'll put an end to this.

Go to Main Menu — Offline — Arcade Battle.

You have to win all 8 stages to finish Arcade Battle on any difficulty. The Last stage is a fight against boss. The more Perfect rounds you got during your way to stage 8, the harder boss is going to be. Devil Kazuya is mandatory boss, you will face him by reaching stage 8 without anyway. Reaching stage 8 with 1 perfect unlocks Azazel boss.

After you finish The Dark Awakens story you can face True Devil Kazuya when reach stage 8 with 2 Perfects and Angel Jin when reach Stage with 3 Perfects.

Do you want to learn Marshall Arts?

Go to Offline — Practice.

After the Practice starts open the Pause Menu and select Combo Challenges.

Complete any 5 Combo Challenges.

You don’t have to to do all 5 with a single character. It counts across different characters so back to Pause Menu again and choose Character Selection to change your characters

(This one's in the bag!)

Make sure you played at least one Ranked, Player Match or any other mode that has at least 3 rounds. Go to Replay — My Replays & Tips — select any Replay of yours.

Start playing the replay by choosing your side (Left or Right). After the replay starts, press the Start or Pause button. In the menu that appears, you need to change all settings to the status Display, Show Details or Display without pausing and then continue viewing the display.

Now with the arrows you can rewind the replay forward or backward, and on the RT or LT you can scroll through the key moments in your fight when you could have played better. Find such a moment. If necessary, press B to stop the replay. As soon as you find an important moment, Train button will appear at the bottom left. Press it to practice and learn the combos that the game offers. This will grant you an achievement.

I aspire to greater heights!/I'm actually pretty strong./There's no way you can stop me.

All these ranks can be obtained in Arcade Quest Mode. Every time you defeat an enemy with specific character during the arcade story, you get XP and your rank gradually improves.

You just need to complete this mode to get all three ranks.

How do you take your coffee?

This achievement can be unlocked only on the Ortiz Farm arena. As you can see this arena has 3 floors and the battle starts on the top floor. You goal as to reach bottom floor.

Pick Lili as playable character and when the match starts move to the edge of arena balcony. You have to push your enemy into wall and break it or hit him with long combo to break the fence and throw him to the bottom level.

When you are on the floor 2 simply use Lili's Heat Blast to perform floor break and fall to the bottom floor.

The achievement should be yours already.

Your money is my money!

You receive Fight money (G) currency for completing battles in almost every game mode, but it is often given in small amounts. Here I see 2 main ways to get the achievement: finish The Dark Awakens/Character Episodes as singleplayer option and finish online matches in different modes for the first time as multiplayer options.

For finishing all 15 chapters of the story mode, you will get exactly 10,000,000 G. Or you can complete 10 Character Episodes, cause for each completed episode you"ll get 1,000,000 G.

You're in for it now!

Go to Customization — Character Customization.

Now pick any character and change him or her the way you like it. Change some colors, add or remove costumes and clothes. Then just save your changes to unlock the achievement.

No pain, no gain!

Go to Main Menu — Offline — Practice. Then select any character and a stage.

Now you will enter Practice Mode, in the left bottom you can see how much damage you have dealt in this practice session. Reach a total of 2 000 “Total Damage” to unlock the achievement.

Congrats on the victory!

Go to Arcrade Quest Mode and Finish Chapter 1. This is unmissable story related achievement. You get it after winning the tournament.

A new star rising in the world of TEKKEN!

Another unmissable story related achievement. You will get it after winning the tournament in the Chapter 6.

Get ready for the next battle!

The last unmissable story related achievement in Arcade Quest. You will get it after winning the Champion Cup in the Chapter 7.

The fists reveal the fighter.

Finish Chapter 1 in Arcade Quest Mode. You will reach the right moment when the map with the second location will be available to you. Enter it and you will see Chapter 2 on the screen. Exit to the main menu.

Finish Chapter 1 in Arcade Quest unlocks Super Ghost Battle Mode.

You will see arcade machine with Tekken 8. Use it and you will get acquainted with how Ghosts work. The first match will be with your own Ghost, but you won't get an achievement for it, you will only be shown that the Ghost will learn from your techniques so that other players can fight with it.

Complete this tutorial battle, then sit down at the machine again and select fighting with your ghost again.

Win the battle and here you will finally get an achievement for it.

(Initiating Analysis)

Activate arcade machine In Super Ghost Battle Mode and select CPU Ghost.

Choose any 10 of listed Ghosts and win a match against them.


Finish Arcade Quest Mode first and unlock Get ready for the next battle! achievement. Then go back to Super Ghost Battle mode, activate arcade machine and choose GPU Ghost. Now you should see here HARADA_TEKKEN as the strongest ghost.

Defeat him to unlock the achievement.

A fight is about survival.

This achievement will be your final one and will mean that you have finally received all the achievements in Tekken 8. Congratulations to you!
SishirC 28 Jul, 2024 @ 7:44am 
You got the heat dash wrong. You're supposed to activate heat first and then hold forward while doing a heat engager.
Darshana [FR] 6 Jul, 2024 @ 10:30am 
Thank you for this complete guide! :heart_eyes_yeti: Great job.

Tips for the DESPAIR achievement: During this part of the fight you can jump :steamthis: a lot so Kazuya will hurt you and you won't auto-attack him (which means Kazuya will beat you up). Also, when you are on the ground do not stand up, don't move, stay there and allow Kazuya to attack you. Same goes when your life gauge is full a second time.
Orphei. 7 May, 2024 @ 1:33am 
Excellent Guide , is there anybody who can help with an achivement "please don't tell my father"
Mr.Haroon 5 May, 2024 @ 1:04am 
:steamthis: :steamthumbsup: Nice Guide!
守法市民小此世 29 Apr, 2024 @ 8:46pm 
Thanks bro,this helped a lot.
TakeASoda 6 Apr, 2024 @ 2:52am 
@ClayPigeon I have done the Despair Ending myself, and it's pretty simple; considering Neutral also blocks (and in the case of the Story mode, auto-parries attacks as well), your safest bet is rushing forwards or sidestepping, and simply allow him to beat you to death. Also preferrably if you get knocked to the ground, don't get up and allow him to chip your health). Just remember that the first time you lose all your HP, Jin gets back up and recovers all his health. So allow Kaz to get you again and done. You got the Despair Ending.
Ashley 6 Mar, 2024 @ 2:38pm 
Worst Loki NA 2 Mar, 2024 @ 11:37pm 
Longy999 4 Feb, 2024 @ 3:47am 
For 20 devilish hits in Tekken Ball just pick Hwoarang and spam Back + 3, takes less than a minute