The Last of Us™ Part I

The Last of Us™ Part I

401 ratings
100% ACHIEVEMENT GUIDE | The Last of Us™ Part I 🏆
This is a comprehensive guide detailing a way of getting for all achievements in the game. If you have never played this game or are just hunting for achievements, this guide will show you how to get them all.

The search function of a browser may be used to find a specific achievement faster (Ctrl+F).
I wish you success in getting all the in-game achievements

Achievement Info
There are only 28 achievements in the PC version of the game. Getting them will not be difficult and time-consuming, especially if you have already played on the PlayStation before. If this is your first time playing this game, then here are some general tips for unlocking all the possible achievements in The Last of Us™ Part I.

Complete The Last of Us Main Story and Left Behind DLC
There are no steam achievements in the game for completed chapters or for playing on a certain difficulty. You will receive one achievement each for completing the entire base game and for completing the DLC. Just play for fun, enjoy the story and characters.

Find all Collectibles
Almost all achievements in The Last of Us™ Part I are unlocked by finding collectibles or unique situations in the game. It makes sense to start collecting them during the first playthrough, and after completing the story, go through the places where you missed something.

Chapter Select
Even if you missed any of the collectibles needed for the achievement, don't worry about it. Fortunately, I can`t say that this game has any missable achievements cause you can use Chapter Select feature after beating the game. But keep in mind that when playing a chapter through Chapter Select, you will be locked out of any chapters after that. This can be resolved by loading your Autosave Backup, which will return you to the furthest point. You can also make a manual save at your furthest point before chapter selecting to make sure.

Turn on Collectible Tracking
In the main menu go to Options — HUD — Collectible Tracking. When enabled this shows a special icon when a collectible has been already picked up in a previous playthrough. Very useful option when you do not remember which one collectible you missed.

Beware of spoilers
Despite the fact that the original game has been around for many years, due to its exclusivity, many players still do not know the game's plot or story twists. This guide may contain some spoilers, so if you don't want to spoil your experience of the game, it's best to come back here after playing the game. Otherwise, I refuse to accept all claims about the presence of spoilers.

Feel free to use my second guide
Usually, when there are a huge number of collectible achievements in the game, it is very difficult to fit their location in chronological order in one guide, so here you will only find instructions for finding items by type, but if you need to know how to find this or that item more in detail, then you will find a direct link to my second guide with detailed description next to the specific achievement.

Achievement Info
  • Difficulty level of achievements: Easy.
  • Total achievements: 29 (100%).
  • Offline achievements: 29 (100%).
  • Online Achievements: 0.
  • Estimated time to complete all achievements: 15-20 hours.
  • Minimum number of passes for 100%: 1 for Base Game, 1 for DLC.
  • Glitchy achievements: None.
  • Missable Achievements: None.
  • Achievements with difficulty levels: None.
  • Required DLCs for 100% achievements: Yes, but Left Behind DLC already uncluded.
No Matter What

The base part of the game consists of 10 large chapters, each of them is divided to episodes.
Some achievements from Miscellaneous section of this guide can be unlocked only in specific chapters or episodes, so this list can help you find a good moment to unlock an achievement.

Complete walkthrough should take about 10 hours, and it doesn't matter what difficulty you play on to unlock it. There are also a wide array of accessibility options you can utilise to make this easier if need be, particularly under the Combat Accessibility and Navigation and Traversal sections.

The Prologue and the Quarantine Zone
  • Prologue⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
  • 20 years Later
  • Beyond the Wall
  • The Slum
  • The Cargo
The Outskirts
  • Outside
  • Downtown
  • The Museum
  • The Capitol Building
Bill's Town
  • The Woods
  • Safehouse
  • Graveyard
  • Highschool Escape
  • Alone and Forsaken
  • Hotel Lobby
  • Financial District
  • Escape the City
The Suburbs
  • Sewers
  • Suburbs
Tommy's Dam
  • Hydroelectric Dam
  • Ranch House
The University
  • Go Big Horns!
  • Science Building
Lakeside Resort
  • The Hunt
  • Cabin Resort
Bus Depot
  • Highway Exit
  • Underground Tunnel
The Firefly Lab and Jackson
  • The Hospital
  • Epilogue
Don’t Go

Left Behind DLC consists of 6 chapters, the total walkthrough will take about 2 hours. To unlock this achievement, you also just need to go through the DLC from start to it`s end on any difficulty. Various modifiers do not affect the achievement, so you are free to choose anything that can make the gameplay easier for you.

Some of the achievements in the miscellaneous section of this guide are also only available in certain chapters, so use this list to understand where you can unlock achievements you need.

Back in a Flash
First chapter of The Last of Us: Left Behind. It introduces Ellie's best friend Riley Abel, and shows the aftermath of Ellie and Joel's escape from the University of Eastern Colorado.
Second chapter of The Last of Us: Left Behind. It explores the origins of Ellie and Riley's friendship.
So Close⠀
Third chapter of The Last of Us: Left Behind. It picks up after Ellie spotted the military helicopter and follows her attempts to reach it to secure a suturing kit for Joel.
Fun and Games
Fourth chapter of The Last of Us: Left Behind. It further explores Ellie and Riley's friendship, revealing why Riley left her and how important Ellie is to her.
The Enemy of My Enemy
Fifth chapter of The Last of Us: Left Behind. Having secured a medical kit, Ellie makes her way back to the yogurt store to help the wounded Joel.
Escape from Liberty Gardens⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Sixth and final chapter of The Last of Us: Left Behind. It depicts Ellie and Riley's escape from several infected, and how Ellie received the bite that led to her immunity.
Fallen Firefly/Look for the Light

Firefly pendants are one of collectible categories that can be found scattered throughout the single-player campaign in The Last of Us Part I. They belong to members of a militia group called the Fireflies. There are a total of 30 Firefly Pendants. Fallen Firefly achievement unlocks with the first pendant you find and the Look for the Light required finding all of them.
If it is inconvenient for you to search for collectibles using video tutorials and it is easier for you to focus on the text description and screenshots, then do not hesitate to use my another guide for this purpose.
Savage Starlight Fan/Endure and Survive

The comics are issues of a fictional, in-universe series called Savage Starlight, about a futuristic sci-fi adventure. In total, there are 14 issues to collect. Savage Starlight Fan unlocks with the first comic book you find and Endure and Survive requires to find all possible comics.
If it is inconvenient for you to search for collectibles using video tutorials and it is easier for you to focus on the text description and screenshots, then do not hesitate to use my another guide for this purpose.
Self Help/Something to Fight For

Training manuals are one of the collectible categories that can be found in The Last of Us. There is a total of twelve manuals to collect in Part I, and they allow Joel to craft more powerful items. Self Help unlocks with the first manual you find and Something to Fight For requires to find all of them.
If it is inconvenient for you to search for collectibles using video tutorials and it is easier for you to focus on the text description and screenshots, then do not hesitate to use my another guide for this purpose.
Master of Unlocking

Shiv doors are a gameplay feature in The Last of Us Part I. They are locked rooms that require a whole shiv to open which will be expended when used. Inside these rooms are a large amount of supplies, ranging from parts, supplements, ammo and health kit. There are a total of 13 shiv doors. Always make sure to keep some shivs on you, as if you waste all your shivs on stealth kills, you may not be able to open some doors.
If it is inconvenient for you to search for collectibles using video tutorials and it is easier for you to focus on the text description and screenshots, then do not hesitate to use my another guide for this purpose.

There are 97 Artefacts to be collected across the main game and Left Behind, which are traditional collectibles to be picked up, or automatically acquired through story progression.
If it is inconvenient for you to search for collectibles using video tutorials and it is easier for you to focus on the text description and screenshots, then do not hesitate to use my another guide for this purpose.
Getting to Know You

Optional conversations are side conversations that the player can choose to either participate in or ignore in The Last of Us Part I. There are 54 Optional Conversation to engage in across the main game and Left Behind. These are triggered by interacting with certain objects, or talking to people when standing in certain locations.
If it is inconvenient for you to search for collectibles using video tutorials and it is easier for you to focus on the text description and screenshots, then do not hesitate to use my another guide for this purpose.
That’s all I got

There are 6 sets of Jokes that Ellie will tell across the main game and Left Behind. These typically require some form of set up and waiting around to trigger. The trophy tracker for this will show 3 instead of 6, and will only update on the last 3 Jokes. In Chapter Select, these will be listed as Optional Conversations rather than Jokes.
If it is inconvenient for you to search for collectibles using video tutorials and it is easier for you to focus on the text description and screenshots, then do not hesitate to use my another guide for this purpose.
Prepared For the Worst

There are 11 Workbenches in the main game, where you will be able to upgrade your weapons. These are typically in your main path, occasionally in side rooms. You don’t need to upgrade any weapons for these to count, simply interacting with them is sufficient.
If it is inconvenient for you to search for collectibles using video tutorials and it is easier for you to focus on the text description and screenshots, then do not hesitate to use my another guide for this purpose.
Sharpest Tool in the Shed

Tools are levels determined by toolboxes collected in The Last of Us Part I. They are required to upgrade certain weapons at workbenches, in order to make them more efficient and powerful.
Tools are not consumed when used; instead they contribute to a "Tool Level" which maxes out at level 5, at which you can apply all upgrades to all weapons if you have the required amount of parts. These are not tracked in Chapter Select. They can be picked up like normal collectibles, and appear in red toolboxes.
If it is inconvenient for you to search for collectibles using video tutorials and it is easier for you to focus on the text description and screenshots, then do not hesitate to use my another guide for this purpose.
Sticky Fingers

Safes are item caches that can contain supplies abandoned by people during the initial outbreak or stashed during later conflicts. They require a combination to open, which can be found on certain Artifacts or in the environment.
If it is inconvenient for you to search for collectibles using video tutorials and it is easier for you to focus on the text description and screenshots, then do not hesitate to use my another guide for this purpose.
Build Em Up, Break Em Down

There are always 5 types of melee weapons in the game that you will come across during your playthrough. Starting with the Сhapter: Bill's Town, you'll learn how to craft melee weapon upgrades using consumables like Binding and Blades.

In order to unlock the achievement, you need to find all five weapons, upgrade them, and then break off their upgrade by killing the enemy.


Bill's Town - The Woods
First upgraded weapon in the game and can be found on the root of the small building you need to lay the plank on to cross. But you also can find pipes all over the game.

Bill's Town - Graveyard
You can sneak pass some Clickers around the crypts in the graveyard. You'll eventually come to an area with a found and a few stone benches around. The 2x4 will be on one of the stone benches.
Baseball Bat

Bill's Town - Graveyard
Once you have dropped down into the yard with the pool from the treehouse, go right into the house then head left to the garage. You'll see a shelving unit with a baseball bat.

Tommy's Dam - Hydroelectric Dam
You'll continue through the dam with Tommy until you are invaded. You'll make your way back the way you came and come outside. The hatchet will be laying near a crate. Almost the exact location where you can pet Buckley on the way inside.

Tommy's Dam - Ranch House
You and Tommy will go on horseback to find Ellie and eventually come to a stop at a ranch house. You'll find Ellie upstairs. The house will be invaded and there will be two enemies on the top floor. One will be armed with a gun, and most likely the first one you'll see, and then the other will be hiding with a machete ready to charge you. Once you drop him, upgrade it and kill the other 3 guys downstairs.
Geared Up

There are six items that you can craft using various supplies throughout the game. Each item will require multiple components to craft. You will be able to craft all items from Pittsburgh onwards.

Health Kit
Alcohol and Rag
Alcohol and Rag
Binding and Blade
Melee Upgrade
Binding, Blade and Melee Weapon
Explosive and Blade
Smoke Bomb
Sugar and Explosive
Combat Ready

There are a total of 9 weapons, but you can upgrade 8 of them (Assault rifle has not upgrades) using Workbenches. To fully upgrade a Weapon, you will need to find such resources like Weapons Parts and Workbench Tools. Revolver is the best weapon for this achievement due to the low amount of resources required to upgrade the weapon.

Tool Level⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Reload Speed
Allows you to reload the weapon faster
🧰 None
🧰 #1: Pliers
🧰 #3: Cleaning Rod
Fire Rate
Allows you to fire the weapon faster
🧰 None
🧰 #1: Pliers
🧰 #3: Cleaning Rod

9mm Pistol
Tool Level⠀⠀
Fire Rate
Allows you to fire the weapon faster
🧰 None
🧰 #1: Pliers
🧰 #3: Cleaning Rod
Reload Speed
Allows you to reload the weapon faster
🧰 None
🧰 #1: Pliers
🧰 #2: File
Magazine Capacity
Lets the weapon hold more rounds before having to reload
🧰 None
🧰 #1: Pliers
🧰 #2: File
🧰 #3: Cleaning Rod

El Diablo
Tool Level
Reload Speed
Allows you to reload the weapon faster
🧰 #1: Pliers
🧰 #5: Pin Punch
Fire Rate
Allows you to fire the weapon faster
🧰 #4: Wrench
🧰 #: Wrench
🧰 #5: Pin Punch
Clip Capacity
Lets the weapon hold more rounds before having to reload
🧰 #4: Wrench
🧰 #5: Pin Punch
Armour Piercing
Rounds fired by the weapon can go through armour
🧰 #4: Wrench
🧰 #5: Pin Punch

Tool Level
Reload Speed
Allows you to reload the weapon faster
🧰 #1: Pliers
🧰 #4: Wrench
Fire Rate
Allows you to fire the weapon faster
🧰 #1: Pliers
🧰 #4: Wrench
🧰 #5: Pin Punch
Clip Capacity
Lets the weapon hold more rounds before having to reload
🧰 #2: File
🧰 #4: Wrench
🧰 #4: Wrench
🧰 #5: Pin Punch
Decreases the kick of the weapon when fired
🧰 #1: Pliers
🧰 #4: Wrench
Increases the spread of the weapon when fired
🧰 #2: File
🧰 #3: Cleaning Rod
🧰 #4: Wrench
🧰 #5: Pin Punch

Tool Level⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Reload Speed
Allows you to reload the weapon faster
🧰 #3: Cleaning Rod
Increases the range of the weapon
🧰 #1: Pliers
🧰 #4: Wrench
🧰 #5: Pin Punch
Draw Speed
Allows you to draw the weapon faster
🧰 #1: Pliers
🧰 #2: File
🧰 #4: Wrench

Pump Shotgun
Tool Level
Reload Speed
Allows you to reload the weapon faster
🧰 #1: Pliers
🧰 #2: File
🧰 #4: Wrench
Fire Rate
Allows you to fire the weapon faster
🧰 #2: File
🧰 #3: Cleaning Rod
🧰 #4: Wrench
Clip Capacity
Lets the weapon hold more rounds before having to reload
🧰 #2: File
🧰 #3: Cleaning Rod
🧰 #4: Wrench
🧰 #5: Pin Punch
Decreases the kick of the weapon when fired
🧰 #1: Pliers
🧰 #2: File
Increases the range of the weapon
🧰 #3: Cleaning Rod
🧰 #5: Pin Punch

Tool Level⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Reload Speed
Allows you to reload the weapon faster
🧰 #1: Pliers
🧰 #4: Wrench
Increases the range of the weapon
🧰 #4: Wrench
The weapon deals more damage
🧰 #5: Pin Punch

Hunting Rifle
Tool Level
Reload Speed
Allows you to reload the weapon faster
🧰 #1: Pliers
🧰 #3: Cleaning Rod
Clip Capacity
Lets the weapon hold more rounds before having to reload
🧰 #1: Pliers
🧰 #4: Wrench
Adds a scope to the weapon
🧰 #1: Pliers
🧰 #4: Wrench
Armour Piercing
Rounds fired by the weapon can go through armour
🧰 #3: Cleaning Rod
🧰 #5: Pin Punch
Rounds fired by the weapon deal more damage
🧰 #4: Wrench
In Memorium

The Last of Us™ Part I
Chapter: Bill’s Town – High School Escape
At the end of Bill’s Town, you will arrive at a house with a vehicle.
In the back room is a note you can pick up and give to Bill.
He will throw it on the ground, at which point you can grab it.
Lights Out

The Last of Us™ Part I
Chapter: Pittsburgh – Escape the City
At the end of Chapter, you will need to sneak up to the two guards and stealth kill one, Henry will kill the other.
Sneak behind the barriers, going clockwise while avoiding the searchlight.
Wait until the hunter that is near the generator goes out of range, before sneaking up to turn off the generator.

The Last of Us™ Part I
Chapter: The Suburbs – Sewers
Inside the sewers, you will reach a room full of water with a contraption in the middle. You will need to retrieve a wooden pallet to help Ellie across the water, so that she can turn on the generator.
As soon as you move Ellie across to the generator, quickly swim over to Henry and Sam and get on the contraption before it moves.
Shortly after turning on the generator, the sewer contraption will automatically move across the room with Henry and Sam on board.

Left Hanging

The Last of Us™ Part I
Chapter: Tommy’s Dam – Hydroelectric Dam
Near the beginning of Tommy’s Dam, you will need to raise a dam gate to be able to cross the water.
After fetching a wooden pallet and assisting Ellie across, she will raise the gate for you to be able to cross.
She will ask for a high five, ignore her request.
Who’s A Good Boy?

The Last of Us™ Part I
Chapter: Tommy’s Dam – Hydroelectric Dam
During Tommy’s tour of the dam, you will go across the top of the dam into another building
Just before heading inside, Buckley the dog will be chewing a ball.
Interact with that doggy boy
Nobody’s Perfect

Left Behind DLC
Chapter: Fun and Games
At Raja’s Arcade, head inside and go to the back left to find a Jak X racing machine.
Interact with it and watch the short scene for the achievement. Make sure you do this before interacting with The Turning arcade machine, otherwise the game will advance.
Angel Knives

Left Behind DLC
Chapter: Fun and Games
Once at Raja’s Arcade, interact with The Turning arcade machine on the right to have an imaginary fight with Black Fang.
This is essentially a sequence of quick time events, requiring you to input what is on screen.
Finish the game without taking any to unlock the achievement.

Left Behind DLC
Chapter: Fun and Games
Immediately after Raja’s Arcade, Riley will challenge you to a water gun fight. Initially you will just soak each other, but afterwards it will be a best-of-3 match where Riley hides and whoever hits the other person first will win the round.
Make sure to load your water gun while looking for Riley, and remain stealthy while keeping an eye and ear out for Riley. As soon as you see her, blast her.
Brick Master

Left Behind DLC
Chapter: Mallrats
After going through the halloween store, Riley will challenge you to a brick throwing contest. You must destroy all seven windows on the red car before Riley destroys all seven windows on the blue car.
If Riley says she is on her last window, reload checkpoint to make sure she doesn’t win.
Live Bait

Left Behind DLC
Chapter: The Enemy of My Enemy
The second last chapter of Left Behind will have several encounters where both humans and infected are in the same room, allowing for some third party action. This can be done in any encounter after the first one, but it is easiest to do this immediately after going through the ventilation shafts.
You will be on a ledge with several bricks and bottles, with some infected below you and hunters walking into the area. Throw a brick or bottle between the groups and they will fight.
It Can't Be For Nothing

This is a classic achievement for games ported from the Playstation. Usually in PC versions of games they are not added, but this time they apparently decided to make an exception. You need to get the 28 remaining achievements in the game and this will be the last one unlocked for you.


Please let me know in comments below or add me to ask a question about the guide. Also you can get additional achievement if you rate, add to favorite or reward this guide.

Many thanks to these sources for infomation support!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The Last Of Us Wiki

Also check out my 100% achievement guide for other games. Hope you enjoy them!
S.T.A.R.S Leon S. K. 10 Dec, 2024 @ 2:15pm 
Merci Grazie :cure:
XEALEEN  [author] 1 May, 2023 @ 2:29pm 
Try to restart the game
PotatoDude 1 May, 2023 @ 2:29pm 
I have all the achievements except for the one that you get after getting all the achievements even though i have 28/29 unlocked , pls help idk why its not giving it to me
evil larry 14 Apr, 2023 @ 7:37pm 
Checking back in, you can use all modifiers (infinete ammo, insta kill and such) as well as filters and achievements will still unlock.
XEALEEN  [author] 13 Apr, 2023 @ 12:09pm 
Hey Kai-7, I got the same issue, you can find more info in my Collectibles guide.
TLDR: double check joke scene right at the beginning of Hotel. This one often glitches and jokes count only when you listen them to the end.
Kai 13 Apr, 2023 @ 11:21am 
Hi there, I am trying to get That's all i got achievement but it's stuck at 2/3 jokes. Could you help me with this as this is my final achievement for this game.
evil larry 7 Apr, 2023 @ 11:16pm 
If on second playthrough can you use gameplay modifiers? Do cheats still allow for achievements?
V_V 2 Apr, 2023 @ 5:30pm 
Thank you so much. I did it:luv:
XEALEEN  [author] 31 Mar, 2023 @ 6:25am 

Thank you for the criticism and this is the case when I really can agree with you — sometimes it's not very convenient for me to scroll to the comments manually too, so I'm just used to navigating through the page via ctrl+f.

But I have a few ideas how it can be optimized and I may use it in future guides. Thank you again for your words. I still hope that the design does not cancel the benefit and internal content of the guide for you.