Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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SWTOR Series: Harrower Class Dreadnought
Type: World
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8 Oct, 2014 @ 2:44pm
12 Dec, 2014 @ 8:00pm
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SWTOR Series: Harrower Class Dreadnought

For Some reason the tumbnail picture is black idk how to fix it.

Well its been a while since my last submission.

This one took me about two months to completely plan out and build accordingly.

Ladies and gentlemen I give you the Harrower Class Dreadnought, used by the Sith Empire.
This one is named "The Emperors Fury"

It is seen in Star Wars: The old Republic.

it has about 5 hanger bays
2 front
2 side
1 on the bottom

It has a imperial shuttle with foldable wings, Two Imperial bombers and 3 Imperial Interceptor Mark IV's

The ship itself is powered by three Large Reactors and I don't know how many gyroscopes but I tried to make it as similar to the movement of a capital ship. She has a ton of missile and gatlign turrets on the top and bottom. It has a fll interior with Crew quarters, Escape pods, med-bay, Seconedary command bridge, Command Bridge, left and Right docking doors, Cargo Hold. The Cargo hold consists of 3 Large containers and 12 Small Containers.

EVERYTHING and i mean EVERYTHING that needs to be connected via a conveyor tube, is connected. ALL the turrets are connected together and all the tubes eventually lead to the cargo Containers so you can access everything from any console you find. The Large REactors are also connected to this conveyor system.

I built this ship in creative as i would in survial in hopes that one day I CAN build it in survival and not have the server crash ehehheh


More submissions coming soon!

Ultim 19 Aug, 2023 @ 8:47am 
Bro probably dosent play but this is still fire
Solaris  [author] 28 Jan, 2016 @ 3:07pm 
@Joseph Darkwater thanks man! Glad you are enjoying it! :)
Ancient one 27 Jan, 2016 @ 10:13am 
ok thank you telling me that. just wanted to know, but anyways love the ship
Solaris  [author] 25 Jan, 2016 @ 9:12pm 
@Joseph Darkwater Hmm...This ship uses no mods but it may have been a mod that i had because when i build i like to test certain concepts while i build so it give sm etime to think so maybe thats what it was.
Ancient one 25 Jan, 2016 @ 8:04pm 
it said it wouldnt load because of an error so when i got to the page to edit it, it showed the error
as number 1 mod and i unistalled it from the world an it worked fine
Solaris  [author] 25 Jan, 2016 @ 4:37pm 
@joseph Darkwater What was the issue though?
Ancient one 25 Jan, 2016 @ 2:12pm 
nvm i figured it out you may wanna think about it being uninstalled but thank you for trying to help
Solaris  [author] 24 Jan, 2016 @ 9:45pm 
@Jospeh Darkwater What exactly are you trying to do that its telling you to check world options?
Ancient one 24 Jan, 2016 @ 7:39pm 
Hey every time i try to load the world it says check world options its drving me crazy still new to the game
Solaris  [author] 13 Dec, 2014 @ 8:10pm 
@jmunzi Haha I play Swtor too! I am on Ebon Hawk and right now my main is my Jedi Sentinel, Jortian. Haha and its alright it didn't sound liek angry talk to me! Thanks dude :D!