Songs of Syx

Songs of Syx

92 ratings
Draken Race (V68)
Military: Equipments
Technology: Animal Science
Tweaks and Balance: Race
File Size
4.314 MB
13 Feb, 2024 @ 11:58am
5 Mar @ 5:57am
13 Change Notes ( view )

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Draken Race (V68)

In 1 collection by Aly
Aly's Songs of Syx Modlist
6 items

Draken are a proud and resilient race, characterized by their exceptional intelligence, formidable physical strength, and unparalleled ingenuity. Once enslaved by dragons, they have since risen from oppression to become a force to be reckoned with in their own right. Though their origins may be steeped in servitude, they now stand tall as masters of their own destiny, shaping the world around them with their remarkable pragmatism, intellect and exceptional ingenuity.

Portraits and Units

Draken come with fully customized portraits, with several available combinations to be generated by the game:

Accompanying the portraits, they also have their own custom units:

Technology Tree

To go in line with the theme of the race, the technology tree brings the opportunity to improve on the professions Drakenare already good with, like crafting and science. The new technology tree also unlocks the custom rooms and resources that get added with the mod.

Monuments and Fire Breath

Draken bring their own set of statues for awe generation, aswell as a Fire Gem monument for harmony generation. Said Fire Gem can also be used as artillery to fling some fireballs.

To flesh out their repertoire, Fire Breath glands can be produced early on, allowing them to breathe fire in battle. This ability is slotted extra and does not stop them from using two handed weapons, or a sword and shield.

Race stats

  • Strong heat resistance
  • Strong battle stats
  • Preference and proficiency for science, crafting and administrating
  • Terrible farmers and herders
  • Low submission


If you have any feedback regarding balance or issues, let me know. Please join the mod's topic in the official Songs of Syx Discord:

I will always keep changelogs updated in the Discord topic. Again, any help testing is appreciated.

Things I know that need some work:
  • There are no children sprites (defaults to adult)
  • Overall polish


Draken should be compatible with any other mod. If you like Garthimi gameplay, try out my other mod, Garthimi Expanded:

If you'd like to try my other race, check Vargen out:

This race is an adaptation of the assets I've made for a Soulash 2 mod, if you like that game, check my mod out:

Known Issues:

  • Nobles at maximum zoom out become purple. This is a base game issue. Draken do not have a separate floating head; as a result, their whole body turns purple when rendered. This issue affects every race in the game, but it’s very hard to notice with other races because they have a separate floating head and are smaller. I could separate the head from the body, but this would create other visual problems due to their wings and the way the game renders visuals at maximum zoom out. I do not have a solution for this at the moment.

Thank you!

Some assets and ideas were worked on top of existing content in the base game. Thank you @ThosomTom for creating Drevan, the race this mod is inspired by.

Aly  [author] 5 Mar @ 5:57am 
@Akry Thanks for the info. It's fixed.
Akry 5 Mar @ 5:28am 
Some species boost does not seem to apply. Farms and Fisheries remain unchanged.
Looking at the files, humans have a star next to farms and amevians have for fisheries.
like this: ROOM_FISHERY*>MUL: 1.4,
I edited the mod files to also have the star in these 2 cases and the modifier now applies.
DonDon 1 Feb @ 1:06pm 
Is there a mod that shrinks (or entirely removes) the wings? they look a little obnoxious on the battlefield (and they dont need it anyway its not like they fly)
Gaven 16 Jan @ 4:39pm 
Hehe yay you spoil us! Maybe a tiger/lion race!? hehe amazing
Aly  [author] 16 Jan @ 2:02pm 
@DogoDober Danke. Should have a third race made b4 february. Hopefully.
DogoDober 16 Jan @ 4:27am 
Played the Vargen mod before really liked it, I believe I will like this one too!
Keep on making these awesome mods and arts.
Aly  [author] 15 Jan @ 3:07pm 
@Gaven Not difficult, but a lot of boring refactoring to do. I had to kind of 'guess' what the new costs would few balanced for this new system. So any value suggestions later on are welcome.
Gaven 15 Jan @ 2:51pm 
Thanks so much for your quick updates Aly. Does the new tech screen make things difficult for your mods?
Aly  [author] 10 Oct, 2024 @ 2:41pm 
@Renzik it sure did. fixed it tho.
Renzik 10 Oct, 2024 @ 2:05pm 
Did the update today break this? Getting this error: Missing property: 1x1_DECOR, in object starting at line: 50