Super Win the Game

Super Win the Game

204 ratings
100% Achievements Guide (with maps!)
By Morsk and 1 collaborators
Descriptions of achievements and full maps.
On Spoilers and Missable Achievements
This guide has spoilers, especially in the maps. It's not a long game, and it's going to be short if you know exactly how to visualize areas without having to explore them. The maps link to each other, and sometimes combine many small areas into one map. You will see spoilers very quickly if you open maps. As an example, the dream sequences are all one map, so going "Oh, this is just the first room in the game, I've seen it, it's fine to look at!" is a bad idea. Finish the game, and spend some time exploring looking for gems, before resorting to maps.

Only 1 of the 28 achievements is "missable", and it's easy and fast to get it on a replay if you miss it. So nothing important is missable. You can play through blind, then after finishing take all the time you need to get the completionist achievements.

If you absolutely hate missing achievements, and never want to replay ever, you can read the name of the missable achievement ___ Grab 'n' Go ___ and search the guide for it, and not read the rest until later.
About Keys and Gems
There are no consequences for spending gems at Jewelers. There are no consequences for borrowing keys from Lenders. It won't interfere with achievements.

In a typical game, you'll simply buy the Skeleton Key with your first 30 gems, and not buy or borrow other keys. But there are no consequences for doing it differently.
Complete Maps
The maps are linked internally. You can click on room edges and teleporter objects (doors etc.), and follow them through anywhere in the game.
Story Achievements
Special Achievements
  • Muscle Memory
    You remembered something from your childhood
    Enter the Konami Code[] on the title screen. Start on the main title screen, the one without the Continue, Start New Game, etc., options. Just the big title. If you don't have a controller, look in Options / Controls / Bindings / Menus to see which keyboard keys match the controller buttons in the code.

    Spoiler tag because it's more fun if you remember the code! But it's (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start) or (WWSSADAD, Escape, Enter, Enter).

  • Grab 'n' Go
    You took advantage of an opportunity
    Okay. This is the only missable achievement, and if you're "peeking" ahead here to avoid missing it, here's a hint first: It's in the tutorial / first dream. The one where you can walk right learning how to jump and ring bells, or walk left to skip it all. So it's that easy to get on a replay.

    Or here's exactly how to do it: Take the key, but don't open the door. Go all the way left and leave the tutorial, without using the key.

  • Oops
    Died once
    Just lead your character to death. As simple as that.

  • Security Flaw
    Collected the Skeleton Key
  • My Two Cents
    Collected the Underworld Ticket
    These items can be bought from a Jeweller.
    The Skeleton Key costs 30 gems and basically gives you infinite keys.
    The Underworld Ticket can be bought only after Skeleton Key. It costs 20 gems and allows you access to the Underworld[]
    You can see how many gems you currently have by viewing your inventory.

  • The Long Con
    You gave someone a second chance
    Confront the Wizard after winning the game. Unlock every gate in the Underworld[] to reach the Evil Wizard[] in his hiding spot. He's blocked and unreachable if you have Red Aura or Blue Aura.

    One way is to play through without ever obtaining Red Aura or Blue Aura. (This is the most fun way, and an excuse to do a replay.) Another is to let the Thief[] take your Red Aura and Blue Aura. The Thief won't appear until after you've been blocked at the Wizard, so visit Wizard first, then Thief, then Wizard again.

    You can't get the Auras back, and you can permanently lose access to two gems this way! None of the 124 found-in-world gems require Auras to reach. But two of the four gems given as rewards by NPCs are for the Auras. You must get those gems before giving the Auras to the thief. Visit Arcadian Tower[] and Desert Ruins[] to double-check.
Dream Sequences
128 Gems
  • Shiny
    Collected one gem
  • Gem Activated
    Collected 25% of gems
  • Clearly It's a Big Ol' Ruby
    Collected 50% of gems
  • Primarily Ruby and Python
    Collected 75% of gems
  • Some of My Secrets
    Collected 100% of gems
    The achievement is to find 128 gems ever, not to have 128 at once. (It's impossible to have 128 at once, because you need to buy the Underworld Ticket to find gems there.) The status screen shows your current number of gems. The map shows the total you've ever found.

    4 gems come from the NPCs who send you to get Red Aura, Blue Aura, Springheel Boots, and Spider Gloves. The next time you talk to them, they'll give you a gem. You don't need to "get the quest" beforehand; finding the item yourself, then talking to them also works. The other 124 are found in the world.

    None of the 128 gems require Red Aura or Blue Aura to reach. You will need to get the auras, to get the two gems given by NPC quests for them. But for the other 126, you don't have to worry about losing access to them if you give auras to the Thief.

    There is a gem[] in House of Baffle that seems to give people the most trouble. The map doesn't really help with finding it. The following are hints, increasingly more revealing towards the bottom.
    • You need to do something here[]
    • The key to the solution can be found in the game world
    • The solution is related to this sign[]
    • The key is a number, a Roman numeral
    • The key to the solution can be found here[] and here[]
    • Isn't it strange that the location wraps around vertically?
    • The key is 27
    • The sign changes when you fall
    • Match the key with the sign
    • Fall until the sign would say XXVII, then enter the door

  • Completionist
    Collected the Pendant of the Sleepless
    Simply visit a Fortune Teller after finding 128 gems.
Details: New Features! New Content! New Low Price!
Originally posted by J. Kyle Pittman:
You can find the Hall of Speedruns in the Town of Lakewood. (Head right on the overworld map from the start of the game. Once in town, look for a sign marked with a stopwatch icon.)
These speedruns are almost completely separate from the main game. You can go there at any time, and any powerups you have are disregarded.


    Pick up a cup of coffee, which are abundant in every speedrun course.

  • It Is Imperative That You Make Haste
    Finished one speedrun course
    Get to the end of any speedrun course. The exit is always a portal (but not all portals are exits).

  • Somebody Left With the Cup
    Finished all speedrun courses
    Complete all 5 speedrun courses. The times don't matter.

  • 2spooky4me
    Won a race against a player ghost
    Go to the speedrun leaderboard, select any course and any player's result (go for the slowest one to make this easy) and complete the course faster than that target time.
LustarTNJ 12 Apr, 2024 @ 3:19am 
my thanks
avengah6 3 Jan, 2024 @ 2:35pm 
Does anyone know how to map the top right corner of the Speedrun level "The King's Gallery"? I know it's possible because I've done it before, but I forgot how to do it. My idea was to ring the bell nearest the right side, avoid bells on the way to a coffee, enter die in the console and jump over there but I can't get high enough this way. Thanks!
Dominic 24 Nov, 2023 @ 6:42am 
Nevermind, I just missed Swamp Town.
Dominic 24 Nov, 2023 @ 6:36am 
I have 127/128 gems. I've visited every area I can find and have collected every gem in all of them. I also summed-up the totals as I was going and the count came to 127 at the end. Is there any zone with only 1 gem in it that doesn't appear on the overworld map?
BlaXpirit  [author] 17 Jan, 2023 @ 10:05am 
I fixed the website so the links are alive again
DemonDaze 15 Jan, 2023 @ 1:00pm 
All the map links are dead. Is anyone able to provide updated links?
Andrei 13 Nov, 2022 @ 8:59am 
I can confirm - the 10th dream sequence does not count for the achievement; I've just finished the game. ("This "10th" one probably doesn't count for the achievement:")
Oldman 14 Mar, 2021 @ 6:12pm 
well thanks:steamthumbsup:
Morsk  [author] 14 Mar, 2021 @ 6:02pm 
Oh, I'm pretty sure the pendant doesn't do anything. It's just a reward. I really haven't played this in years, but I think I'd remember if it did anything.
Oldman 14 Mar, 2021 @ 5:15pm 
Sorry, I didn't say it clearly. When i get this achievement, there is a item in the game ,What is the role of this item?