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Garry's Mod

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[TTT] NosTalgia!
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Items (70)
[TTT] Weapon Collection (Modified for NosTalgia server)
Created by Bazinga
MADE FOR TTT, DON'T TRY PLAYING SANDBOX WITH THIS ADDON Addon made using two workshop items, both are listed down this subject: Lykrast's TTT Weapon Collection TTT Weapon collection Made as a Server Content, but don't mind using it Changes All the weapons ...
GMTower Acessories (Modified for NTG)
Created by Bazinga
Addon made using Gmod Tower Acessories Pack Also, I used old models from Gmod Tower too, most of them found in a pointshop collection on github. btw if you want to add these models to your pointshop, follow the steps ahead: Go into sandbox (any map) Press ...
M9K Heavy Weapons
FIGHT FOR NET NEURTALITY! This addon was not designed for TTT. DarkRP works with minor changes to settings, such as default clips, weapon stripping. See the description for info on how to adjust these settings to fit your needs. Included in this addon: Amm...
Created by Delta7x
Please Note: This is NOT my map, nor am I the original Author of this map. I am only re-uploading the map for an easier method of download. I agree to remove this submission of the original Author or if Valve decides. ***This map uses CS:S Props and Textur...
TTT Teen Room
Created by Lix3
REUPLOAD The creator of the Teen Room map removed it from the workshop. Simple reupload here so we can continue to enjoy it....
Created by Flechita
Map for TTT gamemode made by me. Based on some kind of flying ship. Features: · 32 Player spawns. · Traitor tester for 2 players (needs 2 players to work). · Rideable helicopter (fixed path). · 2 traitor buttons. Includes custom skybox texture made by Koma...
TTT Skyscraper 2015
Created by Yashirmare A 2015 remake for TTT Skyscraper A small map which takes places on the three upper floors of a skyscraper for Terrorist Town (TTT). 8-24 Players are recommended You need Counter-Strike: Source or download CS:S Content to pla...
Created by Smallo
Edited version of ttt_innocentmotel. Additional room added. Additional traitor trap added. Added outdoor scenery. Added some vents. Lighting changes. Vent system added. Fixed the kill box in the elevator shaft with the T trap. Players will no longer surviv...
Created by SabbaTH
Modified edition of the good and old cs_rio by unknown author (if he shows up, I'll happily add the credits). Modifications by |TTTF|SabbaTH! New versions comming soon! To do soon: - T room - Football field trap - Police invasion trap - Secret knife (not s...
Created by youmenow1
ttt_rooftops_2016_v1 has arrived, bringing with it an immense number of additions, enhancements and changes to both the visual and mechanical. After years of development, I am glad to finally introduce ttt_rooftops_2016, the definitive ttt_rooftops version...
Created by ttv/PAL_AU
Welcome to the town plaza. We have radios that traitors can telepathically explode, freezers where we lock up naughty people, and a holy machine which turns corpses into watermelons. Survive the traitors and their tricks - if you can. Changelog: - Fixed 'b...
Created by saintblue52 CONTAINS TTT AND SANDBOX VERSION Welcome human! This map is a full recreation of Undertale's MTT resort, Designed to be played in Sandbox or Trouble In Terrorist Town gamemodes! Months of work w...
Created by Jack Meoff
This is a modified map of cs_crackhouse_dm with TTT functions and edits. CS:S files are needed!!! -Features- ->Traitor Tester and Traitor rooms! ->Working buggy with gun! ->Plenty of traps and easter eggs! ->Cubemaps. ->HDR and LDR. ->Optimization. ->Antli...
Created by Zion Fox
Almost identical to ttt_clue, however this map adds various sound effects. From eery music being played from a jukebox in the attic, rain and thunder happening outside, to various radios and gramophones playing music in different rooms, and even a recordin...
Created by =CrazyChicken=
New version released after six years! More consistent updates coming soon. How to use credit transfer: -Be a traitor or detective -Unlock vault -Stand by credit terminal -Press keyboard, as detective; press traitor button, as traitor. -Wait 30 seconds with...
TTT Maps: Minecraft City V3
Created by Natolikin+
This is not mine, but it is used on many servers and I was surprised noone had uploaded it here yet. Please Enjoy this map, again, IT'S NOT MINE. ~Natolikin...
Created by GoodOnYaLad
I have armed this map so it works on Trouble in Terrorist Town for 5HeadGaming! It has 45 Player Spawns and 92 random weapon spawns. Credit: Original Map Maker - MDS31781 Screenshots - VoodooRaisins Important: Requires Counter Strike : Source...
Created by Vizzys
ttt_fastfood is a medium sized trouble in terrorist map fun for around 10-20 players. The map takes place around a fast food place that is inexplicably unnamed (yet) This is version a6. (May 21st, 2013) Probably final version ...
Created by DomoKing
EL CHAVO DEL OCHO (THE KID FROM NUMBER 8) This was the name of a television show and its main character the most popular creation of the comedian Chesperito (Roberto Gómez Bolaños). The chavo was an orphan who lived in a barrel inside a Mexican-style vecin...
Created by Mitchell
A TTT map based in a Prison enjoy :P CSS Required...
Created by Ice
A much needed revision to one of my personal favorite TTT maps. A few rooms, 2 secrets, a teleporter (part of a secret), and 2 hallways were added....
Created by ttv/PAL_AU
ttt_forest by Shifty Pete (originally ttt_forest_final) Changelog: - Improved visuals - Fixed minor bugs and glitches - Completely remade the spectator course - Tweaked the skybox - Optimization (Higher FPS) Overall, everything is fixed and finished, there...
Created by mighty baby
ttt_terrortown recut and edited to reduce round length. Round length was my biggest problem with the original map. So I edited it without removing it's uniqueness. Uses a lot of invisible walls to prevent people from accessing certain cut areas using addon...
Created by mintentha
A port of the map cs_assault from the game Counter-Strike: Source It is not required to own the game to play this map. Intended for use on TTT The name of the map in game is ttt_assault_csspk - Not many weapon spawns as it would be difficult to put in with...
Created by Bender180
I recently revamped this map and you can find it here This map is being released as is, unless there is a game breaking issue I will not be making any changes to this map. This is the first map I ever finished. From a design stand point it is very simple a...
Created by FEИRA
A spin on Nick Alger's classic TTT map dm_island17! There now is an elevator that takes you to the top of the lighthouse! For those extra lazy traitors. Now has weapons included....
Created by MaD-.^
The Map is a rebuild of the Kakariko village from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, I tried to stay as close to the original as i could. Complete Remap with v4 thanks to Shanks. As a Traitor you can: -Break the stairs to the windmill and people that fa...
Created by Dooglz
A Trouble in Terrorist Town map based in a swimming pool complex. Small/Medium map (5/10 players) Treacherous Traps for the Traitor to torment Terrorists with. The 2 large waterslides are traitor detectors, a light at the top lights either red or green and...
Created by Mr.ROFLMAN
The casual CS:S map known as office now has a non buggy version for Prop Hunt players and server owners! Fixed some areas that prop players can hide under or be well hidden to the point where hunter could barely see the props. I have also fixed the well kn...
Created by wisd0m
67thway is an iconic map for the popular gamemode "TTT", so I decided to do an overhaul, in which I add some things I would like to see in the map! Some things added are... -Extra T room exits -Disco -Pyro Shrine -More T traps -Extra Rooms -Extended T room...
Created by DerpliciousDerpy
No credit to me i just uploaded all credit to (=CG=) Finniesp. A Trouble In Terrorist Town MC beta map. If the owner wants it off the workshop he can just leave a comment. *FEATURES* 1. Realistic minecraft blocks 2. Nether dimension portal 3. Small minecra...
Created by Pufulet
My very own minecraft map for trouble in terrorist town! The map was originally created using World Painter, then worked on in creative mode in minecraft, ported over as a vmf and a lot of work to fix it up. There is a traitor tester which needs to be acti...
[TTT] ttt_mc_treehouse
Created by CynCeyd
This is a little map we've created in Minecraft and ported it to Garry's Mod. Please understand that this map is still in beta and there might occur some issues with it. Feel free to report any bugs or suggest ideas to implement. I'll take a look on it as ...
Created by Solidus
A small map designed for Trouble in Terrorist Town. Inside, there is a single circuit breaker that disables lighting for a few seconds for traitors only. ...
Created by Colek
Introducing TTT_Casino ported from the source engine mod Goldeneye Source. I take absolutely zero credit for any textures, models or brushwork within this map. This map currently supports the following: - 32 players (Generally only 16 is needed however mor...
ttt_Dimmsdale V2
Created by WAX | Hillrop
This is a complete and total remake of ttt_dinklebergs. This map was made for the DinklebergsGmod TTT server. Current Version is ttt_dimmsdale_v2. Version 2 is a visual and gameplay overhaul of the entire map. Current Features 9 Traitor Traps and a T Room ...
Created by hakdog
YOU NEED CSS FOR THIS -FLYING HELI!! Prefab by Aurora -This is a TTT version of my de_vessel_beta1 map, except with improved stuff. Improvements/Updates -Optimized as much as possible (20-30 more fps compared to de_vessel_beta1) -TTT Version -HDR -Deeper w...
Created by tc
ttt_magma_v2, the sequal to the hit map, this has improved optimization, detail, and is a much larger map in general. Features a T room, 3 magma chambers, living quarters, and the elevator. Uses Half Life 2 ladders! No longer will complain about slipping a...
Created by Bender180
Hey check out the festive reskin of this map i made for the holidays here: So this is one of my oldest maps its the second one i created and my personal favorite. - Multiple traitor traps and ...
Created by Zaratusa
A medium sized map based around an large passenger aircraft for Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT). A large passenger aircraft is seized Mid-Pacific by a highly trained, heavily armed terrorist cell. Unfortunately for them, intense training and large weapons ...
[TTT] Better Equipment Menu
Created by Ping
!! IMPORTANT !! Due to a change in the original traitor shop, this only works with a gmod server version newer than Oct. 2017! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If...
[TTT/2|Sandbox] Sandwich (Medkit)
Created by Zaratusa
Features The sandwich is a simple Medkit for Traitors and Detectives (configurable via ConVars), it heals 25 (configurable) life per use and can either be used on yourself or every other player. Primary attack to heal other player, secondary attack to heal...
TTT Traitor Turtlenade
Created by TheTrueLor
I'm no longer providing updates or support, anyone is welcome to re-use the code or concept. A grenade for traitors that spawns several hostile turtles (using the headcrab npc) on detonation. Requires Trouble In Terrorist Town, CSS. Legacy Addon/Scripts: h...
TTT - Defibrillator
Created by sophie
Pretty simple modification that allows traitors to purchase a one-time defibrillator that can bring allies (or enemies) back from the dead. Installing Workshop addons on servers GitHub
TTT Bomb Station
Created by BocciardoLight
When innocents use this health station, it will beep before exploding. Traitors will simply deplete the fake charge. Left-Click: Place Bomb Station...
[TTT && Sandbox] Dart Gun
Created by Lure
Description The Dart Gun is a Poison type Gun. It has 3 Types of darts, Poison, Muteness and Blindness. You can change dart type by clicking on the right mouse button (aka SecondaryFire). This script works with TTT gamemode and Sandbox gamemode. Features -...
TTT Detective Rifle
Created by Zuko
A Rifle I made that can be used on TTT. It's a Detective Rifle so only the Detective can buy it. I got the model and materials from the M9K Packs but coded the lua file myself (with a little help from some friends)....
VSS Vintorez for TTT
Created by KJelles
Original VSS Vintorez, this was an old addon mainly used on Conjointgaming, i got it from the developer and fixed it to make it work with the latest update. Credits: siminov, MaKc, STALKER Working as of 2017 **I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS OF THE MATERIALS AND M...
TTT Freeze Gun 2.0
Created by Donato Dias
Freeze everyone you meet. Description The Freezegun is a weapon that allows you to freeze targets for a certain amount of time. The frozen target won't be able to move, look around, shoot or do anything else for as long as it's froozen. This weapon is avai...
TTT Rollermine Traitor Weapon
Created by Badger
This is a TTT traitor weapon, useful for discouraging players from staying in parts of the map. The rollermines will attack fellow traitors, so make sure to warn your teammates! They will give the appearance of trying to kill the player who threw them, but...
[TTT] DNA Scanner Model Override
Created by Corvatile
This addon adds a first-person and third-person model for the Detective's DNA Scanner in Trouble in Terrorist Town. This is an edit of TTT - DNA Scanner Model Version (BackStabber) by Mr.Kobrax but with an alternative texture and implemented differently to...
[TTT] Weapon Quick-Swap
Created by ValsdalV
Description: A small quality of life addon that lets you pick up weapons by pressing a button. Instead of walking to groups of weapons hoping that the game gives you the one you want, just press the +use key and pick it up. How does this work? Look at the ...
TF2-style damage numbers and hit sounds
Created by wget
this addon adds lightweight, optimised, and customisable damage numbers and hit sounds to make combat feel more satisfying and responsive the default damage number font is verdana, yellow, with outlines, but clients can change change colour, size, etc to w...
Created by H3xCat
I'd appreciate if you rate the script, thank you. An easy-to-use tool which allows server staff to patch various exploits within maps. Multiple exploits exist in maps that allow players to get out of the map when they're not supposed to. This tool allows f...
Hitmarkers for Gmod!
Created by Exho
This + Doritos playermodels + Intervention SWEP = MLG PRO *** Info: I saw that there was a lack of free, updated and good hitmarker addons on the Workshop so I decided to try creating my own! This addon works in BOTH singleplayer and multiplayer (only if t...
Custom Chat
Created by StyledStrike
But people like to talk, don't they? A simple and customizable chat box that can format text, display images and emojis. Features Customizable Has built-in emojis Has a direct message/chat channels system Supports text forma...
Gmod Legs 3
Created by Valkyrie
Gmod Legs Works with most custom playermodels Actively maintained since 2012 Like this addon? Award it! and checkout my GmodRPG im working on This will allow you to see your legs in first person, just like in Left 4 Dead or any modern FPS Info: Hold you co...
Created by [ULX] Megiddo
The official latest release version of ULX admin mod (the same you'd get from our website). Please see our website at for information and discussion. Only servers need to use this, not your individual joining players. YOU MUST ALSO SUBSCRIBE...
Created by [ULX] Megiddo
The official ULib. Please see our website at for information and discussion. For the most bleeding edge up to date versions of ULX and ULib, please download and use our github versions: ULib: ULX: https://...
Created by DBot
If game tells you that DLib is causing script errors, but the only mention of DLib in the error's text is "lua/dlib/modules/hook.lua", check if the error is reproducible without DLib installed first! Only report if DLib is actually causing these errors. Di...
Custom ULX Commands
Created by SirSmokerGollum
-- Original CULX Created by;u=6288 -- This is a updated and optimised version of Custom ULX Commands, we make sure it runns as best as possible and also complies to any Gmod Rule changes like the operat...
ULX++ - New Commands and More!
Created by DBot
THIS IS ADDON FOR ULX, IT WOULD NOT WORK IF THERE IS NO ULX INSTALLED! Discord It adds new commands, /slash support, chat help and Property Menu commands! New commands is: trainfuck banish ctsay sin giveweapon ip steamid64 runspeed giveammo walkspeed jumpp...
Created by Fy-e
SprayMon allows players to see authors of sprays. Don't just press "subscribe", it won't work. This addon is for servers. See instructions at the bottom. "spraymon" console command will show you sprays of all players on server. Change "spraymon_nodelay" co...
Ultimate Workshop Downloader
Created by ceifa Send Workshop addons from your server to your players automatically. How to use Dedicated servers: add UWD to the server's collection and start the server. Done. Listen servers (p2p, in-game multiplayer): the host player n...
Flip Phone Teleporter Model
Created by AlphaOwl
Uploaded with gmpublisher...
Improved Double Jump!
Created by Malivil
Thanks to Willox for the 'Double Jump!' mod which was the foundation of this mod. Thanks to GengarDC for the 'TTT_Double_Jump_Nerfed' mod which inspired some of the changes in this mod. Edits and replaces the original version to add settings and remove the...
TTT - Scoreboard Tagging
Created by Exho
Tag you're it! This addon merges two existing vanilla TTT systems by allowing the Radio Command system to give players a tag that you could previously only apply through the Scoreboard. My purpose was to bring the scoreboard tagging system back into the pl...
Rainbow crowbar reskin
Created by pealover88
Ayo, dat's gay mane. To the mentally troubled individuals, please restart the game after downloading. If still it doesn't work, then something install the gma manually. Other than that, something is wrong with your gmod, everyone else has it working fine....
Fake hits fix
Created by Redox
Now supports players & npcs! This addon aims to fix "fake hits" / hitreg feel, whenever a player shoots another player or npc. This can cause the attacker to see fake blood particles while the player that's getting shot at receives no damage at all. The ad...