102 ratings
Type: Mod
File Size
28.968 MB
20 Feb, 2024 @ 8:40am
8 Nov, 2024 @ 9:25am
20 Change Notes ( view )

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This is a free to USE mod.

The Mag Loader Box is a portable battery powered ammo box that will either reload or unload magazine(s) attached to it. This allows you to free up your hands while reloading or unloading a magazine which is especially helpfull for the larger drum magazines. You can attach the mag loader box to the canteen slot. Attach a magazine, a battery and place the compatible ammo in the containter then place mag loader box in your hands or on the floor to turn on to activate. While unloading, if the MaqLoaderBox or Player inventory is full, it will drop all unloaded ammo into a pile on the floor at the MagLoaderBox's location. It can also unpack ammoboxes inside of it as well. The workbench can be used to repair weapons or magazines using an attached weapon cleaning kit. ( Repairs items to pristine and can repair RUINED items, enabled by default but can be disabled ) There is a config file that is generated inside your server's profile folder so that you can change certain settings for each of the magloaderboxes. Added a placable version and a static version. Added a new feature that will auto fill the magloader boxes or benches with all available ammo from player's inventory into the boxes or benches.(Only selects ammo related to attached magazines) Also benches will auto pick up nearby ammo within the vicinity of the bench. (Ammo on floor or bench)

Model for bench:
Ammo Reloading Workbench Free low-poly 3D model[]

Updated 11/08/2024
Check change notes for recent changes.

Config Options

Check your server's profile folder for the MagLoaderBox config for each of the 3 MagLoaderBox types as well as the workbench.

"MagazineAndBulletDamageActive": 1,
This determines if the magazines and bullets take damage per bullet during reloading and unloading. Set to 1 = True or 0 = False

"MagLoaderBoxDamagePercentOnUse": 0.01,
This is the amount of damage the MagLoaderBox takes per use. Set values between 0.0(min) - 1.0(max)

"MagLoaderBoxEnergyConsumedOnUse": 3.0,
This is how much total energy is consumed during each use. Set values between 0.0(min) - 100.0(max)

"ReloadTimeSecondsPerBullet": 0.5,
This is reload time per bullet in seconds. 0.0 = Instant and 1.0 = 1 second

"UnloadTimeSecondsPerBullet": 0.5
This is the unload time per bullet in seconds. 0.0 = instant and 1.0 = 1 second

"RepairRuinedItemsActive": 1, ( Workbench Config Only )
This enable/disables the ability to repair ruined weapons or magazines using the workbench.

"ConsumeAmountForKitPerUse": 10.0 ( Workbench Config Only )
This is how much is consumed from the weapon cleaning kit when repairing at the workbench. ( min 0.0, max 100.0 )


Don't forget to add it to your Types.xml file. (there is also a Types.xml located inside the mod's extras folder)


Since the Mag Loader Box inherts from the AmmoBox you might want add it to your cfgspawnabletypes as well or else it will spawn with the same items as the AmmoBox. Here is an example

<type name="MagLoaderBox">
<attachments chance="0.30">
<item name="Battery9V" chance="1.00" />

<type name="MagLoaderBox2">
<attachments chance="0.30">
<item name="Battery9V" chance="1.00" />

<type name="MagLoaderBox3">
<attachments chance="0.30">
<item name="Battery9V" chance="1.00" />

Helzi for help with unpacking boxes

Language Support
Currently only supported languages are English and German. I added a stringtable for language support inside the mod's extras folder if you want your language added either translate it using the stringtable provided into a mod override or send me the translation and I'll add it to this mod.

Repacking and Monetization
Do Not Repack or Reupload, please use a collection. Requests will be ignored.
Monetization is allowed as long as you follow Bohemia Monetization Rules Monetization[]

Please like and favorite if you enjoy this mod.

Discord Link[]

I originally made this for my Namalsk server that I am hosting but decided to make it public. If you want to, come check it out. This discord link is for the server that I host but you can contact me on there if you have questions or need assistance.

Trailer Link

load, reload, unload, loading, reloading, unloading, magazine, mag, ammo, bullet, auto, workbench, portable, static
Popular Discussions View All (3)
7 Nov, 2024 @ 7:46am
duplicating ammo
6 Mar, 2024 @ 9:03am
Excessive battery consumption
6 Mar, 2024 @ 9:03am
charger expense
Ghost Dko
jayfusion  [author] 20 Mar @ 2:24pm 
@Jay after I update my helicopter mod I will look into updating this mod to fix and improve the scripts.
Jay 20 Mar @ 7:28am 
Hey dude, it was working fine before the dreaded 1.27 update but now we're getting crash reports and the bench no longer functions:

Function: 'ReloadMagazineRepeat5'
Stack trace:
magloaderbox/6m QLti0/ FFbsU 6 /LUkCaljB//4ozhyUfa/ZDxiQl54/SicETNUo.zTT mhA :1249
SCRIPT (E): NULL pointer to instance
Class: 'MagLoaderWorkbench'
Entity id:2993089
jayfusion  [author] 22 Feb @ 1:19am 
@MadEagle, since you are the only one who has reported this or had this issue then it is likely either a mod conflict or something with your server setup that is causing that. If you had given me more details like your modlist and logs from when the incident occurs then I might of been able to help...
MadEagle 21 Feb @ 11:58pm 
Had to uninstall, since few days when player clicks reload, server totally crash/freeze to the point of need of manual restart.
jayfusion  [author] 13 Feb @ 5:28am 
@Night-Gamer if your server is running but not properly showing mod list then try this:

add this line to your serverDZ.cfg
steamProtocolMaxDataSize = 4000;
Night-Gamer 12 Feb @ 10:56am 
not working for me. server is running with it but launcher client cant see all mods.
jayfusion  [author] 14 Jan @ 9:47am 
@Zu_of_Zulu Lol I enjoyed watching the review, glad you enjoyed the mod. If you liked this one you should also check out my other ones.
jayfusion  [author] 18 Dec, 2024 @ 10:57am 
@CIXX_OFFICAL101 that could be due to multiple reasons, but most likely have to do with improper server setup. Make sure your server is actually running and check logs for errors or crash reports... I doubt it would be caused by this mod cause I've recieved zero reports since the last update and have had no issues using it on my servers.
CIXX_OFFICAL101 18 Dec, 2024 @ 8:51am 
my server wont show on list to join have i done something wrong ?