Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles

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Purgatory of Inferno Modlist
Items (52)
Pippi - User & Server Management - v3.9.14
Created by Joshtech
Pippi - User & Server Management ID: 880454836 Version : 3.9.14 Update Notes Looking for a previous version? Should work in Singleplayer/Co-op Multiplayer & Dedicated Environments (Should hehe) What is Pippi? Pippi is a mod created for Conan Exiles by the ...
Created by hades
Mod Control Panel Discord Link Mod ID: 1823412793 Version 1.1.5 This mod aims to add a convenient UI widget that supports modules, this will mainly be used as the primary settings HUB for all the mods I develop, although it is possible for any mod develope...
Chapter 3 Combat HotFix (by Xevyr)
Created by Xevyr
What is this? This mod addresses some of the recent bugs / changes regarding combat, that were introduced in AoW - Chapter 3 Update: Most of these things have been fixed / addressed in some way by Funcom so this mod is no longer necessary. I disabled the f...
Armor and Weapon Stats in Bench - AWS v3.1.0 (by Xevyr)
Created by Xevyr
Yes... you read that correctly!... Displays detailed item info in benches prior to crafting Features: Tries to keep the look and feel of the vanilla UI, just with more stats shown in benches. Shows special armor bonuses like...
Savage Steel vol II
Created by Jia
PIRATES CAN BE SAVAGE!!20 This mod has a wide variety of realistic pirate based placeable or RP items. Some of the features that we have are ships, lighthouse, pirate loot and much more!! We have "Pick Up" on the Savage Steel vol.II placeables. We have des...
Crafty Counters
Created by illspirit
Counters with various workstations which snap to floors for quick and tidy placement, plus a sink to use as a well, and empty versions for deco. Also includes a small grinder, fluid press, planter, and dryer to fit on counters. Works with the building hamm...
Organizer Sorting Chest v0.4.3
Created by mikey
Adds a chest that organizes/moves its content into near by chests. Do you organize all of your chests, to then have your friends throw their inventories into the first chest they see? Well make this that chest and it will move items to chests that have the...
OSH quest item (v1.50)
Created by okudaira nobumasa
add quest item , Key item Use ID 4000000 - 4009999 MOD ID : 1647815091 This mod is useful for building quests and dungeons using Pippi. Items required for quest progression Key items for opening doors (necessary for dungeon building) Items that can be exch...
Proximity Party (by Xevyr) - v1.1.0
Created by Xevyr Dynamic proximiy based "party" interface Features: Displays a healthbar for nearby guild members / thralls Prioritizes players over thralls To open settings use the console command: dc proxyparty Settings: Enable / Disable m...
Reliable Meteor Showers
Created by Xevyr Pretty much what the title says. (Watch demo video above) Features: Ensures the presence of Star Metal nodes on the map by speeding up the waiting time for Meteor Showers whenever there are 5 or less nodes on the map Doesn't...
Highmane's Arsenal
Created by Dracula
Thanks to the Conan Community for the overwhelming support and praise to the mod, to AfterRealm for the art and the general mod help, and thanks to everyone in the Conan Exiles Modding discord for answering and resolving many issues I've had over the cours...
The Damage Meter (by Xevyr) - v2.2.3
Created by Xevyr
Fully featured lightweight damage meter that can measure realtime DPS of your character and any followers. Includes scrollable combat log and floating damage numbers for the player. This is a lightweight, but very powerful m...
Inventory Compact & Stack Split (by Xevyr) v3.1.1
Created by Xevyr Compacts things... Features: Adds Compact button to inventory that when pressed, removes all the empty space and moves items up in Custom view (see gif below) Adds Stack split button to inventory that when pressed allows you...
Hosav's Pets Extended
Created by Hosav
Adds 41 more pets into the game from existing animals and bosses, some custom variants of already existing animals and bosses. And some totally custom pets with custom models, animations, textures etc... All pet icons feature small text saying HPE, standin...
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀***Required Mod Lvl ~ Unlock Armors/weapons at lvl 55-120*** ~ Weapons ~ * Sword x11 * Axe x4 * Spear x4 * Dagger x4 * Bow x7 * Crossbow x1 * Hammer x4 * Arrow x6 * Shield x2 ~ Tools ~ * Roy...
Beyond the Forge
Created by Cateyes CREDITS All credits can be found within the in-game UI of this mod through the Credits tab. The Beyond the Forge system (UI, Coding, functionalities, etc..) was entirely made by Henri Bloodworth to whom I want to give massiv...
Immersive Armor (Outdated)
Created by Cookiejar This version (4.0) of Immersive Armors is now outdated. Please click the icon below to visit the re-upload maintained by Cookie | Das Keks, which will continue to receive updates and improvements. While this version will rem...
Evils Cabinet [2.1.2]
Created by EvilGrin Good day traveler! Have you had enough of pinching armor that fits badly? Would you like to finally wear something other than armor patched together from grass and stinky leather? Are you tired of other barbarians' armo...
Hosav's Custom UI Mod - 2.4.3
Created by Hosav
The most customisable UI Mod in Conan Exiles History! Over 50 options to change and customise! Load after other UI mods for minimum issues Inspired by the looks of the Black Desert HUD, I really wanted to rework my UI mod into something special, clean, uni...
Grim's Wonderbody Reupload
Created by GrimSovereign
this is a reupload of the original Wonderbody, done and hosted by GrimSovereign WonderBody is a female body replacer for Conan Exiles. It features improved topology and weights, as well as anatomically correct details....
Improved Quality of Life 3.5.1
Created by Emberlight
Mod ID: 2275543723 Questions? Feedback? Join us on Discord! Welcome Welcome to the Steam Workshop home of the Improved Quality of Life mod, also known as IQOL. IQOL adds several enhancements and new features to Conan Exiles, i...
Devious Desires
Created by Tin
Devious Desires V5.1.3 If you enjoyed using the mod, please take a moment to consider hitting the thumbs up or favoriting. It's only takes a moment, but is greatly appreciated and motivating to know people are enjoying the e...
Mystical Travel Shelf (by Xevyr)
Created by Xevyr
A maproom.. but it's a shelf.. Features: It's a maproom but occupies significantly less space The original maproom works based on proximity to the pillars, obviously that doesn't work in such a confined place, so I had to de...
[FEATURE COMPLETE] Better Thralls v2.3.1
Created by Testerle
FEATURE COMPLETE All my mods are now "feature complete" until further notice. There will be no updates, no matter if a game update break the mod or not. As of today, I have completely stopped modding and it doesn't look like anything will change in the nea...
Emberlight 3.6.4
Created by Emberlight
Mod ID: 1369802940 For more detailed information on what's in Emberlight, check out our wiki page: Join us on Discord! Ask questions to your heart's content or just be goofy: If yo...
Glass Constructions and more...
Created by I-emerge
Update Ver. 2.2024.35 - 17.10.2024 Conan Exiles Mod Trailer - Glass Constructions and more... (Now with Machicolations!) Conan Exiles - Epic Castle with Machicolations! (Speed Build)
[FEATURE COMPLETE] Fashionist v4.5.7
Created by Testerle
FEATURE COMPLETE All my mods are now "feature complete" until further notice. There will be no updates, no matter if a game update break the mod or not. As of today, I have completely stopped modding and it doesn't look like anything will change in the nea...
Barbarian Barber [vers. 3.6.9]
Created by EvilGrin
Hello, traveller... Does your long and unkempt hair bother you in the fight against the stone noses? Does your tangled hair keep getting tangled in the arrows of your quiver? Then you are exactly right w...
Male New Faces
Created by mr.weaz
New faces for males based on several characters of games and films Features Updated Age of War Compatible with IQoL Compatible with Tot ! Custom NPC and Players IDs MaleHeadSelection ID: 202001 - 202020 Male Hair ID: 2020002 - 2020004 Mod ID: 2799362941 Ru...
Female New Faces
Created by mr.weaz
New faces for females based on several characters of games and films Features Updated Age of War Compatible with IQoL Compatible with Tot ! Custom Added Pale Skin Colors and Eye Colors (Light values, more than 1) Added eyeliners Added eyebrows NPC and Play...
Created by GrimSovereign
Hello! and welcome to GrimSovereign's mod production page! here you will find all mods that i makes for conan exiles in one pack.. this mod will be constantly updated with new outfits, armors, weapons, accessories, building items and more in the future to ...
WARRIOR Mutator for Conan Exiles
Created by Warrior J
MOD ID 1402835318 ID's in the 8586000 range A gameplay mutator for Conan Exiles. Contains new item additions such as weapons, armor and placeables. Now suppor...
GOAT - Guardians of Abyssal Times
Created by Jintao This is a continuation of the original mod made by Dmessenger Mod Features Custom Weapons with very special attacks and combos New Pets New Enemies with all new effects, mechanics & animations Join on the discord for more in...
Northern Timber 3.0.13
Created by shogakusha
Northern Timber is a 95 piece Tier 1 build set designed to be a better visual fit in the northern areas. It offers minor Cold Insulation. The set is designed to allow upgrade from Sandstone T1. Now includes a Snowy Thatch Roof option! Stockade Build Set is...
Ancient Civilization - 3.31.1105
Created by Asghaard
Add some buildings elements and decorations items to create new surroundings in a dwarf ancient civilization atmosphere. Can I use the construction Hammer to build? Yes, indeed. Is there feats and recipes ? Yes, but as an admin, if you want to decide which...
Created by Jintao Map Features Large standalone complete custom map Many different biomes and areas Huge dungeons Huge arenas Temples Underground Ruins & Caves Underworld World Smelter Resources Key thralls & dialogue NPC?s hard baked in Open...
Basements 3.4.0
Created by Bain ツ
Basements This mod will change hands again in the near future. This version will remain up until I am requested to take it down by whomever ends up as the new uploader in the future. Further information can be sought from the Discord linked below, and if w...
Kingdoms and Conquest (V: 3.2.1)
Created by TModano
MOD ID: 2657372951 Pak File: Kingdoms_and_Conquest.pak Version 4.0.13 Kingdoms and Conquest Guide: Harvest System This is a placeable that can be configured to spawn any default resource node ...
Underworld Arcana
Created by Jintao Mod Features New magic system, with various schools of magic New pets & follower limits New placeables & decorations including huge Sorcererers Tower New melee weapons including dragon blades made of pure fire and greatsword...
Shimas Compendium 1.1.45
Created by WildCypher
Base information Mod ID: 2861512275 Minimal download size: Shima's Compendium is roughly 320 mb in size (uncompressed) Load Order: If you are running Savage Wilds, make sure this mod is positioned after Savage Wilds in the Load Order to get the most out of...
[FEATURE COMPLETE] Stacksize Plus v1.8.7 (Compatible with all DLC and Mod items)
Created by Testerle
FEATURE COMPLETE All my mods are now "feature complete" until further notice. There will be no updates, no matter if a game update break the mod or not. As of today, I have completely stopped modding and it doesn't look like anything will change in the nea...
[FEATURE COMPLETE] Unlock Plus 1.8.7
Created by Testerle
FEATURE COMPLETE All my mods are now "feature complete" until further notice. There will be no updates, no matter if a game update break the mod or not. As of today, I have completely stopped modding and it doesn't look like anything will change in the nea...
Pythagoras: Expanded Building - v2.2.4
Created by Multigun Mod Downloading and Updating If you are having trouble updating the mod, we have documentation on our discord to help assist you with common troubleshooting steps. If you are using a Xbox Game Pass or Epic Games version of C...
The Age of Calamitous
Created by Espen Johansen
WELCOME TO THE AGE OF CALAMITOUS! The Age of Calamitous (AoC) for Conan Exiles is a Total Conversion mod that significantly alters and expands upon the base game. The Age of Calamitous adds a host of new gameplay features and custom server settings that ca...
ExilesExtreme - v1.5.75
Created by Sibercat
Compatible With All Maps To describe Exiles Extreme is difficult, because there is all sorts of items you can find inside the mod. "A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one." Is how you could describe this mod. E...
Endgame Extended Weapon Arsenal (EEWA) v0.29.19
Created by Hosav
Lore and RP friendly mod with tons of content and features! New weapons, armors, dungeons, systems and so much more! Launched in May 2019, Endgame Extended Weapon Arsenal was a mod that initially started as a weapon mod mean...
Beyond Stations
Created by Cateyes
Tired of having a billion benches cluttering your home? Tired of stations that are too massive? Tired of the lag caused by worker thralls in all your stations? This is a mod for you! In this mod, you will find a wide variety of stations that allows you to ...
Kerozards Paragon Leveling - Reloaded - v2.4.5
Created by Multigun Mod Updating Guidelines If you are having trouble updating the mod, we have documentation on our discord to help assist you with common troubleshooting steps. If you are using a Xbox Game Pass or Epic Games version of Conan ...
DungeonMasterTools Continued (abadoned)
Created by Solvita
-- This mod will no longer be maintained -- - Hotkeybar-Item-Removal-Bug-fixed DMT Reupload with some custom Changes to fit into 3.0 Funcom Changes and some suggested Stuff. Removed issues with AOC and Purge System which comes with Age of War Chapter 2. ht...
Less Building Placement Restrictions - v7.5.1
Created by Multigun Get 20% off using this code: betterbuildersbureau Please use ModControlPanel as required to access the LBPR settings. Mod Updating Guidelines If you are having trouble updating the mod, we hav...
CWR/Expanded Map - All Access
Created by Kyeri
This mod no longer receives updates....