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The Legend of Terraria
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The Legend of Terraria

Master Sword? Nuts? Bombs? You want it? It's yours my friend!

English: This resource pack changes some tiles sprites, so to function correctly put above others.

Portuguese BR: Esse pacote de recursos muda alguns sprites de tiles, então para funcionar corretamente coloque acima dos outros.

• Wooden Boomerang -> (Ocarina of Time) Boomerang
• Shuriken -> Deku Nut
• Mana Potions -> Magic Potions
• Bombs -> Bombs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
• Dual Hook -> Hookshot
• Copper Shortwsord -> Kokiri Sword
• Carton of Milk -> Milk Bottle
• Pwnhammer -> Megaton Hammer
• Mechanical Lens -> Lens of Truth
• Cobalt Shield -> Deku Shield
• Obsidian Shield -> Hylian Shield
• Ankh Shield -> Mirror Shield
• Sun Mask -> Keaton Mask
• Skeleton Mask -> Skull Mask
• Swat Helmet -> Mask of Truth
• Compass -> (Ocarina of Time) Compass
• Gold Chest -> (A Link to the Past) Chest
• Neptune's Shell -> Golden Scale
• Breaker Blade -> Biggoron Sword
• Night's Edge -> Piccori Blade
• Terra Blade -> Fierce Deity Sword
• Hermes Boots -> Pegasus Boots
• Life Crystal -> Heart Container
• Enchanted Boomerang -> Magical Boomerang
• Bunny Ears (Zooologist) -> Bunny Hood

*Update 2*
• Apricot -> Jabber Nut
• Metal Detector -> Shard of Agony
• Squire's Shied -> (Minish Cap) Mirror Shield
• Excalibur -> (A Link to the Past) Master Sword
• True Excalibur -> Master Sword
• Coins -> Rupees

*Update 3*
• Mechanical Glove -> Silver Gauntlets
• Falcon Blade -> Razor Blade
• Enchanted Sword -> Magical Sword (Soul Calibur ll)
• True Night's Edge -> Four Blade (Minish Cap)
• Shroomite Digging Claw -> Mole Mitts
• Golden Key -> Small Key
• Moon Mask -> Spooky Mask
• Titanium Sword -> Great Fairy Sword
• Fledgling Wings -> Roc's Cape
• Harp -> Fairy Ocarina
• Magical Harp -> Ocarina of Time
• Gold Broadsword -> Gilded Sword
• Bomb Fish -> Water Bomb (Twilight Princess)
• Flaming Arrow -> Fire Arrow (OOT)
• Frostburn Arrow -> Ice Arrow (OOT)
• Hellfire Arrow -> Bomb Arrow (Breath of the Wild)
• Holy Arrow -> Light Arrow (OOT)
• Jester Arrow -> Shock Arrow
• Luminite Arrow -> Light Arrow (Wind Waker)
• Blessed Apple -> Lon Lon Carrot
• Shroomerang -> Boomerang (Minish Cap)

* Toxic Sludge ~ Chuchu (Majora's Mask)

*Update 4*
• Sky Fracture -> Dominion Rod
• Dao of Pow -> Ball and Chain
• Light Shard -> Amber Relic
• Dark Shard -> Dusk Relic
• Feather -> Blue Bird Feather
• Trimarang -> Gale Boomerang
• Rotten Chunk -> Monster Guts
• Power Glove -> Goron's Bracelet
• Lucky Coin -> Ancient Gold Piece
• Binoculars -> Hawkeye
• Chicken Nugget -> Bird Egg
• Sawtooth Shark -> Poacher's Saw
• Cell Phone -> Sheikah Slate
• Shellphone -> Purah Pad
• Flamelash -> Magical Rod (Link's Awakening - Switch)
• Gloom Statue -> Gossip Stone Statue
• Angel Statue -> Goddess Statue
• Shield Statue -> Hylian Shield Statue
• Ice Boomerang -> Boomerang (A Link to the Past)
• Flamarang -> Boomerang (Triforce Heroes)
• Hand of Creation -> Ultrahand
• Iron Axe -> Woodcutter's Axe
• Chlorophyte Greataxe -> Double Axe
• Influx Waver -> Sword of the Six Sages
• Umbrella -> Paraglider
• Pho -> Ordon Goat Cheese
• Shadow Scale -> Evil Crystal
• Life Fruit -> Life Tree Fruit
• Kwad Racer Drone -> Tough Beetle
• Fire Gauntlet -> Golden Gauntlets

1. Day Overworld theme -> Hyrule Field (OOT)
2. Eerie -> Blood Moon (BoTW)
3. Night Overworld -> Night Hyrule Field (TP)
4. Cavern -> Inside Deku Tree
5. Boss 1 -> Boss Theme (OOT)
6. Title Theme -> Song of Healing
7. Jungle -> Woodfall Temple
8. Corruption/16. Crimson -> Ikana Valley
9. Hallow -> Kokiri Forest theme
10. Underground Corruption -> Ganon's Castle Underground
11. Underground Hallow -> Temple of Droplets
12. Boss 2 -> Twilit Igniter: Fyrus Battle
14. Snow -> Mountain Village
15. Space Night -> Astral Observatory
17. Golem/Boss 4 -> Ganon's Puppet - Zelda Battle
18. Alternative Day Overworld -> Termina Field
19. Rain -> Zora's Domain (OOT)
20. Snow Underground -> Ice Cavern (OOT)
21. Desert -> Gerudo Valley (OOT)
22. Ocean Day -> Great Bay Coast
23. Dungeon -> Shadow Temple (OOT)
24. Plantera Theme -> Molduga Battle
25. QueenBee/Boss 5 -> Ook Battle
26. Lihzahrd Temple -> Stone Tower
27. Eclipse -> Armogohma First Half
29. Glowing Mushroom -> Minish Village
30. Pumpkin Moon -> Death Sword Battle
31. Alternate Underground -> Deepwood Shrine
32. Frost Moon -> Blizzetta Battle
33. Underground Crimson -> Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly
34. The Towers-> Bilocyte Battle
35. Pirate Invasion -> Pirate's Fortress
36. Underworld -> Twilight Theme
37. Martian Madness -> Ghost Attack
38. Moon Lord -> Dark Lord Ganondorf Battle
39. Goblin Army -> Boss Theme (Minish Cap)
40. Sandstorm -> Guardian Battle (BoTW)
41. Old One's Army -> The Hordes of Darkness
42. Space Day -> Cloud Tops
43. Ocean Night -> Fishing Hole (TP)
44. Windy Day -> Minish Woods
46. Town Day -> Market (OOT)
47. Town Night -> Kakariko Village (OOT)
48. Slime Rain -> Dark World Remix
51. Journey's Beginning -> Ocarina of Time Title Screen
52. Storm -> Windmill Hut (OOT)
53. Graveyard -> Light and Shadow
54. Underground Jungle -> Forest Temple (OOT)
55. Jungle Night -> Castor Wilds
56. Queen Slime -> Scourge of Vah Ruta, Waterblight Ganon Battle
57. Empress of Light -> Divine Beast, Vah Ruta Battle
58. Duke Fishron -> Morpheel Battle
59. Tutorial/Morning Rain -> Lon Lon Ranch Instrumental ver.
61. Underground Desert -> Spirit Temple
89. Journey's End -> Staff Roll (Minish Cap)
90. Deerclops -> Fraaz, Master of Icy Fire
91. Aether -> Chamber of the Sages

*Also, please go see the Alternate Title Screen, I did an amazing Majora's Mask pixelart that took me some hours ( ´¬´ )
Katchau Games  [author] 14 Mar @ 1:08pm 
@VicttorVT Provavelmente foi um erro na tradução que eu não vi quando atualizei o pack. Vou lançar uma nova atualização e tentar consertar ele
VicttorVT 13 Mar @ 10:51am 
Olá, Tudo bem?
Estou com um problema ao tentar usar o pacote de textura. Toda vez que vou ativar a textura, meu jogo instantaneamente da erro(infelizmente, não consigo ver o que está dando erro, já que por algum motivo eu também não consigo abrir a tela do erro). O que é muito estranho, porquê mesmo desativando todos as outras texturas e deixando só essa da o mesmo erro sempre...
Skull90 21 Feb @ 12:53pm 
Wait I spelled the name incorrectly my bad
Skull90 21 Feb @ 12:52pm 
Yo Master Kogha I'm a big fan
rei gaming official 13 Feb @ 10:34am 
can you make moon lord into ganon? any type of ganon that fits
Katchau Games  [author] 30 Jan @ 3:33pm 
@Blue Bird I didn't see Vah Naboris' theme, it goes even better with Sandstorm, I'll put that one and leave Guardian Battle for another future song
Blue Bird 27 Jan @ 1:08am 
The Sandstorm theme should either be Molduga (Wind Waker or BotW) or Vah Naboris.

I am so loving the work being put into this pack by the way. :D
The Wise Willow 24 Jan @ 9:33pm 
This is insanely good! by far some of the best sprite-work I've seen on the workshop.
The workshop needs more Zelda Content like this. 10/10 :D
SneakyTim 14 Jan @ 7:31am 
Lamp oil, rope? bombs? you want it? its yours my friend as long as you have enough Rupees
rei gaming official 31 Dec, 2024 @ 8:42pm 
this is amazing can you change more enemies and bosses please (like mummies are gibdos from oot)