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SCP-6032 "The Toon Jet"
Category: Liveries
Vehicle: F/A-26B
File Size
4.169 MB
23 May, 2024 @ 2:16pm
26 May, 2024 @ 2:55pm
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SCP-6032 "The Toon Jet"

Description: SCP-6032 is a fighter aircraft resembles design elements of several planes such as the american F-15,F-14 and F18. Despite its modern and advanced design, SCP-6032 has a distinctly cartoonish appearance as if drawn by a kid. SCP-6032 has the unique ability to operate within two-dimensional drawn dimensions. When in proximity to any medium that can depict a 2D space (such as paper, digital screens, or other artwork), SCP-6032 can transition from its three-dimensional form into the 2D environment and return to its normal plane instantaneously. The transition between dimensions does not appear to affect SCP-6032's structural integrity or operational status.

Behaviour: SCP-6032 does not exhibit autonomous behavior like sentient SCPs and follows the physical laws and limitations of the dimension it inhabits. When in a 2D environment, SCP-6032 adapts to the style and constraints of the medium, such as limited movement planes and simplified physics.

Contaiment: SCP-6032 was discovered following reports of an "animated jet" participating in a local airshow, where it was observed seamlessly transitioning between the real world and the animated segments of the event. Foundation agents secured SCP-6032 after confirming its anomalous properties and contained it without incident.
SCP-6032 is to be contained within a secure hangar at Site-██. The hangar should be equipped with low-resolution cameras and digital sensors to monitor any changes in SCP-6032's state as well as 4 panels containing white paper that are facing away from the SCP to avoid any materialisation beyond the hangar. Access to SCP-6032 is restricted to Level 3 personnel and above. Testing and operation of SCP-6032 require approval from at least two Level 4 personnel.

by angedeon8

Tags: SCP, foundation, cellshade